boostorg / container

STL-like containers from Boost
Boost Software License 1.0
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Cannot advance an iterator to an empty deque by zero, or take an empty slice. #143

Closed cs96and closed 4 years ago

cs96and commented 4 years ago

With Boost 1.72.0, the following code causes an assert under debug, or a divide by zero for release builds...

boost::container::deque<int> myDeque;
auto iter = myDeque.begin();
std::advance(iter, 0);

This happens when trying to take a zero sized slice of an empty deque...

boost::container::deque<int> myDeque;
nItems = 0;
for(const auto &item : myDeque | boost::adaptors::sliced(0, nItems))
    // do something

This looks similar to #83 which was a similar issue but for vectors instead of deques.

igaztanaga commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report. This was fixed in and will be released for Boost 1.74.