boostorg / container

STL-like containers from Boost
Boost Software License 1.0
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polymorphic_allocator(memory_resource*) non-standard extension causes headache #161

Closed vinniefalco closed 3 years ago

vinniefalco commented 3 years ago

This non-standard extension:

Requires Boost.JSON users to link to Boost.Container even if they are not using the default resource (which they likely will never be). It also allows programs to rely on non-standard behavior, making them more difficult to port to C++17. I believe this non-standard extension should be removed. Construction of polymorphic_allocator with a null memory resource should throw something like logic_error or invalid_parameter.

igaztanaga commented 3 years ago

Throwing an exception would be non-conforming, so the best option here is to remove the non-standard extension and add a simple assert in case a null pointer is passed.

igaztanaga commented 3 years ago

Extension removed, thanks for the report.

vinniefalco commented 3 years ago

Glad to help. Note that the upcoming Boost.JSON scheduled for formal review September 14-24 relies heavily on Boost.Container's memory_resource and polymorphic_allocator as building blocks for the discriminated union containers.

What happens if users are depending on this extension? I thought throwing an exception (and causing their app to terminate) was preferable to getting possibly undefined behavior.

igaztanaga commented 3 years ago

The function was not correctly specified as it says (

Requires: r is non-null.

and the note:

Non-standard extension: if r is null m_resource is set to get_default_resource().

I think the removal will not cause much pain, as it was not clear if null was or not valid.

vinniefalco commented 3 years ago

Oh! Great! I didn't actually notice "Requires: r is non-null." when I looked at it :)