Hi, I am using the boost::asio::serial_port on windows without probplems. Now I have still one maschine running on windows and one on linux. Using a serial port connection via putty works to send and transmit data between the two maschines. Now I start a serial_port on the linux system and nothing works but also no errors are thrown. Basically I do a...
Hi, I am using the boost::asio::serial_port on windows without probplems. Now I have still one maschine running on windows and one on linux. Using a serial port connection via putty works to send and transmit data between the two maschines. Now I start a serial_port on the linux system and nothing works but also no errors are thrown. Basically I do a...
socket.open("/dev/ttyAMA1", ec); socket.set_option(serial_port_base::baudrate(9600), ec); socket.set_option(serial_port_base::character_size(8), ec); socket.set_option(serial_port_base::parity(serial_port_base::parity::none), ec); socket.set_option(serial_port_base::stop_bits(serial_port_base::stop_bits::one), ec); socket.set_option(serial_port_base::flow_control(serial_port_base::flow_control::none), ec);
The error code variable ec never indicates an error. If I use e.g. an not existing device, I get an error as expected.
For receiving/transmitting I use...
socket.async_read_some(mutable_buffer(...), std::bind(...)); async_write(socket, const_buffer(...), std::bind(...));
...functions. Am I missing something?