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Coroutines for C++20 & asio
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Moving from a thread to cobalt: am I doing this right ? #164

Closed jcelerier closed 4 months ago

jcelerier commented 6 months ago


I have an external API from which I receive messages from external threads - can be user-created threads with std::thread, or even things coming from specific internal OS event loops.

I started prototyping with cobalt: this is what I got so far:

#include "utils.hpp"

#include <libremidi/libremidi.hpp>

#include <boost/asio/detached.hpp>
#include <boost/cobalt.hpp>

namespace asio = boost::asio;
namespace cobalt = boost::cobalt;

// Could go in a libremidi/cobalt.hpp helper
namespace libremidi
struct channel
  cobalt::channel<libremidi::message>& impl;

  // This can be called from any random thread
  void operator()(const libremidi::message& message)
    // Copy of the message through a cobalt::spawn invokation ?
        // writing to the channel's executor

        // the task
        [&impl = impl, message]() -> cobalt::task<void> { 
           // another copy in the channel ?
           co_await impl.write(message); 

        // saw this in the doc, is this the best ?

cobalt::main co_main(int argc, char** argv)
  cobalt::channel<libremidi::message> channel_impl{64};
  libremidi::channel channel{channel_impl};
  libremidi::midi_in midiin{{.on_message = channel}};

  // read our messages from the main thread's async loop
  for (;;)
    auto msg = co_await;
    std::cerr << msg << "\n";
  co_return 0;

My questions are :

1/ Is this the most efficient to do what I want ? basically getting a piece of data from $ANY_THREAD to the cobalt loop. 2/ Is the way I'm doing it safe ? Or do i need some amount of synchronization 3/ How can I reduce the amount of copies ? Is it safe to take a reference to the message instead of a copy in the cobalt::spawn invokation 4/ What kind of synchronization is used currently ? I'd like to ensure that at no point, an OS-level mutex is ever used, e.g. we want to make sure we aren't going to get context switches if we can avoid them.

klemens-morgenstern commented 6 months ago

That's not correct, because cobalt is not thread safe by design. You'll need to asio::post to the cobalt executor / event loop.

You might want to consider using an asio::experimental::concurrent_channel instead or use cobalt::spawn to post onto the cobalt loop.

jcelerier commented 6 months ago

interesting, I first tried with asio::post(channel.get_executor(), ...) but the channel never received the message. Need to investigate more. I will also check with concurrent_channel, thanks for the hint.

Would that be more efficient than the current thread-safe queue I'm using ? this one allows a few hundred million messages per second (

Lyulf commented 6 months ago

Which part of the above code is is not thread-safe? According to my understanding co_await is done on a single thread and libremidi::channel uses cobalt::spawn to write messages on the same executor so I don't think there should be a problem. The only problem I see is a non-empty capture list in a coroutine lambda but that is unrelated to cobalt not being thread safe.

jcelerier commented 6 months ago

right, something like this should be safer:

namespace libremidi
struct channel
  cobalt::channel<libremidi::message>& impl;
  void operator()(const libremidi::message& message)
    cobalt::spawn(impl.get_executor(), task(message), asio::detached);

  cobalt::task<void> task(libremidi::message message) 
    co_await impl.write(std::move(message)); 

it was my understanding too that cobalt::spawn was the primitive that allowed cross-thread synchronization, from this comment in the docs:

Nothing in this library, except for awaiting a cobalt/thread.hpp and cobalt/spawn.hpp, is thread-safe. If you need to transfer data across threads, you’ll need a thread-safe utility like asio::concurrent_channel. You cannot share any cobalt primitives between threads, with the sole exception of being able to spawn a task onto another thread’s executor.

klemens-morgenstern commented 5 months ago

It does, but channel still requires everything to happen on one thread. And since I don't know what the executor of impl is, I can't really say that this is save, because your original code read from the channel on the main executor. I.e. the channel can't be used to cross threads, all it's operation need to be on the same thread.

jcelerier commented 5 months ago

Yes, for the channel I understand, but the write to the channel is wrapped into a cobalt::spawn on the channel's executor (the main one). Is that safe ?

klemens-morgenstern commented 4 months ago

Should be safe, yes.

jcelerier commented 4 months ago

great, thanks !