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Boost Core Utilities
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Warnings in include/boost/core/detail/string_view.hpp #170

Closed SoulfreezerXP closed 2 months ago

SoulfreezerXP commented 2 months ago

Clangd finds warnings regarding sign conversions in string_view.hpp (boost 1.84), which I can't turn off. Neither "clang diagnostic ignored" nor "-isystem" have any influence. Maybe it's a specific problem with clangd, but you should still eliminate the warnings in the boost code.

Check this link for more details:

It is about this code excerpt in include/boost/core/detail/string_view.hpp:

BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find( Ch c, size_type pos = 0 ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    if( pos >= size() ) return npos;

    Ch const* r = traits_type::find( data() + pos, size() - pos, c );

    return r? r - data(): npos; //HERE

BOOST_CXX14_CONSTEXPR size_type find( Ch const* s, size_type pos, size_type n ) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    if( n == 1 ) return find( s[0], pos );

    if( pos + n > size() ) return npos;
    if( n == 0 ) return pos;

    Ch const* p = data() + pos;
    Ch const* last = data() + size() - n + 1;

    for( ;; )
        p = traits_type::find( p, last - p, s[0] ); //HERE

        if( p == 0 ) break;

        if( traits_type::compare( p + 1, s + 1, n - 1 ) == 0 ) return p - data(); //HERE


    return npos;