boostorg / charconv

C++11 compatible charconv
Boost Software License 1.0
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buffer overflows in to_chars #152

Closed gpeterhoff closed 9 months ago

gpeterhoff commented 9 months ago

Hello Matt, here is a somewhat clearer test case. test.cpp.txt

FP128 No buffer overflow, but the values in to_chars_result do not match the default.

all others buffer overflows + wrong to_chars_result

thx Gero

gpeterhoff commented 9 months ago

Hello Matt, as I already wrote in my mail, it makes sense to differentiate the finite/nonfinite cases. This has the advantage that in the actual implementations for finite the nonfinite cases no longer have to be considered. These implementations should be designed in such a way that to_chars_result is passed as a reference. This means that the values only need to be set in the event of success.

By using boost::string_view and std::copy, various pointers no longer have to be calculated manually and values copied manually via std::memcpy, which is highly error-prone. In addition, std::copy has been constexpr since C++20, which is not the case with std::memcpy.

Overall, this makes the code much clearer and more error-resistant.

namespace boost
namespace charconv
namespace detail

static constexpr boost::string_view
    qnan_pos{"nan"},        //  "+nan(qnan)" "+qnan"
    qnan_neg{"-nan(ind)"},  //  "-nan(qnan)" "-qnan"
    snan_pos{"nan(snan)"},  //  "+nan(snan)" "+snan"
    snan_neg{"-nan(snan)"}; //  "-nan(snan)" "-snan"

inline constexpr bool   is_valid_range(const char*const first, const char*const last)   noexcept
    return (first!=nullptr && last!=nullptr) ? first < last : false;

inline /*BOOST_CXX20_CONSTEXPR*/ void to_chars_nonfinite_copystring(to_chars_result& result, char*const first, const size_t size, const boost::string_view& value) noexcept
    if (BOOST_LIKELY(value.size() <= size))
        std::copy(,, first);
        result = {first + value.size(), std::errc{}};

template <typename Type>
inline /*BOOST_CXX23_CONSTEXPR*/ typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Type>::value, void>::type
to_chars_nonfinite(to_chars_result& result, char*const first, const size_t size, const Type value) noexcept
    const bool
        is_negativ = std::signbit(value);

    if (std::isinf(value))
        to_chars_nonfinite_copystring(result, first, size, is_negativ ? inf_neg : inf_pos);
    //  replace __builtin_issignaling in the real implementation
    else if (__builtin_issignaling(value))
        to_chars_nonfinite_copystring(result, first, size, is_negativ ? snan_neg : snan_pos);
    else if (std::isnan(value))
        to_chars_nonfinite_copystring(result, first, size, is_negativ ? qnan_neg : qnan_pos);

template <typename Type>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Type>::value, to_chars_result>::type
to_chars_float_impl_new(char*const first, char*const last, const Type value, const chars_format format = chars_format::general, const int precision = -1) noexcept
        result{last, std::errc::value_too_large};

    if (BOOST_LIKELY(is_valid_range(first, last)))
        //  size now is guaranteed positive
        const size_t
            size = size_t(last - first);

        if (BOOST_LIKELY(std::isfinite(value)))
            //  never contains nan/inf

            //  so that it works at all
            result = boost::charconv::to_chars(first, last, value, format, precision);

            //  would be correct
            //  to_chars_finite(result, first, size, value, format, precision);
            to_chars_nonfinite(result, first, size, value);
    return result;

}   //  detail
}   //  charconv
}   //  boost

Adjustments in the namespace test

inline void show_result(const boost::string_view& info, const buffer_type& buffer, const std::to_chars_result& result, const std::chars_format format)
    const std::string
        message = std::make_error_code(;
    const ptrdiff_t
        size = ptrdiff_t(result.ptr -;

    std::cout << "\t(" << info << ", " << to_string(format) << ")\t";
    if (size >= 0)
        if (size_t(size) <= buffer.size())
            if ( == std::errc{})   std::cout << boost::string_view{, size_t(size)};
            else                            std::cout << "{}";
            std::cout << "\t(" << size << ", " << message << ")\n";
            //  buffer overflow
            std::cout << "BOF!\t(" << size << ", " << message << ")\n";
        //  invalid result.ptr
        //  currently no known case
        std::cout << "PTR!\t(" << size << ", " << message << ")\n";

template <typename Type>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Type>::value, void>::type
show_format(buffer_type& buffer, const Type value, const std::chars_format format)

    result = std::to_chars(,, value, format);
    show_result("std  ", buffer, result, format);

    result = to_result(boost::charconv::detail::to_chars_float_impl_new(,, value, to_format(format)));
    show_result("boost", buffer, result, format);
    std::cout << '\n';

regards Gero