boostorg / geometry

Boost.Geometry - Generic Geometry Library | Requires C++14 since Boost 1.75
Boost Software License 1.0
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rtree with qbegin doesn't sort the elements by distance #1050

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just ran into an issue with the order of the returned values with an rtree using segments.

using Vector2d = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy <double, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian>;
using seg2d = boost::geometry::model::segment <Vector2d>;
using rtree_seg = pair <seg2d, int>;
boost::geometry::index::rtree <rtree_seg, boost::geometry::index::rstar <16> > global_rtree_segs;

I had an issue with the result, so I decided to use an iterative query because it should have guaranteed sorted results from closest for farthest:

vector <pair <seg2d, int> > results;
for ( auto it = global_rtree_segs.qbegin( boost::geometry::index::intersects( seg ) && boost::geometry::index::nearest( seg, 100 ) ); it != global_rtree_segs.qend(); ++it ){

                        results.push_back( *it );

and the distance check:

for ( u32 idx = -1; auto &e: r ){
        idx += 1;
        double d = boost::geometry::distance( seg, e.first );
        std::cout << idx << " " << boost::geometry::wkt( e.first ) << ", distance= " << d << "\n";


And I saw that the distance are in random order. But the Note at says

It's different in case of k-NN queries performed with query iterator returned by qbegin() function which guarantees the iteration over the closest Values first

So, right now, I want all the segments intersecting with a given segment, from closest to farthest, I need to implement a sort afterwards.

If I didn't get something, please tell me, otherwise, I think people should not rely on the note in the doc.

awulkiew commented 2 years ago

Yes, the elements returned by iterative query should be sorted by (comparable) distance. Could you prepare a minimal example with data allowing me to reproduce the issue?

sasha2048 commented 2 months ago

I confirm that it happens in Boost 1.84 when searching for points (in my case: double, 2D, cartesian) that are nearest to a segment.

It affects all kind of queries, not only iterative queries: in iterative queries, the points aren't always returned in the correct order while, in non-iterative queries, the returned points aren't always the nearest ones.

(I've compared the distances in two ways: manually and via boost::geometry::comparable_distance – both ways agree that it's broken.)

It happens sporadically. Often just clearing the tree and reinserting the points exactly in the same order they were inserted originally "fixes" the problem. However, sometimes the points needs to be shuffled before reinserted otherwise nothing changes, i.e. reinserting points in the same order changes nothing (that's kinda good, because it's more deterministic, I'll try to dump later an example of such a reinsertion-agnostic dataset, particularly the array of points and the segment).

(I've tried boost::geometry::index::linear<…>, boost::geometry::index::quadratic<…> and boost::geometry::index::rstar<*> with various MaxElements – it happens for all of them, though the frequency may differ.)

awulkiew commented 1 month ago

@sasha2048 thanks for the info. Do you have an example allowing to reproduce the issue?