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Boost Core Utilities
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Add class version #64

Closed HDembinski closed 4 years ago

HDembinski commented 4 years ago

nvp was added to core, which is great to write serialize functions that do not depend directly on boost::serialization. but we also need boost::serialization::version in core, which is needed to inform boost serialization that the serialization format has changed.

The following patch has a simple implementation and some unit tests, but no documentation. There is some issue with the name. I followed the example of nvp and pulled serialization::version into the boost namespace, which yields boost::version. I would prefer if it was called boost::class_version, but I don't know how to make a templated alias without C++11 support.

pdimov commented 4 years ago

Your patch doesn't make sense as written. It defines boost::serialization::version but tests boost::version.

What we could do is define boost::class_version and then derive boost::serialization::version from it for compatibility, although this could turn out a bit problematic if people start specializing both.

I'd advise against int_c. Just define value directly inside version, and drop value_type and the operator.

Lastique commented 4 years ago

I don't like that we're adding bits of Boost.Serialization to Boost.Core. I'd rather we have Boost.SerializationCore for that, much like Boost.ThrowException.

HDembinski commented 4 years ago

@pdimov You are right, it was late yesterday and I messed up the version that I pushed.

I used the approach you suggested to emulate an alias template, which is actually even better than a alias template now that I think about it. People who manually specialized boost::serialization::version will be ok, since boost.serialization will still use boost::serialization::version internally and it does not matter which version you specialize, assuming nobody will specialize both for the same type, which would be crazy.

I made int_c a separate class, because you sometimes want to not use the BOOST_CLASS_VERSION macro. When you want to version a templated class, you cannot use the macro. You have to manually write

template <class T>
struct my_class {};

// specializing class_version for all my_class
namespace boost {
template <class T>
struct class_version<my_class<T>> : ::boost::core::int_c<1> {};

This seems to leak less implementation details than

template <class T>
struct my_class {};

// specializing class_version for all my_class
namespace boost {
template <class T>
struct class_version<my_class<T>> {
   enum { value = 1 };
glenfe commented 4 years ago

I explained to Hans why we don't want to do this (and shouldn't be making any pull requests without agreement from Robert, which we don't have for this anyway).