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Deque should support node `extract` and `insert` a la `std::map` (since C++17) #249

Closed justinasvd closed 2 weeks ago

justinasvd commented 1 year ago

Let me preface this with the clarification that this is not an issue of the container code. This is more of a feature request.

Consider a motivating story:

I have one big deque<big_object, void, deque_options<block_size<256>>::type>. What I want to do with this deque, I want to partition its big_objects to, say, 2 partitions. The first partition, naturally, may be left in the original deque, and the second partition would be put in another deque.

What I would like to do, when I am adding big_objects to the second deque, is to steal the already moved from blocks from the first deque and insert them to the second deque, so that I can avoid the whole roundtrip through the memory allocator.

Without the extract and insert the above operation requires O(n) memory (O(n) to grow deque_2, so that I can later shrink deque_1 by n). With extract and insert this partitioning would require O(1), because at most I would need to allocate 1 fresh block to put the new objects to the partition, and if any more would be added, then these blocks could be stolen from the original deque.

I understand that std::deque did not get extract/insert combo like std::map, and I am not sure why. Probably lots of people want to steal tree nodes and less people want to steal deque nodes. But philosophically, both containers are "node" containers, and I don't see why this general approach to the node extraction is not applicable to deque.

igaztanaga commented 2 weeks ago


Thanks for the proprosal, but sadly I can't see it implementable.

First, you need to have an interface to a "block", which is the thing that could be moved. std::map has access to a "node" because each value is in an independent node, but a deque is a concatenation of small arrays.

And the block must be full because first and last blocks might be half-full and moving this in any position of a new deque would break container invariants.

Your proposal seems to be unimplementable with the current deque restrictions/design, sorry.

justinasvd commented 2 weeks ago

I somewhat disagree about your assessment that this is infeasible. This extraction is perfectly feasible if we extract a previous block than the one pointed by an iterator. This previous block will by definition be full. So the extraction would look somewhat like this

[[nodiscard]] deque_t::val_alloc_ptr extract_prev(deque_t& deq, deque_t::iterator& it) noexcept
    using difference_type = deque_t::difference_type;

    auto& members = deq.members_;
    assert(members.m_map != nullptr);

    [[maybe_unused]] const deque_t::size_type curr_size = deq.size();
    const difference_type begin_idx = deq.begin().get_node() - members.m_map;
    const difference_type end_idx = deq.end().get_node() - members.m_map;

    const difference_type index = it.get_node() - members.m_map;
    assert(index > begin_idx && index <= end_idx);

    // Extracting prev node, so index - 1
    auto node = members.m_map[index - 1];

    // Rotate the remaining nodes
    std::copy_backward(members.m_map + index, members.m_map + end_idx + 1, members.m_map + end_idx);
    *(members.m_map + end_idx) = nullptr;

    auto nstart = members.m_map + begin_idx;
    auto nfinish = members.m_map + end_idx - 1;

    members.m_start.priv_set_node(nstart, deq.get_block_size());
    members.m_start.m_cur = members.m_start.m_first;

    const difference_type last_block_fill = members.m_finish.m_cur - members.m_finish.m_first;
    members.m_finish.priv_set_node(nfinish, deq.get_block_size());
    members.m_finish.m_cur = members.m_finish.m_first + last_block_fill;

    it.m_node = members.m_map + index - 1;

    // After the extraction the size must change by exactly 1 block size
    assert(deq.size() + deq.get_block_size() == curr_size);

    return node;

The post-condition of this operation is that the size of the deque shrinks by the block size, without disturbing the elements in other blocks.

Now, the insert ought to be a complementing operation, perhaps the easiest way to insert an extracted block would be either to the end of the deque, or as a previous block to the one currently pointed by an iterator. Since the blocks that we extract are always full, we don't have the situation where we insert partially filled blocks.

igaztanaga commented 2 weeks ago

I don't still understand your point. Deque can have two no-full blocks: the first and the last block. deque is by definition double-ended, so it has a symmetrical problem, so elements in the first or last used blocks can't be extracted and inserted in another position in another map.

justinasvd commented 2 weeks ago

What I am thinking is not the insertion to the arbitrary position, but rather d.insert_front(node), d.insert_back(node). The arbitrary insertion, I absolutely agree, would be O(n) and would beat the intuition that extraction and insertion should be fast operations.

Now, I didn't think about the incomplete front block. I agree that the function above would not work in such a scenario. But I reckon that an incomplete block could also be extracted, then this would require to rebalance the target deque's front (or back) nodes.