Built on Windows 10 64-bit using MSVC 17.9.0 (cl 19.39.33519 for x64) with following command:
cl /Femain.exe main.cpp /std:c++20 /MDd /EHsc -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 /external:W0 /external:IC:\Users\chodorowskip\repo\deps\vc143\boost-1.84.0\include\boost-1_84 /link /DEBUG /LIBPATH:C:\Users\chodorowskip\repo\deps\vc143\boost-1.84.0\lib libboost_cobalt-vc143-mt-gd-x64-1_84.lib
Call aborts and gives following error message in console:
D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\github\stl\src\mutex.cpp(49): mutex destroyed while busy
This error doesn't seem to happen when thread is suspended at least once. For example using the following code:
Following code:
Built on Windows 10 64-bit using MSVC 17.9.0 (cl 19.39.33519 for x64) with following command:
cl /Femain.exe main.cpp /std:c++20 /MDd /EHsc -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 /external:W0 /external:IC:\Users\chodorowskip\repo\deps\vc143\boost-1.84.0\include\boost-1_84 /link /DEBUG /LIBPATH:C:\Users\chodorowskip\repo\deps\vc143\boost-1.84.0\lib libboost_cobalt-vc143-mt-gd-x64-1_84.lib
Call aborts and gives following error message in console:
D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\github\stl\src\mutex.cpp(49): mutex destroyed while busy
This error doesn't seem to happen when thread is suspended at least once. For example using the following code: