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Add visualization debug option to the docca build #66

Open evanlenz opened 3 years ago

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

I am hoping to eventually get a visualization debug option working on the docca build using xslt-visualizer (which itself has some pending optimizations that will affect the output, so it's not quite ready yet). Here's a basic demo. Here is some documentation that provides an overview in relation to docca. And here's a sample output for Beast from a while back. The "doc_visualized" build was using bash scripts and got removed from the docca project. I would eventually like to make it bjam-friendly and get it back into docca as a build option. Once I get the latest xslt-visualizer changes checked in, we should be good to explore that.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

One plan could be for me to first get the bash scripts working again, share them in a branch, and then ask for help with porting them to bjam as a new build option.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

Here's the blocking xslt-visualizer issue whose solution is pending:

grisumbras commented 3 years ago

Where can I see the bash scripts for this build mode?

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

@grisumbras I've been trying to get them working again, banging my head against the wall on this one remaining issue. Once I have it solved, I'll point you to a branch with the visualization build, along with some pointers.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

@grisumbras Thanks for your patience. It seems that my approach was exploiting an apparent Saxon bug. I came up with a workaround though and now have the bash scripts working again. See the above pull request.

The overall approach gets the job done, but it's messy in that 1) it relies on the output from a regular build, 2) it does a lot of the stuff that bjam already does (copying files to get them in the right folder for the build), and 3) it uses bjam at the end (to run the xsltproc step). Refer to the README for an overview. For my testing, I have been repeatedly running

For now, maybe we can skip the partial build support, unless you're really ambitious. The smaller size of the "example" project (compared to, say, Beast) has helped mitigate the problem (of longer wait times for visualization builds).

Among the challenges you may encounter is needing to enhance the saxonhe widget in bjam to support a couple different types of stylesheet parameters (with and without a question mark at the beginning). (Scroll down to the "Command line parameters" section at the bottom of this page of Saxon's documentation.) Also, how to add a JVM option (Xmx, to increase the heap size). You may see I am sometimes passing in a Saxon option called -threads. Unfortunately, that feature may not be available in the free product (Saxon-HE). So you can disregard those for now.

My bash scripts now work correctly before and after the bjam changes you made.

I don't anticipate wanting the "example_visualized" folder anymore. Instead, if we could just have a build option that, when enabled, simply augments the existing build results with the visualization features, that would be ideal. For that reason, I will likely remove the green "[doc_build_html]" link in the visualized build, as it would be redundant: image

The DEBUG=yes option encapsulated in stage2-params.xml is what effects the colored links you see above. These represent the entry point for inspecting the stages of processing that the page went through. I will post another lengthy comment pulled from an email I sent @vinniefalco after I first put this together. It provides a little more orientation.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

[Page type: member] [doc_build_html] [doxygen_page_xml]---stage1_visualized-->[docca_page_xml]---stage2_visualized-->[quickbook_result]

The red [Page type: ...] text shows the page type. It is always one of three types: compound, member, or overload-list.

The green [doc_build_html] text is a link to the corresponding file in the regular doc build. This is basically just the same file but without the colorful DEBUG info. As I said, we'll probably delete it.

The alternating blue and pink links depict the processing pipeline (phases 2 and 3 in the sequence described here):

The blue links (data) are very useful, even without using the pink links (transformation visualizations). For debugging, they allow you to immediately divide and conquer, narrowing down your code investigation based on where in the pipeline the problem first appeared. And if you are having trouble figuring out why the code is or isn't doing something you expected, the visualizations are handy for that. The blue links will work any time you run the visualized build, even if you have visualizations turned off (e.g. to speed up the build).

When you open a visualization page, be sure to drag the horizontal slider at the top of the page as described in the basic xslt-visualizer demo.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

Finally, relating back to the build, the essence of the visualization build option is that we run all the same transformations as in the non-visualization build but using XSLT stylesheets that have been pre-processed ("trace-enabled"). Once we have done that, we just need to render the trace-data (that gets created as a side effect) to the HTML visualization pages. Thus, there is a three step process:

  1. Trace-enable the XSLT code
  2. Run the trace-enabled code to generate the page + trace data
  3. Render the trace data to the HTML visualization view

This rudimentary sequence is also described in the xslt-visualizer README.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

I demo'd the xslt-visualizer in use with docca this past Saturday as part of a Balisage conference talk (on visualizing musical transformations). People were impressed. I'd love to get it properly integrated into the docca build as a bjam option. @grisumbras, hope you don't mind I assigned you. If you do have any free time to work on this, let me know if you need more info from me. I'd be more than happy to consult on it.

grisumbras commented 3 years ago

I've already started working on this. I think, I understand what I need to do, but due to the number of build steps docca has, this will take some time. Also, it will likely require a patch to b2's saxon module.

evanlenz commented 3 years ago

That all makes sense and is great news. Thanks for the update!

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

@grisumbras How's the progress on this? Need any help from me?

vinniefalco commented 2 years ago

What's going on here?

grisumbras commented 2 years ago

I'm hitting weird issues. My current theory is that Boost's Jamroot is negatively affecting things it shouldn't have.

vinniefalco commented 2 years ago

Could cmake help?

grisumbras commented 2 years ago

I'm getting a Saxon error:

saxonhe.saxonhe ../../../bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/stage1_visualized/code-trace-enabled/stage1.xsl
Error at char 6 in expression in xsl:copy-of/@select on line 48 column 39 of trace-enable.xsl:
  Failed to create output file
  file:/home/grisumbras/dev/cppal/boost/bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/stage1_visualized/code-trace-enabled/stage1.xsl.modules/base-stage1.xsl. Caused by Э[x42d]т[x442]о[x43e] н[x43d]е[x435] к[x43a]а[x430]т[x442]а[x430]л[x43b]о[x43e]г[x433]
     invoked by xsl:for-each at file:/home/grisumbras/dev/cppal/boost/tools/docca/example/../../../bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/xsl/trace-enable.xsl#46
  In template rule with match="/" on line 39 of trace-enable.xsl
     invoked by xsl:next-match at file:/home/grisumbras/dev/cppal/boost/tools/docca/example/../../../bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/xsl/trace-enable.xsl#34
  In template rule with match="/" on line 29 of trace-enable.xsl
  Failed to create output file file:/home/grisumbras/dev/cppal/boost/bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/stage1_visualized/code-trace-enabled/stage1.xsl.modules/base-stage1.xsl

    "java" -jar "/home/grisumbras/dev/saxonhe/saxon-he-10.3.jar" -o:"../../../bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/stage1_visualized/code-trace-enabled/stage1.xsl" -s:"../../../bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/stage1.xsl" -xsl:"../../../bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/xsl/trace-enable.xsl"

Э[x42d]т[x442]о[x43e] н[x43d]е[x435] к[x43a]а[x430]т[x442]а[x430]л[x43b]о[x43e]г[x433] means "This is not a directory" and refers to /home/grisumbras/dev/cppal/boost/bin.v2/tools/docca/example/_reference-dir-vis/stage1_visualized/code-trace-enabled/stage1.xsl.modules which is created as a regular file. What can be the source of this problem? One thing I've noticed is that the way Saxon is invoked in the scripts is different from the way it is invoked in b2. The scripts use

java -cp "$CLASSPATH" net.sf.saxon.Transform

whereas b2 saxonhe module uses

java -jar "/home/grisumbras/dev/saxonhe/saxon-he-10.3.jar"
evanlenz commented 2 years ago

I haven't been able to reproduce this yet using the bash scripts. I tried switching the bash script to using the -jar method. No success yet; that might be a red herring. I'm going to be gone all day but will follow up again when I can. If there's anything you can provide to help me reproduce it, that would help. Thanks for all your work on this! Sorry I can't dive in more until tonight.

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

@grisumbras It looks like you are not passing the same parameters to Saxon as in this bash script for trace-enabling stage1:

Sorry if I misled you previously. The above branch on my docca fork has the bash scripts on which to base the b2 integration.

EDIT: Sorry, I was confusing steps. The error shows you're doing it right for the script. (I was confusing it with the script.)

Here are some follow-up questions to be taken in order:

Let me know if you have any questions!

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

I edited my comment above, because I misunderstood something, so please re-read. :-)

Here is another thing to try. Make the following changes and try running again and let me see the resulting file at testOutputForEvan.xml.

diff --git a/xsl/trace-enable.xsl b/xsl/trace-enable.xsl
index 946777c..79f0472 100644
--- a/xsl/trace-enable.xsl
+++ b/xsl/trace-enable.xsl
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@

   <!-- Set some tunnel parameters (can't be global variables, because current-output-uri() is cleared when evaluating those) -->
   <xsl:template match="/" priority="1">
+    <xsl:result-document href="testOutputForEvan.xml">
+      <xsl:sequence select="$all-results"/>
+    </xsl:result-document>
     <xsl:variable name="output-stylesheet-file-name" select="tokenize(current-output-uri(),'/')[last()]"/>
     <!-- This will just be .modules if the base output URI was not set.
          That should be okay, but it's best to set it (e.g. using Saxon's -o flag) -->
@@ -43,16 +46,20 @@
     <xsl:call-template name="top-module"/>

     <!-- Output trace-enabled versions of all the original XSLT modules -->
+    <!--
     <xsl:for-each select="$all-results/result-docs/trace:result-document[not(@href = preceding-sibling::trace:result-document/@href)]">
       <xsl:result-document href="{$output-dir}/{@href}">
         <xsl:copy-of select="node()"/>
+    -->

     <!-- Output the rule tree -->
+    <!--
     <xsl:result-document href="{$output-dir}/rule-tree.xml">
       <xsl:sequence select="$all-results/result-docs/rule-tree"/>
+    -->

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

@grisumbras Any luck with my suggestions? I can help troubleshoot if you provide more info or help me reproduce.

grisumbras commented 2 years ago
  1. The contents of stage1.xsl.modules are

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:trace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsl="" version="3.0" exclude-result-prefixes="xs" expand-text="yes">
    <xsl:import href="base-stage1.xsl"/>
    <xsl:import href="base-config.xsl"/>
    <!-- Custom config module copied from project-specific directory -->
    <xsl:include href="custom-overrides.xsl"/>


2. I think I do use xslt-visualizer from latest master (commit 7c6af536c4610e6b4ffb351662961e13e576834d)

3. #116
When testing I recommend running `b2 .//_reference-dir-vis/stage1_visualized/code-trace-enabled/stage1.xsl --docca-visualize -d+2` from `example` directory. `-d+2` tells b2 to output actual build commands.

4. I don't reach `run-trace.xsl` step. The problem occurs on the `trace-enable.xsl` step. The only difference in flags is the one I've mentioned previously (`-jar` rather than `-cp "$CLASSPATH"`).

5. Contents of `testOutputForEvan.xml`
vinniefalco commented 2 years ago

"crappy" is non-sterile

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

@grisumbras Thanks! This is what I was looking for in the gist you sent me. It happened to be on the very first line:

<trace:result-document href="">

I believe this is what caused what was supposed to be a directory to be written as a regular file. I will dig into this further and see if I can figure out what's going on (though I haven't reproduced the error yet, see below).

I tested the build the way you suggested and it produced output to the screen but it finished suspiciously fast like nothing happened. Here's the output I saw:

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

Ah, my bad, never mind. I still had my temporary change in the xslt-visualizer. Now I've reproduced and can investigate further.

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

I confirmed that the href="" in that test output should be href="stage1.xsl", though I haven't yet figured out why it's not. @grisumbras How do I tell what version of Saxon you're using? My first thought was that it could be related to a discrepancy (or bug fix) between Saxon versions. I'd like to first rule that out and then keep digging.

grisumbras commented 2 years ago

I was absolutely sure I've posted my versions of Saxon and Java, but apparently I didn't hit "send". Anyways:

Saxon-HE 10.3J from Saxonica

openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2, mixed mode, sharing)
evanlenz commented 2 years ago

Thanks! That turns out to be a red herring, since I realized that I'm running Saxon-HE 9.9 and I'm getting the same error. So I'll keep digging...

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

@grisumbras I finally got to the bottom of this issue. Please update the xslt-visualizer submodule to the latest commit and let me know if that solves the problem:

You may need to delete that regular file (stage1.xsl.modules) if it doesn't get cleaned up automatically.

grisumbras commented 2 years ago

The update works.

evanlenz commented 2 years ago

@grisumbras I was glad to hear the update worked. Did that unblock you or did you run into any other issues? I'm wondering how close we are to making things work. I'm still quite happy to help troubleshoot issues. Thanks!