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STL-like containers from Boost
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boost::container::vector may incorrectly assume that the item type is trivially copyable #153

Closed ImplOfAnImpl closed 3 years ago

ImplOfAnImpl commented 3 years ago

This should probably go to boost.move, but since the issue affects boost::container::vector badly, I'm reporting it here.

So I've had this naive wrapper for std::thread:

class ThreadWrapper : public std::thread
    template <typename... Args>
    ThreadWrapper(Args&&... args)
        : std::thread(std::forward<Args>(args)...)

    ThreadWrapper(const ThreadWrapper&) = delete;
    ThreadWrapper& operator=(const ThreadWrapper&) = delete;

    ThreadWrapper(ThreadWrapper&&) = default;
    ThreadWrapper& operator=(ThreadWrapper&&) = default;

        if (joinable())

I've had a vector of them and it all worked fine until I replaced std::vector with boost::container::vector. In short, the following code freezes when built with GCC (I've tried GCC 5.x, 6.x and 10):

std::atomic_bool done{false};
const auto lambda = [done = std::ref(done)]()
    while (!done.get()) {}

boost::container::vector<ThreadWrapper> v;
done = true;

What happens here is that boost.container checks whether the type is trivially copyable and, if so, performs a memcpy instead of the proper call to a ctor or assignment operator. The check is done via type trait classes from boost.move, which rely on certain compiler intrinsics, e.g.has_trivial_copy. Those intrinsics don't always work as expected, e.g. has_trivial_copy returns true for non-copyable types, so boost.move first checks that the type is copyable. But ThreadWrapper's ctor is too generic and it can be selected as a copy ctor with a non const argument. As a result, boost::move_detail::is_trivially_copy_constructible<ThreadWrapper>::value becomes true and vector starts memcpy'ing it. In case of libstdc++ this results in join() being called too early.

I've also come up with a more synthetic test, which doesn't depend on the flavor of the standard library being used:

#include <boost/container/vector.hpp>

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct Base
    Base(std::reference_wrapper<int> totalCounter, std::reference_wrapper<int> nonAssignableCounter):

    Base(Base&& other)
        totalCounter = other.totalCounter;
        nonAssignableCounter = other.nonAssignableCounter;


    Base& operator=(Base&& other)
        totalCounter = other.totalCounter;
        return *this;


    int* totalCounter = nullptr;
    int* nonAssignableCounter = nullptr;

struct SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst: Base
    SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst(const SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst&) = delete;

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst(TT&&... tt): Base(std::move(tt)...)

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst& operator=(TT&&... tt)
        return *this;

struct SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst: Base
    SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst(SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst&) = delete;

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst(TT&&... tt): Base(std::move(tt)...)

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst& operator=(TT&&... tt)
        return *this;

struct SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst: Base
    SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst& operator=(const SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst&) = delete;

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst(TT&&... tt): Base(std::move(tt)...)

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst& operator=(TT&&... tt)
        return *this;

struct SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst: Base
    SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst& operator=(SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst&) = delete;

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst(TT&&... tt): Base(std::move(tt)...)

    template <typename... TT>
    SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst& operator=(TT&&... tt)
        return *this;

template <typename SemiCopyableType>
void test()
    constexpr int Count = 10;

    int totalCounter = 0;
    int nonAssignableCounters[Count] = {};

        boost::container::vector<SemiCopyableType> vv;

        for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
            vv.push_back(SemiCopyableType(std::ref(totalCounter), std::ref(nonAssignableCounters[i])));

        for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)

    std::cout << "totalCounter = " << totalCounter << "; ";
    std::cout << "nonAssignableCounters = {";

    for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
        std::cout << nonAssignableCounters[i];

        if (i != Count - 1)
            std::cout << ", ";

    std::cout << "}" << std::endl;

int main()
    std::cout << "SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst:";
    std::cout << "SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst: ";
    std::cout << "SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst:";
    std::cout << "SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst: ";

Here all counters should be zero but they are not:

$ clang++-9.0 foo.cpp -o test -isystem ~/Downloads/boost_1_73_0_orig/ -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ && ./test
SemiCopyableTypeCtorConst:totalCounter = -25; nonAssignableCounters = {-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, 0}
SemiCopyableTypeCtorNonConst: totalCounter = 0; nonAssignableCounters = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentConst:totalCounter = -25; nonAssignableCounters = {-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, 0}
SemiCopyableTypeAssignmentNonConst: totalCounter = -25; nonAssignableCounters = {-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, 0}

P.S. I've solved the problem locally by patching boost/move/detail/type_traits.hpp as follows:

--- boost/move/detail/type_traits.hpp
+++ boost/move/detail/type_traits.hpp
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 #  pragma once

+#include <boost/type_traits/is_assignable.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_constructible.hpp>
 #include <boost/move/detail/config_begin.hpp>
 #include <boost/move/detail/workaround.hpp>

@@ -236,7 +239,8 @@

    #define BOOST_MOVE_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_CONSTRUCTIBLE(T)   ::boost::move_detail::is_pod<T>::value ||\
-                                                          (::boost::move_detail::is_copy_constructible<T>::value &&\
+                                                          (::boost::is_constructible<T, T&>::value &&\
+                                                           ::boost::is_constructible<T, const T&>::value &&\
    #define BOOST_MOVE_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_CONSTRUCTIBLE(T)   ::boost::move_detail::is_pod<T>::value
@@ -256,7 +260,8 @@

    #define BOOST_MOVE_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_ASSIGNABLE(T) ::boost::move_detail::is_pod<T>::value ||\
-                                                      ( ::boost::move_detail::is_copy_assignable<T>::value &&\
+                                                      ( ::boost::is_assignable<T, T&>::value &&\
+                                                        ::boost::is_assignable<T, const T&>::value &&\
    #define BOOST_MOVE_IS_TRIVIALLY_COPY_ASSIGNABLE(T) ::boost::move_detail::is_pod<T>::value
igaztanaga commented 3 years ago

I've checked that using boost::has_trivial_copy instead of Boost.Move's version does not fix the issue, because TypeTraits uses the same intrinsics as Boost.Move. The alternative is to use the new intrinsics like "__is_trvially_copy_constructible", at least for Clang and GCC. The following commit adapts Boost.Move to use the new intrinsics: