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Add tests for floats with lightweight_tests #38

Closed HDembinski closed 4 years ago

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to have a test for floats. Something like this:

#define BOOST_TEST_IS_CLOSE(a, b, eps) BOOST_TEST(std::abs(a - b) < eps)

I am happy to make a PR if that helps.

breese commented 5 years ago

I second that request.

I have created one as an extension for my own projects. It uses a separate implementation function in order to print the argument of failed tests. The tolerance can be specified.

My implementation looks like this (modulo the test macro)

template <typename T>
void test_close_impl(char const * expr1,
                     char const * expr2,
                     char const * file, int line, char const * function,
                     const T& lhs, const T& rhs, T tolerance)
    if (std::fabs(lhs - rhs) <= tolerance)
            << file << "(" << line << "): test '" << expr1 << " == " << expr2
            << "' failed in function '" << function << "': "
            << "'" << lhs << "' != '" << rhs << "'" << std::endl;
HDembinski commented 5 years ago

Makes sense to generate a custom message for this case. Maybe even note the tolerance in the message? Something like x != y (tolerance: z).

breese commented 5 years ago

Just to float (pun intended) another idea.

We could define a with_tolerance predicate, similar to std::equal_to et al, and use that with BOOST_TEST(p(x,y)). This would also make BOOST_TEST_ALL_WITH slightly easier to use.

We even have a sample implementation of with_tolerance in the test suite.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

This is also nice. Perhaps all the implementations test_eq_impl, test_lt_impl, ... could be replaced with one generic backend. The predicate could then tweak the output. Or better we make a traits class that customizes the output based on the type of predicate.

With such a generic approach, one could also implement checks for relative and for absolute tolerance. Both are sometimes useful.

PS: @breese Pun is appreciated ;)

breese commented 5 years ago

We can handle relative and absolute tolerances in the same check (formula taken from Python PEP 485) but name changed to better match std::equal_to:

#include <cmath> // std::abs
#include <algorithm> // std::max
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits

template <typename T>
struct close_to
    close_to(T relative_tolerance = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon(),
             T absolute_tolerance = {})
        : relative(relative_tolerance),

    bool operator() (const T& lhs, const T& rhs)
        return std::abs(lhs - rhs) <= std::max(relative * std::max(std::abs(lhs), std::abs(rhs)), absolute);

    T relative;
    T absolute;

This can the be used like this:

auto where = std::adjacent_find(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), close_to<float>());

If we only want relative tolerance, initialize absolute tolerance to 0, and likewise for absolute tolerance.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

The T parameter is a bit of a problem because we probably don't want separate BOOST_TEST_CLOSE macros for each type. (And we can't use decltype.)

One option is to make close_to non-templated, with the usual templated operator(), and express relative tolerance in units of epsilon (ulp) and absolute tolerance in units of min. (The default for absolute tolerance needs to be min IMO as per .) This way the parameters can be integers, independent of T.

The other option is to define BOOST_TEST_CLOSE(x, y) to call a helper function get_close_to(x-y) that returns the predicate.

template<class T> close_to<T> get_close_to( T ) { return close_to<T>(); }

suitably extended for the custom tolerance version.

The zero case, and the BOOST_TEST_CLOSE(x, -x) case for very small x, need some thought.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

I think expressing the tolerances in integral units of epsilon and min is not so convenient, so I would prefer the second option with a generating function.

I think the zero case and the case with very small x is already handled by the option to give an absolute tolerance in addition to a relative tolerance, or am I missing something?

pdimov commented 5 years ago

One additional difficulty is that we can't use variadic macros either. So while the constructor of close_to<T> may have default arguments for ease of use, we can't make the macro behave the same way.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

Either way, I think we need the absolute tolerance first, as it would be more common to specify it.

breese commented 5 years ago

I usually provide my own tolerances when there may be accumulating errors (or portability issues) that I have to account for.

The reason for having the tolerances as member variables is to be able to create a close_to object with non-standard tolerances that can be reused throughout my test suite. If the tolerances are specified as parameters to operator() then I need to add the tolerances to each test check (which is what I am doing today, and I really would like to avoid that.)

My use cases are probably better served by a (hypothetical) BOOST_TEST_WITH(x, y, p) and the (existing) BOOST_TEST_ALL_WITH(<insert iterators here>, p) than by a BOOST_TEST_CLOSE macro.

breese commented 5 years ago

Good point about min being the default for absolute tolerance.

breese commented 5 years ago

We did not really solve the problem @HDembinski originally brought up.

After some deliberation, I believe that we are best of forgetting about the close_to predicate (even though I still consider it useful) and simply specify two macros, BOOST_TEST_ABSOLUTELY_CLOSE and BOOOST_TEST_RELATIVELY_CLOSE, and let the predicates be an implementation detail.

Bikeshedding welcome, we should especially consider names that do not collide with those in Boost.Test.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

Why is it important that the names do not clash? I think you will not include both Boost.Test headers and lightweight_test headers at the same time?

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

Ah, maybe you meant it in the other way, the macro names should be consistent...

Lastique commented 5 years ago

On 8/10/18 4:53 PM, Hans Dembinski wrote:

Why is it important that the names do not clash? I think you will not include both Boost.Test headers and lightweight_test headers at the same time?

Even if unlikely, I would strongly prefer to not introduce the naming conflict, if possible.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

I think it is already there. Both define BOOST_TEST

Lastique commented 5 years ago

On 8/10/18 5:39 PM, Hans Dembinski wrote:

I think it is already there. Both define |BOOST_TEST|

Then let's not make it worse.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

For reference: It is called BOOST_TEST_CLOSE in Boost.Test and it accepts a relative tolerance in percentage points. That is not intuitive.

After all, I like BOOST_TEST_WITH(a, b, pred) best, where you give the predicate yourself. It is not more typing than BOOST_TEST_ABSOLUTELY_CLOSE or BOOST_TEST_RELATIVELY_CLOSE and one can use defaults for the arguments.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

Then let's not make it worse.

That sounds good, but what's the harm if it is already broken? Right now, you cannot use Boost.Test and lightweight_test in the same cpp file. So, I don't see why we should worry about conflicts at this point.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

On 8/10/18 5:55 PM, Hans Dembinski wrote:

Then let's not make it worse.
That sounds good, but what's the harm if it is already broken? Right
now, you cannot use Boost.Test and lightweight_test in the same cpp
file. So, I don't see why we should worry about conflicts at this point.

We may decide to fix this in the future, adding more clashes would make this more difficult.

Personally, I think the current conflict is an unfortunate oversight of the original maintainer of lightweight_test and is now ours (Boost.Core maintainers). No name clashes or other conflicts between libraries in Boost is a rule of thumb, something users have come to expect. I consider that lightweight_test uses Boost.Test namespace (in macro names) a bug.

breese commented 5 years ago


HDembinski commented 5 years ago

Boost.Test does not have BOOST_TEST_WITH (they have a similar macro, which is called differently), so if we only implement that instead of BOOST_TEST_CLOSE, there is no additional name macro conflict.

mloskot commented 4 years ago

Is there any agreement and PR coming soon?

pdimov commented 4 years ago

We already internally implement BOOST_TEST_EQ et al with predicates, so BOOST_TEST_WITH would be trivial to add.

breese commented 4 years ago

The test_with_impl function now takes a special predicate with a member function to return the operator name. This means that we would need to wrap the user-provided predicate somehow.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

Or the user could just provide a member function in his predicate.

breese commented 4 years ago

Then our interfaces for BOOST_TEST_WITH and BOOST_TEST_ALL_WITH would differ. The former taking a home-brewed predicate concept and the latter taking the well-known BinaryPredicate concept.