Wrong code in cpp_test_library.cpp: non-const lvalue reference to type 'some_space::some_class' cannot bind to a tempor ary of type 'some_space::some_class' #53
Compiling this file with "clang-cl -std:c++latest", it will get the following error(the error doesn't show up when using -std:c++20 or older):
+ clang-cl cpp_test_library.cpp -TP /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /W3 /GR /MDd /EHs -std:c++latest -D_CRT_USE_BUILTIN_OFFSETOF -c -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_DYN_LINK=1 -DBOOST_SYSTEM_DYN_LINK=1 -DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED '-I..\..\..'
cpp_test_library.cpp(37,56): warning: volatile-qualified parameter type 'const volatile int' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-volatile]
BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT void overloaded(const volatile int i)
cpp_test_library.cpp(102,61): error: non-const lvalue reference to type 'some_space::some_class' cannot bind to a temporary of type 'some_space::some_class'
some_class& some_class::operator=(some_class &&ref) {return ref;}
1 warning and 1 error generated.
cpp_test_library.cpp(37,56): warning: volatile-qualified parameter type 'const volatile int' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-volatile]
BOOST_SYMBOL_EXPORT void overloaded(const volatile int i)
1 warning generated.
In line 102, ref is an rvalue reference (a temporary) and it's being returned as an lvalue reference that cannot have its lifetime extended.
A workaround is to change the return type to be a const lvalue reference so the lifetime can be extended (or actually honor the move semantics of the parameter).
Compiling this file with "clang-cl -std:c++latest", it will get the following error(the error doesn't show up when using -std:c++20 or older):
In line 102, ref is an rvalue reference (a temporary) and it's being returned as an lvalue reference that cannot have its lifetime extended. A workaround is to change the return type to be a const lvalue reference so the lifetime can be extended (or actually honor the move semantics of the parameter).