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[Question] Is it possible to set the correct library type (STATIC/SHARED) when requesting a specific one? #37

Closed jpfeuffer closed 4 years ago

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago


I am very new to the Config mode of the FindBoost module but I found that the library type of the created imported targets is (in all my builds so far) set to UNKNOWN (I suppose here:

Would it be possible to set this to the actual type so that our library and its target_link_library calls have this information? From what I understood it is important for target_link_library to know if a dependency is STATIC or SHARED since its logic depends on it.

I think the old FindBoost.cmake way actually (at least for the specific request of Static libraries) sets this property correctly:

I understand that, especially for the FindBoost.cmake way, doing this correctly is not always easy (e.g. on Win where both types basically end with ".lib").

But I am curious to know if this would be possible with the config approach. Or maybe it is possible and I am doing something wrong?

pdimov commented 4 years ago

Why is it important for target_link_libraries to know the library type? What logic depends on it?

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

It's about the transitivity of dependencies. I will try to summarize it correctly: If you have a shared library as a PRIVATE dependency in a target_link_libraries call (e.g. not exposed in your public API) another downstream library does not need to link to it, while for a static library it does.

A nice explanation of the target_link_libraries logic:

A related discussion on the CMake issue tracker, where someone seems to have a similar problem:

pdimov commented 4 years ago

OK, and is this causing you a specific problem?

pdimov commented 4 years ago

To answer your question: yes, it's possible, although it would require some reorganization. The target is currently created before the library type is known, which is why I use UNKNOWN. Target creation needs to be deferred until the type is known.

I'm looking into this.

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

First of all, thanks a lot, I think it would ease the exposure of boost as a dependency for downstream code.

The current workaround for us is to intercept if the user set Boost_USE_STATIC while configuring our library and to implement similar logic as target_link_libraries in our own CMake scripts. If Boost_USE_STATIC is OFF we currently assume that a shared library was found (although this is not always true and we would actually need to implement a fallback check as suggested in the CMake issue; depending on the library suffix etc.)

So, it is not a huge blocker but would ease the process a lot.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

If you can test a patch to boost-install.jam, this is it:

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

Cool. I am on it. It works for static, building shared now. EDIT: Looks good in shared mode, too.

I am only testing on macOS and only build regex, math, system, thread, iostreams. But there it looks great for me.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

I tried to add a test for this issue with, but it passes:

Any idea what I need to do to make it fail? (This branch does not contain the fix.)

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

Can you try to change the function get_random_number() to have a boost type in its (public) interface (i.e. in its return value or its parameters)? You could pass the device for example. EDIT: You might need to add a header file to the library, so the main executable will have the boost random include as well. CMake should then figure out, that using this library with boost in its public interface, will need the includes and the link command to boost random. With PRIVATE and a shared boost random library it should not work then.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

If main.cpp uses a type from Boost.Random, it will have to link to Boost::random. Otherwise (in principle) Boost.Random's headers defining the type won't be in the include path.

(This is not true for Boost at the moment because all the headers are always available, but this just allows incorrect target descriptions to compile, it doesn't make them correct.)

pdimov commented 4 years ago

(In other words, it won't be correct for lib to link privately to Boost::random, if it uses a Boost.Random type in its public interface.)

jpfeuffer commented 4 years ago

Sorry, you are right. This is not the way to go for testing this. Let me think about a test a bit more.

bradking commented 4 years ago

@pdimov the use case in question is when an executable uses a shared library that itself has a private dependency on another shared library. The latter must be in a different directory that is not searched by the linker by default when searching for dependencies of encountered shared libraries. CMake will automatically generate the proper -rpath-link flag to help the linker find the dependency. In your test you need the intermediate lib to be SHARED.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

That's what my test does. lib is a shared library (when BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON) that has a private dependency on another shared library, Boost::random ( See

bradking commented 4 years ago

In the test it looks like LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to the location of That will let the linker find what it needs with no help from CMake.

We don't necessarily have to directly test the motivating use case for this. CMake already has its own tests. You could just use get_property to get the TYPE target property on the imported target and verify that it is SHARED (or STATIC) and not UNKNOWN.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set after cmake --build . and before cmake --build . --target check, which just runs ctest. The linker doesn't run under LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. But I've fired off a job with LD_LIBRARY_PATH not set at all to check this.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

Removing LD_LIBRARY_PATH had no effect on the test/random test.

It did cause a (run) failure in test/mpi, which is caused by privately using; but this failure is not fixed by using SHARED IMPORTED instead of UNKNOWN IMPORTED.

However, the Travis tests use CMake 3.12, and I think I remember rpath changes in a later CMake (3.16?) where using the correct type may help.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

I reran the test with CMake 3.16, and the results didn't change.


bradking commented 4 years ago

Please try to get the output of readelf -d on the library file in the test. It would also be nice to get make VERBOSE=1 output from the build steps.

Also please extend the test to directly verify the TYPE of Boost::random as SHARED (or STATIC). That should be done regardless of whether we can get the CI build to reproduce the motivating use case.

The UNKNOWN library type in CMake is meant only for use on an imported target created from a find_library result because we don't know what kind of file will be specified in the corresponding cache entry by the user. In any situation where the imported target comes with a file in the same distribution as the library, the imported target should know the exact type.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

Thanks Brad for the help. Here are the results (with UNKNOWN):

-- Boost::random: UNKNOWN_LIBRARY IMPORTED debug 'imploc_d-NOTFOUND' release '/home/travis/.local/lib/'

readelf on

 0x000000000000000f (RPATH)              Library rpath: [/home/travis/.local/lib]

readelf on main:

 0x000000000000000f (RPATH)              Library rpath: [/home/travis/build/pdimov/boost-root/tools/boost_install/test/random/__build__]

Link line:

/usr/bin/g++ -fPIC   -shared -Wl,-soname, -o CMakeFiles/lib.dir/lib.cpp.o  -Wl,-rpath,/home/travis/.local/lib /home/travis/.local/lib/ /home/travis/.local/lib/ 

Everything seems correct here.

bradking commented 4 years ago

@pdimov the RPATH on main includes the path to the boost library so that becomes sufficient for the linker to follow transitive dependencies through That's why the test passes with UNKNOWN. The use case where this came up is when has a fully private dependency in a path that main knows nothing about.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

I don't see RPATH on main containing the path to the boost library. It only has the path to

bradking commented 4 years ago

Oops, I mixed up which path contains what. That liblib's rpath contains the path to its dependency is enough for the linker to find it. Actually I'm not sure how the rpath is getting there when the dependency is UNKNOWN. What does the complete imported target look like?

pdimov commented 4 years ago
add_library(Boost::random UNKNOWN IMPORTED)

set_target_properties(Boost::random PROPERTIES

set_target_properties(Boost::random PROPERTIES

set_target_properties(Boost::random PROPERTIES

set_property(TARGET Boost::random APPEND
bradking commented 4 years ago

Okay, I finally got to the bottom of this. CMake does have code here to support adding RPATH entries for shared libraries linked via UNKNOWN imported targets. It works by inspecting the actual file path that is imported. That's why your test case passes.

The full use case in CMake Issue 20483 is actually when the imported target is a shared library that itself privately depends on other shared libraries. The IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES target property on an imported SHARED library will communicate that dependency, but it is not used for UNKNOWN libraries. For example:

add_library(A SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(A PROPERTIES

add_library(B SHARED IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(B PROPERTIES

Now if something links to then the linker needs to be able to locate CMake adds the proper -Wl,-rpath-link,... flag for that. However, if imported target B is UNKNOWN instead then CMake doesn't know it should check for IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES.

Boost should be updated both to set the proper type on the imported library targets and to set IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES for any private dependencies (referring to their imported targets).