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Boost Core Utilities
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A hash error was displayed when downloading using vcpkg #176

Open PangYanze opened 1 week ago

PangYanze commented 1 week ago

./vcpkg install boost-core:x64-windows Computing installation plan... The following packages will be built and installed: boost-core:x64-windows@1.85.0 Detecting compiler hash for triplet x64-windows... Compiler found: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exeRestored 0 package(s) from C:\Users\13006\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives in 215 us. Use --debug to see more details. Installing 1/1 boost-core:x64-windows@1.85.0... Building boost-core:x64-windows@1.85.0... -- Downloading -> boostorg-core-boost-1-3a7be75e.85.0.tar.gz... [DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env [DEBUG] Trying to load bundleconfig from F:\cppProject\vcpkg-2024.05.24\vcpkg-bundle.json [DEBUG] Failed to open: F:\cppProject\vcpkg-2024.05.24\vcpkg-bundle.json [DEBUG] Bundle config: readonly=false, usegitregistry=false, embeddedsha=nullopt, deployment=Git, vsversion=nullopt [DEBUG] Metrics enabled. [DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'compilertracking' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'registries' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'versions' unset [DEBUG] Feature flag 'dependencygraph' unset Downloading [DEBUG] Trying to hash F:\cppProject\vcpkg-2024.05.24\downloads\boostorg-core-boost-1-3a7be75e.85.0.tar.gz.16176.part [DEBUG] F:\cppProject\vcpkg-2024.05.24\downloads\boostorg-core-boost-1-3a7be75e.85.0.tar.gz.16176.part has hash a1e774c98b537dd42018742af68f5889af1afd4e6c9809399987124e56a3b9ae2f20e8173170bc6fc0ad76fb95e2da7b9d385a4037e9ee12011fc02bf8f7e009 error: Failed to download from mirror set error: File does not have the expected hash: url: File: F:\cppProject\vcpkg-2024.05.24\downloads\boostorg-core-boost-1-3a7be75e.85.0.tar.gz.16176.part Expected hash: 3a7be75e52f5c20830fccb9e7391a1e4556ebb072e6324df95b1ba38bed46e24f4c9f27a62a1099eddc90f2ac1ede083f0c850e2dc27fd42375d028516f675b3 Actual hash: a1e774c98b537dd42018742af68f5889af1afd4e6c9809399987124e56a3b9ae2f20e8173170bc6fc0ad76fb95e2da7b9d385a4037e9ee12011fc02bf8f7e009 [DEBUG] D:\a_work\1\s\src\vcpkg\base\downloads.cpp(997): [DEBUG] Time in subprocesses: 0us [DEBUG] Time in parsing JSON: 7us [DEBUG] Time in JSON reader: 0us [DEBUG] Time in filesystem: 1443us [DEBUG] Time in loading ports: 0us [DEBUG] Exiting after 4.3 s (4318403us)

CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:32 (message):

  Failed to download file with error: 1
  If you are using a proxy, please check your proxy setting. Possible causes are:

  1. You are actually using an HTTP proxy, but setting HTTPS_PROXY variable
     to `https://address:port`. This is not correct, because `https://` prefix
     claims the proxy is an HTTPS proxy, while your proxy (v2ray, shadowsocksr
     , etc..) is an HTTP proxy. Try setting `http://address:port` to both
     HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY instead.

  2. If you are using Windows, vcpkg will automatically use your Windows IE Proxy Settings
     set by your proxy software. See
     The value set by your proxy might be wrong, or have same `https://` prefix issue.

  3. Your proxy's remote server is out of service.

  If you've tried directly download the link, and believe this is not a temporary
  download server failure, please submit an issue at
  to report this upstream download server failure.

Call Stack (most recent call first): scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:270 (z_vcpkg_download_distfile_show_proxy_and_fail) scripts/cmake/vcpkg_from_github.cmake:106 (vcpkg_download_distfile) ports/boost-core/portfile.cmake:3 (vcpkg_from_github) scripts/ports.cmake:175 (include)

error: building boost-core:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED Elapsed time to handle boost-core:x64-windows: 4.4 s Please ensure you're using the latest port files with git pull and vcpkg update. Then check for known issues at: You can submit a new issue at:[boost-core]+Build+error+on+x64-windows&

pdimov commented 1 week ago

You need to update your vcpkg installation, as the error message suggests:

Please ensure you're using the latest port files with git pull and vcpkg update.

Lastique commented 1 week ago

Also, vcpkg issues should be reported to Microsoft.