boostorg / boost

Super-project for modularized Boost
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Boost failed runtest with error C1128: number of sections exceeded object file format limit: compile with /bigobj #860

Open WillaCao opened 9 months ago

WillaCao commented 9 months ago


The issue only repro on X64-bit. Adding the /bigobj option works. Could you please help to take a look at this? Thank you.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open vs2022 x64 native Tools Command Prompt
  2. git clone F:\gitP\boostorg\boost
  3. cd F:\gitP\boostorg\boost
  4. git reset --hard ad09f66
  5. .\bootstrap
  6. .\b2 headers variant=release --build-dir=F:\gitP\boostorg\boost\out\amd64rel address-model=64
  7. .\b2 variant=release --build-dir=F:\gitP\boostorg\boost\out\amd64rel address-model=64
  9. set OPENSSL_ROOT=F:\tools\OpenSSL\64
  10. set path=F:\tools\OpenSSL\64\bin;%path%
  11. set path=C:\Python\Python27;%path%
  12. .\b2 -j16 variant=release --build-dir=F:\gitP\boostorg\boost\out\amd64rel libs\type_erasure\test address-model=64

Expected behavior

Run tests all pass

Actual behavior

error C1128: <func:#0, Mod:F:\gitP\boostorg\boost\libs\type_erasure\test\test_assign.cpp> number of sections exceeded object file format limit: compile with /bigobj test.log.103.log