boostorg / container

STL-like containers from Boost
Boost Software License 1.0
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Usage of uses_allocator needs a remove_cvref_t #160

Closed vinniefalco closed 3 years ago

vinniefalco commented 3 years ago

This specialization of boost::container::uses_allocator:

template<class T>
struct uses_allocator<
        : std::true_type

fails, because Boost.Container does not use remove_cvref on the allocator. This causes uses_allocator to receive json::polymorphic_allocator<T>&

However if I use this workaround:

template<class T>
struct uses_allocator<
    json::polymorphic_allocator<T>& > // <---- note the reference
        : std::true_type

it works correctly. The problem is here (and is likely in other places). I believe remove_cvref_t<ArgAlloc> is needed:

igaztanaga commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report!