boostorg / gil

Boost.GIL - Generic Image Library | Requires C++14 since Boost 1.80
Boost Software License 1.0
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Performance issue with pixel/channel arithmetics #234

Open sdebionne opened 5 years ago

sdebionne commented 5 years ago

Minimal Working Example (in C++)

Here is a micro-benchmark written with Google Benchmark that compares the performance of a simple plus operation on every pixels of an grayscale image:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

#include <boost/gil.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/extension/numeric/pixel_numeric_operations.hpp>

using namespace boost::gil;

static void std_algo(benchmark::State& state)
    std::vector<int16_t> img(1024 * 1024, 0);

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        for (auto&& p : img)
            p += 1;

    if (!std::all_of(img.begin(), img.end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("std_algo wrong result");

static void gil_algo(benchmark::State& state)
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{0});

    //Pixel operation
    auto op = std::bind(
        gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>(),
        _1, gray16_pixel_t{1});

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        gil::transform_pixels(gil::const_view(img), gil::view(img), op);

    if (!std::all_of(gil::view(img).begin(), gil::view(img).end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo wrong result");


Actual behavior

With MSVC, the gil version is an order of magnitude slower than the reference implementation. It looks like the metaprogramming used for unrolling of the channel arithmetic confuses the optimizer.

Run on (4 X 3408 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 6291K (x1)
Benchmark           Time             CPU   Iterations
std_algo        56466 ns        57199 ns        11200
gil_algo       329919 ns       329641 ns         2133

On the other hand, GCC 7.3 performs much better with very little overhead.

Run on (4 X 3408 MHz CPU s)
Benchmark           Time           CPU Iterations
std_algo        74206 ns      74986 ns       8960
gil_algo        81015 ns      81961 ns       8960

Expected behavior

Run time should be about the same.

Is there any interest in adding microbenchmark to the project? I see that there is already a performance test suite but I am not sure about its coverage and how it is monitored.


mloskot commented 5 years ago

I think it is a very good idea. I think benchmarks is a must-have feature in GIL.

If you want to add it, I suggest you create libs/gil/benchmark/ folder and add files there.

Some loose questions:

  1. Do you have any idea how you would like to structure it?

    One .cpp file per algorithm or group algorithms as in heades e.g. channel_algorithm, color_base_algorithm?

    I'd suggest to keep libs/gil/benchmark/ structure flat, with files only and file names indicating structure. (This is also how I'm hoping to restructure libs/gil/test/). I personally like to keep benchmark .cpp files smaller and focused.

  2. You proposing to use Google Benchmark, right?

    This is OK to me. It is solid framework.

    I hope it can help to produce graphs. I have experience with Celero for which I developed little helper, that outputs Bokeh graphs, e.g. I will look for ways to produce similar graphs with Google Benchmark.

  3. How to integrate Google Benchmark with CMake?

    It may be easier to integrate with our CMake config, it's probably documented already, than Boost.Build, so I don't mind if it builds with CMake only first.

    If you need any help in integrating with Jamfile-s or CMakeLists.txt-s for build, I will help.

  4. Do you expect to build benchmarks as part of CI build?

    Running benchmarks on CI builds is tricky, some say it makes no sense as it is difficult to ensure comparable resources availability during subsequent builds. It may be interesting experiment though to roughly compare CI builds, spot spiky regressions.

    There should be at least one CI job that verifies benchmarks compile, otherwise they may stale as the test/performance.cpp has.

I have no idea about status of the test/performance.cpp. I have never run it myself. It may even not compile now. To resurrect it is a low-priority item on my GIL TODO list though.

sdebionne commented 5 years ago

I guess we could have two types of benchmark:

To try to answer your questions:

  1. Do you have any idea how you would like to structure it?

    Keeping a flat structure works for me. Maybe two folders though, one for gil's benchmarks and one for compareason with other implementations?

  2. You proposing to use Google Benchmark, right?

    I picked Google Benchmark but really, at this point, it could be an other tool. If you think Celero is more appropriate, why not. Google Benchmark can output json and csv. There is BokehJS for online interactive visu.

  3. How to integrate Google Benchmark with CMake?

    Do you think that Google Benchmark should be (optionally) build as part of the library or separately?

    How about something like this:

option(GIL_BUILD_BENCHMARKS "Build benchmarks" ON)

# Benchmarks
    find_package(benchmark REQUIRED)

  1. Do you expect to build benchmarks as part of CI build?

    I agree that benchmarking in the cloud is not really reliable. But if the benchmarks are run locally, we need a way to collect the result...

mloskot commented 5 years ago

Maybe two folders though, one for gil's benchmarks and one for compareason with other implementations?


Though, I'd be careful in including comparative benchmarks. Boost.Geometry used to do that and it led to heated discussions, e.g. during the library review, that led to moving it out of Boost completely, to OSGeo Foundation repositories foss4g/benchmarking/geometry_libraries/.

Google Benchmark can output json and csv


Do you think that Google Benchmark should be (optionally) build as part of the library or separately?

I'd prefer to rely on installed google/benchmark, simpler, I think, and could save CI build time.

Yes, find_package(benchmark REQUIRED) looks good.

We need a way to collect the result...

Yes, we could update documentation workflow with, roughly

  1. Run locally and generate Markdown + graphs
  2. Add to libs/gil/doc and commit
  3. Then, it will be picked in to gh-pages branch which @stefanseefeld set up to automatically update on regular basis.
stefanseefeld commented 5 years ago

Just adding a few thoughts here:

I believe something similar for Boost.GIL would be very helpful. The code is in

mloskot commented 5 years ago

I also developed some framework-less benchmarks

IMO, it works well for ad-hoc benchmark, but for long-term effort with possibly increasing complexity of requirements (e.g. flexibility to pass arguments) it is better to stand on shoulders of a giant. Unless, one has time to waste on maintaining a bespoke framework. TBH, I'd rather spend that time contributing fixes to google/benchmark, than developing my own with close to zero chance anybody else would use.

I do not fear a dependency on google/benchmark or other. I found it's less time consuming to switch between build systems, between test frameworks, etc. than fiddling with in-house framework - an unnecessary divergence from main topic: GIL.

stefanseefeld commented 5 years ago

Fair enough. My main point wasn't to promote my home-grown solution, but to suggest that we clarify what we want to benchmark and compare, and what the parameter space is, before we pick a solution. If the google benchmark framework supports all the use cases we want to see covered, by all means, let's use it. (I'm usually the first one to wanting to reuse existing solutions rather than inventing my own...)

mloskot commented 5 years ago

Right. Since I don't have extensive experience with google/benchmark, and @sdebionne is the main contributor here, I have to leave any detailed research to him. I just did not want to discourage @sdebionne before he starts :)

sdebionne commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the head-up I'll have a look at what you did for uBLAS and Geometry.

I am OK to keep the comparative benchmarks in a separate project to keep the discussion peaceful but, as GIL aims to provide a way to write both generic and efficient algorithms, this second allegation needs to be proved somehow. The doc talks about "generating code that is comparable in speed to that of hand-writing the algorithm for a specific image type".

I see two benchmark parameters (image size, pixel types) but maybe there are more degree of freedom to consider. Google Benchmark support templated benchmarks (just like Boost.Test do support templated unit tests). TBH, I barely skimmed the functionalities offered by the framework so I will indeed need to do some research.

@mloskot How about benchmarking compile time with metabench? Could be interesting with the transition to MP11, no? I don't think we need very thorough benchmarks, maybe benchmarking the examples would be enough?

mloskot commented 5 years ago

@sdebionne Good point about comparative benchmark. I just made a comment, not objection. So, also to keep things simple, let's get all benchmarks we want into GIL. We can deal with any issues if/as they arise.

The metabench is very interesting. I currently may not have time to work on it myself though.

IMHO, you have freedom to choose what suits you and your plans for GIL: if you think basic timers are sufficient as @stefanseefeld mentioned, that is perfectly fine; if you choose google/benchmark, that is fine as well.

stefanseefeld commented 5 years ago

Keeping an eye on compilation times for Boost.GIL is of course important, but using an actual benchmark framework for that seems overkill to me. @sdebionne yes, image size and pixel types are the two basic parameters we need to account for. There may be others once we add actual image-processing algorithms (GSoC '19 may get us there, if we are lucky !) I structured the Boost.uBLAS benchmarks to make it easy to instantiate a parametrized benchmark for a range of types, and run it over a range of problem sizes. In other words, a single "benchmark run" corresponds to a benchmark instantiated for a specific set of parameter values, run over a range of sizes. The interesting part then consists in comparing (e.g. by plotting side-by-side) different benchmark runs, either corresponding to different parameters (e.g. to compare performance across a range of pixel types / data layouts, to figure out which ones work best for a given algorithm) or corresponding to different implementations (compare Boost.GIL to OpenCV, for example).

mloskot commented 5 years ago

Some processing could be benchmarked for variety of sizes of view (aka ROI, window, tile).

I wouldn't call metabench a framework. It's just a convenient CMake module.

The interesting part then consists in comparing different benchmark runs, either corresponding to different parameters or corresponding to different implementations

That would be very good. I take very similar approach in my tiny string_benchmark, with charts at

sdebionne commented 5 years ago

Some processing could be benchmarked for variety of sizes of view (aka ROI, window, tile).

Right, ROI makes the algorithms run on non 1D-traversable views and that might affect performance.

In the same vein, I have never been very confortable with the processing like rotation, flip that are lazy and can introduce some slow memory access pattern if they are chain with other algos (i.e. gradient_x(rotate_90ccw(v))). With the benchmarks, we might find some good practice on when to materialize the views (copy to a new image). Do you already have recommandations about that?

mloskot commented 5 years ago

Do you already have recommandations about that?

I don't and I'm not aware of any.

I'm still discovering GIL and its corners. I'm hoping to eventually come up with some sort of effective GIL cookbook. I've decided to first apply clean ups and modernisations at code level, migrate to C++11.

stefanseefeld commented 5 years ago

@sdebionne I'm not quite sure I understand what you are asking about. Being able to evaluate operations lazily can be a useful optimization technique, in particular to chain / fuse operations. The decision when to use which technique can certainly be driven by gathering data through profiling or benchmarking. I used to work on a commercial numerical (image and signal processing) library that heavily relied on such techniques (using expression templates to fuse operations). When and where to fuse ops proved extremely difficult due to the heterogeneity of the hardware we supported, given how many choices there are (vectorizing, GPU offloading, multi-threading, etc.). Providing a convenient benchmarking platform to explore the parameter space is an important first step.

sdebionne commented 5 years ago

@stefanseefeld You got my question right, thanks for the thorough answer! My goal is to build a flexible processing pipeline using GIL's algorithms on views (and more specific algorithms). My question is very similar to your "when to fuse ops or not", but that is much better put!

mloskot commented 5 years ago

Some notes for future integration of Google Benchmark into GIL Jamfile:

There's just been discussion on how to use Google Benchmark with Boost.Build,, and the answer is:

sdebionne commented 5 years ago

@mloskot Thanks! I'll use the prebuilt alternative for consistency with CMake.

simmplecoder commented 5 years ago

I've run several benchmarks searching for the cause of performance degradation. All of those are extremely confusing to me:

Run on (8 X 3600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 8388K (x1)
Benchmark                       Time           CPU Iterations
std_algo                    57627 ns      56250 ns      10000
gil_algo_stdfunction       339824 ns     337672 ns       2036
gil_algo_lambda            340944 ns     337672 ns       2036
gil_algo_lambda_plus       341491 ns     337672 ns       2036
gil_algo_lambda_copy       345925 ns     345346 ns       2036
gil_algo_rangefor         4530795 ns    4464286 ns        154
gil_algo_rangefor_plus    4555617 ns    4565747 ns        154
gil_algo_copy_mem          469881 ns     470948 ns       1493

Here is the code:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

#include <boost/gil.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/extension/numeric/pixel_numeric_operations.hpp>

using namespace boost::gil;

static void std_algo(benchmark::State& state)
    std::vector<uint16_t> img(1024 * 1024, 0);

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        for (auto&& p : img)
            p += 1;

    if (!std::all_of(img.begin(), img.end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("std_algo wrong result");

static void gil_algo_stdfunction(benchmark::State& state)
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    //Pixel operation
    auto op = std::bind(
        gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>(),
        _1, gray16_pixel_t{ 1 });

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        gil::transform_pixels(gil::const_view(img), gil::view(img), op);

    if (!std::all_of(gil::view(img).begin(), gil::view(img).end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_stdfunction wrong result");

static void gil_algo_lambda(benchmark::State& state)
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    //Pixel operation
    auto op2 = [second_arg = gray16_pixel_t{ 1 }](gray16_pixel_t value) {
        return gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>()(value, second_arg);

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        gil::transform_pixels(gil::const_view(img), gil::view(img), op2);

    if (!std::all_of(gil::view(img).begin(), gil::view(img).end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_lambda wrong result");

static void gil_algo_lambda_plus(benchmark::State& state)
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    //Pixel operation
    auto op2 = [second_arg = gray16_pixel_t{ 1 }](gray16_pixel_t value) {
        return value + second_arg;

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        gil::transform_pixels(gil::const_view(img), gil::view(img), op2);

    if (!std::all_of(gil::view(img).begin(), gil::view(img).end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_lambda_plus wrong result");

static void gil_algo_lambda_copy(benchmark::State& state)
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });
    gil::gray16_image_t img2(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    auto input_view = gil::const_view(img);
    auto output_view = gil::view(img2);
    auto plus = gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t> {};

    //Pixel operation
    auto op2 = [second_arg = gray16_pixel_t{ 1 }](gray16_pixel_t value) {
        return gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>()(value, second_arg);

    for (auto _ : state)
        // The code to benchmark
        gil::transform_pixels(input_view, output_view, op2);

    if (!std::all_of(output_view.begin(), output_view.end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == 1; }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_lambda_copy wrong result");

static void gil_algo_rangefor(benchmark::State& state) {
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });
    gil::gray16_image_t img2(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    auto input_view = gil::const_view(img);
    auto output_view = gil::view(img2);
    auto plus = gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>{};

    //Pixel operation
    auto op2 = [second_arg = gray16_pixel_t{ 1 }](gray16_pixel_t value) {
        return gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>()(value, second_arg);

    for (auto _ : state) {
        auto d_first = output_view.begin();
        for (auto pixel : input_view) {
            *d_first++ = op2(pixel);

    if (!std::all_of(output_view.begin(), output_view.end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == 1; }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_rangefor wrong result");

static void gil_algo_rangefor_plus(benchmark::State& state) {
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });
    gil::gray16_image_t img2(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    auto input_view = gil::const_view(img);
    auto output_view = gil::view(img2);
    auto plus = gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>{};

    //Pixel operation
    auto op2 = [second_arg = gray16_pixel_t{ 1 }](gray16_pixel_t value) {
        return gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>()(value, second_arg);

    for (auto _ : state) {
        auto d_first = output_view.begin();
        for (const auto& pixel : input_view) {
            *d_first++ = pixel + 1;

    if (!std::all_of(output_view.begin(), output_view.end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == 1; }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_rangefor_plus wrong result");

static void gil_algo_copy_mem(benchmark::State& state) {
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;

    gil::gray16_image_t img(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });
    gil::gray16_image_t img2(1024, 1024, gray16_pixel_t{ 0 });

    auto input_view = gil::const_view(img);
    auto output_view = gil::view(img2);

    //Pixel operation
    auto op2 = [second_arg = gray16_pixel_t{ 1 }](gray16_pixel_t value) {
        return gil::pixel_plus_t<gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t, gray16_pixel_t>()(value, second_arg);

    for (auto _ : state) {
        auto start = std::addressof(input_view(0, 0));
        auto end = std::addressof(input_view(input_view.width() - 1, input_view.height() - 1)) + 1;
        auto d_start = std::addressof(output_view(0, 0));
        while (start != end) {
            *d_start++ = *start++ + 1;

    if (!std::all_of(output_view.begin(), output_view.end(), [&state](auto p) { return p == 1; }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_copy_mem wrong result");


From this, it seems like touching any gil related functionality causes very heavy performance penalty. Sometimes pointer based version gets to the level of gil algorithms, but never exceeds it. I'll try to run the benchmarks on mingw toolchain after setting it up.

EDIT: fixed gil_algo_lambda appearing twice instead of gil_algo_lambda_copy being second.

simmplecoder commented 5 years ago

I added two more benchmarks: vector of pixels that uses just range for and the other uses reinterpret cased pointer. The result strongly suggests that VC++ just chokes on any TMP going on inside GIL:

Run on (8 X 3600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 8388K (x1)
Benchmark                                  Time           CPU Iterations
std_algo                               57842 ns      58594 ns      11200
gil_algo_stdfunction                  340665 ns     344292 ns       2133
gil_algo_lambda                       339015 ns     336884 ns       1948
gil_algo_lambda_aligned               341959 ns     337672 ns       2036
gil_algo_lambda_plus                  339038 ns     337672 ns       2036
gil_algo_lambda_copy                  345278 ns     345346 ns       2036
gil_algo_rangefor                    4546372 ns    4509228 ns        149
gil_algo_rangefor_plus               4529785 ns    4565747 ns        154
gil_algo_copy_mem                     468043 ns     460482 ns       1493
gil_algo_pixel_vector                 342755 ns     337672 ns       2036
gil_algo_pixel_vector_reinterpret      57446 ns      57199 ns      11200

Last two benchmarks:

static void gil_algo_pixel_vector(benchmark::State& state) {
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;
    std::vector<gil::gray16_pixel_t> img(1024*1024, gil::gray16_pixel_t(0));

    for (auto _ : state) {
        for (auto& pixel : img)
  <0>{}) =<0>{}) + 1;

    if (!std::all_of(img.begin(), img.end(), [&state](auto p){return p == state.iterations();}))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_pixel_vector wrong result");

static void gil_algo_pixel_vector_reinterpret(benchmark::State& state) {
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    namespace gil = boost::gil;
    std::vector<gil::gray16_pixel_t> img(1024 * 1024, gil::gray16_pixel_t(0));

    for (auto _ : state) {
        auto start = reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t*>(;
        auto end = start + img.size();
        for (; start != end; ++start)
            *start += 1;

    if (!std::all_of(img.begin(), img.end(), [&state](auto p) {return p == state.iterations(); }))
        state.SkipWithError("gil_algo_pixel_vector wrong result");

Not sure what can be done, as this looks like optimizer bug.

Compiler Version 19.16.27030.1 Boost 1.69.1

mloskot commented 5 years ago

@simmplecoder Thanks for the very detailed tests. I don't have any immediate conclusions to share.

I'd however suggest to try the current develop branch, where Boost.MPL has been replaced with MP11. In fact, the develop is the required target for any new contributions. We do not maintain old versions - no bug fix releases will happen.

@simmplecoder UPDATE: I've been considering to remove all uses of Boost.Iterator features (iterator_facade and iterator_adaptor) and manually implement the iterators. Perhaps this would improve performance. That, however, needs to be measured. @stefanseefeld What you think?

mloskot commented 5 years ago

@sdebionne FYI, we've started discussing the benchmarks Your insights are very welcomed!

simmplecoder commented 5 years ago

I've managed to reproduce the benchmarks on the benchmark branch that is based off of develop. The numbers don't seem to change:

Run on (8 X 3600 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 8388K (x1)
Benchmark                                  Time           CPU Iterations
std_algo                               56186 ns      56250 ns      10000
gil_algo_stdfunction                  330360 ns     329641 ns       2133
gil_algo_lambda                       307160 ns     311440 ns       2358
gil_algo_lambda_plus                  307392 ns     304813 ns       2358
gil_algo_lambda_copy                  335386 ns     329641 ns       2133
gil_algo_rangefor                    4723144 ns    4741379 ns        145
gil_algo_rangefor_plus               4701030 ns    4614094 ns        149
gil_algo_copy_mem                     523345 ns     516183 ns       1120
gil_algo_pixel_vector                 333988 ns     329998 ns       2036
gil_algo_pixel_vector_reinterpret      56371 ns      57199 ns      11200
mloskot commented 4 years ago

Here is another micro-benchmarking library that some of us may like to consider and try out