boostorg / build

B2 makes it easy to build C++ projects, everywhere.
Boost Software License 1.0
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MSYS2/Mingw-w64: --no-cmake-config causes fiber and stacktrace to be ignored by the build system, no reason shown #749

Closed oscarfv closed 2 years ago

oscarfv commented 2 years ago

With 1.78 the same build process that previously worked correctly now doesn't build boost_fiber nor boost_stacktrace. The build does not fail, they are simply ignored.

We are using gcc 11.2.

This are the arguments passed to b2 (this sample only builds boost_fiber):

address-model=64 \
    --with-fiber \
    link=shared,static \
    pch=off \
    runtime-link=shared \
    threading=multi \
    threadapi=win32 \
    toolset=gcc \
    variant=release \
    python=${_pyver} \
    --debug-configuration \
    --prefix=${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX} \
    --layout=tagged \
    --no-cmake-config \
    -sHAVE_ICU=1 \
    -sICU_LINK=\"-L${MINGW_PREFIX}/lib -licuuc -licuin -licudt\" \
    -sICU_ICUUC_NAME=icuuc \
    -sICU_ICUDT_NAME=icudt \
    -sICU_ICUIN_NAME=icuin \
    -sICONV_LINK=\"-L${MINGW_PREFIX}/lib -liconv\" \
    -sNO_BZIP2 \
    -sBZIP2_BINARY=bz2 \
    -sBZIP2_INCLUDE=${MINGW_PREFIX}/include \
    -sNO_ZLIB \
    -sZLIB_BINARY=z \
    -sZLIB_INCLUDE=${MINGW_PREFIX}/include \
    -d2 \

And this is the build output. As you can see, b2 reports that the build is complete, but boost_fiber was not built:

notice: Searching '.' for project-config configuration file 'project-config.jam'.
notice: Loading project-config configuration file 'project-config.jam' from '.'.
notice: will use 'g++' for gcc, condition <toolset>gcc-11
notice: using gcc libraries :: <toolset>gcc-11 :: C:\apps\msys64\mingw64/bin C:\apps\msys64\mingw64/lib C:\apps\msys64\mingw64/lib32 C:\apps\msys64\mingw64/lib64
notice: using gcc archiver :: <toolset>gcc-11 :: C:/apps/msys64/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ar.exe
notice: using rc compiler :: <toolset>gcc-11 :: C:\apps\msys64\mingw64\bin\windres.exe
notice: [zlib] Using pre-installed library
notice: [zlib] Condition
notice: [bzip2] Using pre-installed library
notice: [bzip2] Condition
notice: [lzma] Using pre-installed library
notice: [lzma] Condition
notice: [zstd] Using pre-installed library
notice: [zstd] Condition
Performing configuration checks

    - default address-model    : 64-bit [1]
    - default architecture     : x86 [1]

Building the Boost C++ Libraries.

    - has std::atomic_ref      : no [2]
    - has statx                : no [2]
    - has statx syscall        : no [2]
    - has BCrypt API           : yes [2]
    - has init_priority attribute : yes [2]
    - has stat::st_blksize     : no [2]
    - has stat::st_mtim        : no [2]
    - has stat::st_mtimensec   : no [2]
    - has stat::st_mtimespec   : no [2]
    - has stat::st_birthtim    : no [2]
    - has stat::st_birthtimensec : no [2]
    - has stat::st_birthtimespec : no [2]
    - compiler supports SSE2   : yes [2]
    - compiler supports SSE4.1 : yes [2]
    - has synchronization.lib  : yes [2]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : yes [2]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : yes [2]
    - cxx11_defaulted_functions : yes [2]
    - cxx11_final              : yes [2]
    - cxx11_hdr_mutex          : yes [2]
    - cxx11_hdr_tuple          : yes [2]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : yes [2]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : yes [2]
    - cxx11_nullptr            : yes [2]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : yes [2]
    - cxx11_template_aliases   : yes [2]
    - cxx11_thread_local       : yes [2]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : yes [2]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : yes [3]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : yes [3]
    - cxx11_defaulted_functions : yes [3]
    - cxx11_final              : yes [3]
    - cxx11_hdr_mutex          : yes [3]
    - cxx11_hdr_tuple          : yes [3]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : yes [3]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : yes [3]
    - cxx11_nullptr            : yes [3]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : yes [3]
    - cxx11_template_aliases   : yes [3]
    - cxx11_thread_local       : yes [3]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : yes [3]
    - has std::atomic_ref      : no [4]
    - has statx                : no [4]
    - has statx syscall        : no [4]
    - has BCrypt API           : yes [4]
    - has init_priority attribute : yes [4]
    - has stat::st_blksize     : no [4]
    - has stat::st_mtim        : no [4]
    - has stat::st_mtimensec   : no [4]
    - has stat::st_mtimespec   : no [4]
    - has stat::st_birthtim    : no [4]
    - has stat::st_birthtimensec : no [4]
    - has stat::st_birthtimespec : no [4]
    - compiler supports SSE2   : yes [4]
    - compiler supports SSE4.1 : yes [4]
    - has synchronization.lib  : yes [4]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : yes [4]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : yes [4]
    - cxx11_defaulted_functions : yes [4]
    - cxx11_final              : yes [4]
    - cxx11_hdr_mutex          : yes [4]
    - cxx11_hdr_tuple          : yes [4]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : yes [4]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : yes [4]
    - cxx11_nullptr            : yes [4]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : yes [4]
    - cxx11_template_aliases   : yes [4]
    - cxx11_thread_local       : yes [4]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : yes [4]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : yes [5]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : yes [5]
    - cxx11_defaulted_functions : yes [5]
    - cxx11_final              : yes [5]
    - cxx11_hdr_mutex          : yes [5]
    - cxx11_hdr_tuple          : yes [5]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : yes [5]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : yes [5]
    - cxx11_nullptr            : yes [5]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : yes [5]
    - cxx11_template_aliases   : yes [5]
    - cxx11_thread_local       : yes [5]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : yes [5]

[1] gcc-11
[2] gcc-11/release/pch-off/python-3.9/threadapi-win32/threading-multi/visibility-hidden
[3] gcc-11/release/build-no/pch-off/python-3.9/threadapi-win32/threading-multi/visibility-hidden
[4] gcc-11/release/link-static/pch-off/python-3.9/threadapi-win32/threading-multi/visibility-hidden
[5] gcc-11/release/build-no/link-static/pch-off/python-3.9/threadapi-win32/threading-multi/visibility-hidden

Component configuration:

    - atomic                   : not building
    - chrono                   : not building
    - container                : not building
    - context                  : not building
    - contract                 : not building
    - coroutine                : not building
    - date_time                : not building
    - exception                : not building
    - fiber                    : building
    - filesystem               : not building
    - graph                    : not building
    - graph_parallel           : not building
    - headers                  : not building
    - iostreams                : not building
    - json                     : not building
    - locale                   : not building
    - log                      : not building
    - math                     : not building
    - mpi                      : not building
    - nowide                   : not building
    - program_options          : not building
    - python                   : not building
    - random                   : not building
    - regex                    : not building
    - serialization            : not building
    - stacktrace               : not building
    - system                   : not building
    - test                     : not building
    - thread                   : not building
    - timer                    : not building
    - type_erasure             : not building
    - wave                     : not building

...found 2 targets...

The Boost C++ Libraries were successfully built!

The following directory should be added to compiler include paths:


The following directory should be added to linker library paths:

oscarfv commented 2 years ago

It turns out that removing --no-cmake-config from the command line fixes the build.

oscarfv commented 2 years ago

Removing --no-cmake-config does not totally resolve the problem: for fiber and stacktrace the libraries are built, but not copied to /stage. Tested with:

b2 address-model=64 link=shared,static pch=off runtime-link=shared threading=multi threadapi=win32 toolset=gcc variant=release --layout=tagged -d2 stage

They are not installed either after b2 ... install.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your contributions. Main development of B2 has moved to Please consider following up at