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Revert "report_errors with expected failures (#51)" #61

Closed Lastique closed 4 years ago

Lastique commented 5 years ago

This reverts commit 02041f6c9f94d9e5d69f7c36f08624e1001143a0 and

Reason for revert: The change allows for incorrect result code returned from the process if the number of failures is a multiple of 256. This may result in test failures being taken as success by the parent process.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

This should fail all tests that check for the correct number of failures, as mentioned. How about we apply instead.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

I'd rather have a different solution that allows to obtain the number of failures without hacks. Either a separate function (get_failure_count) or by adding an optional argument to report_errors (e.g. int report_errors(int& failure_count);). We can think of a better solution in due time, but for now and especially for 1.71 I'd rather revert to a bug-free version first.

This should fail all tests that check for the correct number of failures

Do you know which tests these are?

pdimov commented 5 years ago

What are the remaining bugs in this version?

Hans's original suggestion was for return report_errors(expected); instead of the current return report_errors() == expected? 0: 1;

I gave this a fair bit of thought; what made me choose the latter was the observation that I already had return report_errors() == expected; in a number of places, that is, I already intuitively expected it to return the number of failures. This "worked" only because the two errors canceled out.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Hans's original suggestion was for return report_errors(expected); instead of the current return report_errors() == expected? 0: 1;

This solves the original problem, so I'm fine with it. I just think get_failure_count would be more flexible.

I gave this a fair bit of thought; what made me choose the latter was the observation that I already had return report_errors() == expected; in a number of places, that is, I already intuitively expected it to return the number of failures.

Maybe we can think of some sort of protection from mistakes like that? E.g. return a wrapper class that has comparison operators = delete and can be converted to int?

In the meantime, do you have objections if I merge this PR? We can create a new PR for the final solution.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

Yes, I do have objections.

What bugs remain after

Lastique commented 5 years ago

What bugs remain after eba08e9?

It returns the wrong value if there are more than 255 failures.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

It's significantly less wrong than always returning 1.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Well, no, given that report_errors did not return the number of failures (until #51). That someone assumed it did was a user error.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Anyway, I don't see why we should argue about making it more or less "wrong" when we can just make it "right".

pdimov commented 5 years ago

Well, no, given that report_errors did not return the number of failures

Arguably a bug, because the documentation has always stated it did.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

The test in Boost.Core are broken even if you assume report_errors return the number of failures.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Arguably a bug, because the documentation has always stated it did.

The docs also say to use return boost::report_errors(); in main. So report_errors returning the number of failures contradicts that advice. I say, stop pretending that report_errors returns the number of errors.

breese commented 5 years ago

POSIX confirms the 8-bit limitation.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

The test in Boost.Core are broken even if you assume report_errors return the number of failures.

How are they broken?

Lastique commented 5 years ago

@pdimov Could you look at

How are they broken?

They contain return boost::report_errors() == test_cases;, which means returning 1 when there are no errors. Yes, they are run-fail in the Jamfile, but that is counter-intuitive.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

Counter-intuitive is not the same as broken.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Counter-intuitive is not the same as broken.

True. I was writing "broken" before I found out they are run-fail. Still worth fixing.

glenfe commented 5 years ago

@Lastique a4c98ce seems overkill. Instead of return boost::report_errors() == N it could be something like:

return boost::report_errors();

Where report_errors() is reverted to its old behavior (returning 0 or 1) and the documentation changed to reflect that this is what it does.

This also allows us to do things like:

    // test things
    // test things
    return boost::report_errors();

The alternative spelling of BOOST_REQUIRE_ERRORS(N) could easily be something like BOOST_REQUIRE(boost::test_errors() == N).

(The function test_errors() already exists and is currently in boost::detail namespace but could easily be for public consumption in the boost namespace).

Lastique commented 5 years ago

@glenfe BOOST_REQUIRE_ERRORS can't be a check because it will just add/not add to the error count while the intention is to return 0 from main when the total number of errors matches some condition.

Also, I updated that commit and created with it, you can comment there.

glenfe commented 5 years ago

@Lastique Couldn't BOOST_REQUIRE_ERRORS(N) reset the error count to 0 if the error count is equal to N, otherwise, set the error count to 1? That way, BOOST_REQUIRE_ERRORS(5); return boost::report_errors(); would result in returning 0 from main when we expected the error count at that point to be 5.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

It could, but then it would affect the final report on the console (it would say 0 or 1 errors detected instead of the actual number). This could be worked around too, but this is yet more hackery with the counter. I like my approach better because it is more straightforward and as a bonus flags all tests that are currently broken.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

@pdimov Do you still object to merging this PR (i.e. to revert report_errors to pre-#51 state)? We can proceed with our discussions about a better solution later.

If you still object, please tell why.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

Yes, I do object.

There's nothing wrong with the current state.

After 1.71 ships, I'll extract lightweight_test into its own module, and leave the Core version for you to screw up as you please. But it's late for that now.

Lastique commented 5 years ago

Feel free to update the 1.71 release notes so that the happy users at least know what they're in for. Or you can tell me what to add in

Personally, I think ignoring the obvious introduced bug is unacceptable.

HDembinski commented 5 years ago

Please do not make lightweight_tests into a separate module. I think it is great that we have minimal testing capabilities for Boost-internal use directly in Boost.Core. It is perfectly in line with the mission statement for Boost.Core - to provide a common foundation of tools for other Boost libraries - and it helps to keep the dependencies for other libs, such as Boost.Histogram small.

pdimov commented 5 years ago

As lwt started moving beyond just one simple BOOST_TEST macro and started attracting feature contributions, it would be better placed as a separate module anyway, with an improved documentation. I've wanted to do this for a while. Plus, testing shouldn't require pulling the whole Core, even though that's not really a practical problem at the moment.