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boost::span cannot be constructed with iterators #119

Open gcerretani opened 2 years ago

gcerretani commented 2 years ago

std::span constructors 2 and 3 of documentation support generic iterators, while boost::span accepts only pointers. A possible workaround is to apply the operators &* to the iterators.

#include <span>
#include <boost/core/span.hpp>

#include <vector>

void foo(const std::vector<int>& v) {
    const auto std_span = std::span<const int>(v.begin(), v.end()); // fine
    // const auto boost_span = boost::span<const int>(v.begin(), v.end()); // broken
    const auto boost_span = boost::span<const int>(&*v.begin(), &*v.end()); // fine with hack
Lastique commented 2 years ago

I don't think adding constructors from iterators is a good idea, unless we can require contiguous iterators. Which means these constructors would only be available in C++20 and onwards.

pdimov commented 2 years ago

It's possible to approximate this by checking for random access and then asserting that &*last == &*first + (last - first). Not perfect, but better than users applying &* themselves, which will work for non-random-access and which we can't check for validity even at runtime.

pdimov commented 2 years ago

&* -> boost::to_address

Lastique commented 2 years ago

Dereferencing end iterator would be UB.

Also, I don't like a runtime assert. The code should simply not compile, otherwise it's too bug-prone IMHO. At most, we could hardcode std::vector::iterator and std::string::iterator, but I would rather we didn't.

Let the user be explicit in his intentions - let him explicitly write &* or better yet use .data().

pdimov commented 2 years ago

Hence to_address.

As I said, having the user type the &* is much more error-prone, not to mention wrong in principle because &*end().

Lastique commented 2 years ago

Requiring the users to type it makes them aware what they are doing. While accepting iterators and doing it internally could hide a bug. For example, when the span is constructed from an unknown type of range, e.g. in a template function.

Note that the assert may still spuriously pass invalid iterators. E.g. from std::deque.

pdimov commented 2 years ago

Iterators from deque that pass the assert will actually form a valid span.

Requiring the users to type it makes them aware what they are doing.

Only in theory. In practice, all it does is eliminate the opportunity to check iterator category or assert. No awareness will be obtained.

Lastique commented 2 years ago

Iterators from deque that pass the assert will actually form a valid span.

This would be runtime-dependent. Meaning the code will pass or fail from one run to another, worst kind of bug. When it should just always fail to compile.

Only in theory. In practice, all it does is eliminate the opportunity to check iterator category or assert. No awareness will be obtained.

I'd like to believe the user is a sane person who knows what and why they are typing.

If we really want these constructors in pre-C++20, let's restrict them to being pointers only.

pdimov commented 2 years ago

This would be runtime-dependent. Meaning the code will pass or fail from one run to another. When it should just always fail to compile.

Yes, but we can't reliably reject it at compile time while allowing the correct cases without C++20. It's obviously a tradeoff that errs towards accepting the correct cases in lieu of rejecting the incorrect cases.

Lastique commented 2 years ago

If we really want these constructors in pre-C++20, let's restrict them to being pointers only.

Actually, let's add a new is_contiguous_iterator trait that will be usable outside boost::span. For pre-C++20 it would be true only for pointers.

Lastique commented 2 years ago

Yes, but we can't reliably reject it at compile time while allowing the correct cases without C++20. It's obviously a tradeoff that errs towards accepting the correct cases in lieu of rejecting the incorrect cases.

My point is that it is the user who must explicitly say "yes, I know what I'm doing", not the library assume he does. This is standard practice in C++.

glenfe commented 2 years ago

Yes, I did not add these constructors because pre-C++20 it would not be possible to detect contiguous iterators. If users want them in C++20 mode (where we have std::contiguous_iterator) I'm happy to have constructors along the lines of:

template<std::contiguous_iterator I>
requires detail::convertible<std::iter_reference_t<I>, T>::value
constexpr explicit(E != dynamic_extent)
span(I f, size_type n) noexcept
    : s_(std::to_address(f), n) { }

template<std::contiguous_iterator I, std::sized_sentinel_for<I> L>
requires detail::convertible<std::iter_reference_t<I>, T>::value &&
    (!std::is_convertible_v<L, size_type>)
constexpr explicit(E != dynamic_extent)
span(I f, L l) noexcept(noexcept(l - f))
    : s_(std::to_address(f), static_cast<size_type>(l - f)) { }
gcerretani commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your comments. The best, in my opinion, would be to allow those constructors also in pre-C++20 mode, leaving the user responsible for the code, but I trust your experiences when you say that this is not C++ standard practice. Eventually wrapping the iterators in boost::to_address could an accceptable way to say "I know what I'm doing" in pre-C++20 mode.

It would be great to add few lines about this on the documentation, too.

pdimov commented 1 year ago

Actually, let's add a new is_contiguous_iterator trait that will be usable outside boost::span. For pre-C++20 it would be true only for pointers.

On second thought, this (boost::core::is_contiguous_iterator) is a good idea. We can make this trait yield true for the common cases of std::string::(const_)iterator and std::vector<T>::(const_)iterator, which should take care of the majority of uses.

glenfe commented 1 year ago

That sounds fine. Also fine if the trait is not public (boost::detail::span_is_contiguous_iterator etc.)

pdimov commented 1 year ago

It should be public so that people can specialize it for their iterators (if they insist.)

Lastique commented 1 year ago

I'd rather we didn't specialize is_contiguous_iterator for std::string and std::vector iterators as it would necessitate including the respective standard library headers and that might be too expensive.

Note also, there are std::string_view, std::array, std::span, std::valarray and maybe some other components that I'm forgetting about that have contiguous iterators. Supporting all of those would definitely be too expensive, and supporting some begs the question "why those?"

pdimov commented 1 year ago

Not specializing for string and vector makes the whole thing completely useless. We either do it and specialize, or do nothing at all, nothing else makes any sense.

Lastique commented 1 year ago

Specializing for iterators is just not scalable. What about non-std iterators?

IMO, specializing only for non-void pointers is enough. People who want to construct spans from iterators in pre-C++20 can either use to_address or specialize the trait themselves - for those iterators they actually use.

pdimov commented 1 year ago

No, they can't. It's not possible to specialize the trait for std::vector<T>::iterator.

More precisely, it would be technically possible if our trait has an Enable = void second parameter, but they'll need to write their own "is_vector_iterator" trait, something that's our responsibility because it's both nontrivial and is O(1) effort for us and O(N) for them.

Lastique commented 1 year ago

They can specialize for their specific std::vector types. Or, if they really insist, they can specialize for __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<T*, Container>, if they know they only need to support libstdc++. Other standard libraries probably also have similar types that the user could hook into. That's not something that we can or should do in Boost though. Doing it in Boost would at best support std::vector<T>::iterator, but not e.g. std::vector<T, custom_allocator<T>>::iterator, and even that would be too expensive.