boostorg / gil

Boost.GIL - Generic Image Library | Requires C++14 since Boost 1.80
Boost Software License 1.0
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Move operations only relevant for test out of main CMakeLists.txt #168

Open Mike-Devel opened 5 years ago

Mike-Devel commented 5 years ago

Just a comment based on my person preference and experience:

I'd recommend moving all the compiler-flags and other machinery that are not necessary for using the library itself into the respective CMakeLists.txt files where they are actually needed.

This is more relevant, when you provide a cmake target (see and/or have to compile your library, but even if not, I generally prefer to put compiler options next to the targets they are actually relevant for. E.g. Boost::unit_test_framework is afaik only needed when you want to run the unit-tests. So it imho should only be looked up when gil/test/CMakeLists.txt gets actually included (e.g. not if GIL_BUILD_TESTS == OFF). Same with things like /Wall or CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11.

Even if you are not defining a cmake library target (for which you should definetifely not set public warning level flags) it makes it easier for me to discover, which flags I have to set in my project when I want to use this library, vs what flags you are using in order to find bugs in the implementation.

mloskot commented 5 years ago

First, I should emphasize the provided CMake configuration allows a couple of ways to develop Boost.GIL, and not to use Boost.GIL.

The CMake configuration should be considered purely internal and as such it has started as a quick hack, gradually becoming more complex than initially intended.

As author of this CMake configuration, I eventually aim to thoroughly modernise it (you can review my PR proposing modern CMake configuration for GEOS library to have an overview of what kind of changes I'm going to make.

More specifically, there will be INTERFACE targets with specific compilation flags for building in various development modes (eg. tests, UBSAN, warnings off, etc.).

I am also going to add Boost and GIL targets and link tests, examples against those. Howeer, since this is internal CMake configuration dedicated for Boost.GIL developers only, and not consumers, there will be no Boost::gil. That is, I will not pollute Boost:: namespace which:

Thank you for your comments, I will keep the issues open as a reminder for future improvements.

Mike-Devel commented 5 years ago

Just to clarify: I opened these issues exactly because I was hacking on gil (more precisely because I want to compile some boost libraries with a custom toolchain for a semi-embedded target) which is why I didn't say anything about installation. Having a target you can link against is not only helpful for external consumers, but also when creating your test or example applications. The Idea for Boost::gil actually came from the video you linked, but I'd already be happy with a plain boost_gil or somesuch.

But I completely understand if - in light of robert's initiative - you don't want to spend time refactoring the cmake files just to change them again, once a boost-wide solution comes up.

More specifically, there will be INTERFACE targets with specific compilation flags for building in various development modes (eg. tests, UBSAN, warnings off, etc.).

That is something I'd advise against. Let the toolchain file decide if a targets should be compiled with ubsan, against which standard library to link, what optimization flags to use, what compiler and c++ version to use a.s.o.. For a header only library, the only thing your targets needs to specify are dependencies and flags that are purely specific to your library (can't think of a good example right now).

mloskot commented 5 years ago

OK, thanks for the clarification

Having a target you can link against is not only helpful for external consumers

For the time being, I do not want to breed or encourage any external customers of Boost.GIL's CMake. And, I'm going to quite die hard for it, for the time being.

If one wants to use Boost.GIL with a project based on CMake, one needs to stick to FindBoost.cmake or own solution.

More specifically, there will be INTERFACE targets with specific compilation flags for building in various development modes (eg. tests, UBSAN, warnings off, etc.).

That is something I'd advise against.

I disagree. Use of flags-only targets to manage variety of developer mode builds is not a breach of any (modern) CMake best practices. On the contrary, Kitware uses this technique itself (e.g. VTK-m).

For a header only library, the only thing your targets needs to specify are dependencies and flags that are purely specific to your library

That is exactly what I'm going to do. Those targets will provide "flags that are purely specific to your library. You seem to be missing my point. The CMake configuration is exclusively for those who want to develop and test Boost.GIL, and submit pull request, and they prefer CMake over Boost.Build.

Please, let's stop discussing rules of public consumer-oriented CMake configuration for a library in Boost.GIL. There is no such thing to discuss. And no, I will not accept any PRs with CMake changes that introduce anything for Boost.GIL consumers.

Certainly, this position may change ones Robert's initiative if completed.

Mike-Devel commented 5 years ago

Please, let's stop discussing rules of public consumer-oriented CMake configuration for a library in Boost.GIL.

Well the thing with OS software is that your consumers are sometimes/often working on the library themselves (such as me). As I said (in the part you didn't quote) the changes suggested here and in the other issue are useful for the development of this library. But anyway, I absolutely understand you only want to provide cmake files for internal development and I also understand that I should keep my changes to myself - no worries.

Use of flags-only targets to manage variety of developer mode builds is not a breach of any (modern) CMake best practices.

Did I say it is a breach of any best practices (well actually, I sometimes feel like if you ask ten different people about best practices in cmake you get eleven different answers but that is another topic)?

It has simply been my experience that it makes development and testing much easier, if the library itself doesn't have to worry about all kinds of possible compilation modes and toolchains, because it is something you have to do over and over again for each lib (IIRC that is actually also something that is mentioned in the talk you linked to). Instead, you can have a set of toolchain files with the configurations relevant to you (compiler(-version), standdard library (version and flavor), sanitizers, link type for runtime library, static analysis tools etc. ) and then you can compile and run the tests of any new cmake-based library you are developing/using without littering those CMakeFiles.txt with dozens of differently configured targets (or even different package management systems).

Again, just my personal experience - obviously nothing you have to agree with.

mloskot commented 5 years ago

@Mike-Devel I appreciate your comments. It's always good to be provoked to question and re-think own bits. I never say never. Meanwhile, let's keep this open.

(TBH, at this stage of my love and hate relation to CMake, the toolchain files I hate ;-))

mloskot commented 5 years ago

I've labelled this as work-in-progress as this idea is not dropped, but postponed until the CMake for Boost has been completed. Apparently, some interesting CMake-ification efforts are ongoing thanks to @Mike-Devel & @pdimov, so chances are the GIL's own CMake configuration will need to be modified anyway. Let's wait and see.