boostorg / container

STL-like containers from Boost
Boost Software License 1.0
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As of boost 1.85, any key is found in any non-empty flat_multimap #281

Closed spth closed 1 month ago

spth commented 1 month ago

Consider this simple test program:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>

typedef boost::container::flat_multimap<int, short> operand_map_t;

operand_map_t o;

int main(void)
    o.insert(std::pair<int, short>(93, 48));
    if (o.find(97) != o.end())
        std::cout << "Boost is broken!\n";
    return 0;

When using boost 1.85, and compiling with GCC 13.2.0 at -O2, I get the "Boost is broken!" output. I do not see the bug when using boost 1.83. I do not know if this is a GCC or boost bug. I found the bug on Debian GNU/Linux on amd64, when looking into Since that bug was reported by an SDCC user, multiple people have already run into this problem.

iv-m commented 1 month ago

Consider this simple test program

First, this is obviously a strict aliasing problem, as adding -fno-strict-aliasing to the compiler command line makes the program function correctly. So, as is pointed in the sdcc bug, this may be related (or same issue) as

git bisect with this example as the test shows that 1a4a205ea6ef7b4e67a2faab7c7d745711807695 is the first broken commit. Indeed, reverting it on top of tag boost-1.85.0 (6e697d796897b32b471b4f0740dcaa03d8ee57cc) fixes this issue for me.

igaztanaga commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report. Hopefully this problem was fixed in commit (post 1.85):

I see that gentoo has applied a patch based on that commit resolving the issue.