odeint2 Is there a way to implement matlab's ode45 event mechanism such as the following code:
tspan=[0 t_max]; %Time span of simulation in sec
Opt = odeset('Events', @myEvent);
[t,x]=ode45(@EoM,tspan,x0,Opt); function [value, isterminal]; %Time span of simulation in sec
function [value, isterminal, direction] = myEvent(t, y)
%value = (y(11) < 0);
value = y(11); isterminal = 1; % myEvent(t, y)
isterminal = 1; % Stop the integration
direction = -1; end
odeint2 Is there a way to implement matlab's ode45 event mechanism such as the following code: tspan=[0 t_max]; %Time span of simulation in sec Opt = odeset('Events', @myEvent); [t,x]=ode45(@EoM,tspan,x0,Opt); function [value, isterminal]; %Time span of simulation in sec
function [value, isterminal, direction] = myEvent(t, y) %value = (y(11) < 0); value = y(11); isterminal = 1; % myEvent(t, y) isterminal = 1; % Stop the integration direction = -1; end end
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