boostorg / hana

Your standard library for metaprogramming
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Question: Attribute Annotations #314

Open felixguendling opened 7 years ago

felixguendling commented 7 years ago

I'm interested in the "struct reflection" features of Boost.Hana. I think that this part of Boost.Hana is especially suited for all kinds of serialization/marshalling + deserialization/unmarshalling (file reading/writing, network/API protocols, database access, etc.).

Other languages offer a functionality to "annotate" member variables:

Use cases include JSON/XML attribute names (API naming conventions can be different to variable naming), parser information (i.e. CSV column names, XPath for XML to struct parsing), optional/required/versioning information for formats like Protocol Buffers or Flatbuffers, or database information ("PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE", "NOT NULL", etc. - this way SELECT, CREATE TABLE statements, etc. could be automatically generated from the struct definition at compile time - see

Is there already a way to do something like this (i.e. generic additional attribute "tags") or (if that's not the case) are there any plans to extend Boost.Hana?

ricejasonf commented 7 years ago

I've been using Hana to do this sort of thing. Check this out:

Instead of hana::Struct though I have tuples of 'pointer to member' wrappers. I would use the wrapper as a tag for dispatching validation rules and what not.

daminetreg commented 7 years ago

Hi @felixguendling, Just my 2 cents : I made an example to show that basically with what Hana or Fusion provides and a bit of macro hacking you can make member annotations really easily.

It's really far from complete, finished nor perfect, but I made an example that I'll make into a reusable library : ,

The only thing you need is to be able to retrieve and identify each member. In my example I use the resulting BOOST_METAPARSE_STRING to identify the member uniquely with a type. I think with what Hana generates from it's ADAPT* macros it should be possible to avoid the use I do from BOOST_METAPARSE_STRING.

I made it this way because I also need to annotate bitfields, and bitfields members cannot be pointed to (even with member reference pointers), therefore I needed another way to uniquely address the field, without changing the size of the struct.

ldionne commented 7 years ago

I believe that might be a useful feature. It's unclear to me whether Hana is the right place to put this feature, or whether a separate library (as discussed above) would be better, but it does seem useful to have.

I'll try to play around with a few ideas I have and I'll post any development here.

014972304505347 commented 6 years ago

@ldionne Have there been any developments on this sort of feature? Right now, I am trying to write bitfields, like so:

 #include <boost\hana.hpp>

 struct Bits {
    uint32_t opCode : 5;
    uint32_t header : 3;
    uint32_t source : 5;
    uint32_t destination : 5;
    uint32_t offset : 13;

 BOOST_HANA_ADAPT_STRUCT(Bits, opCode, header, source, destination, offset);

And it is giving me error E0139 "taking the address of a bit field is not allowed".

@daminetreg Would your reusable library work for this?

daminetreg commented 6 years ago

@d223chen what do you plan to do with the adapted struct ?

The idea I mentioned possibly makes something different than what you explicitly want. But indeed it's possible to implement adapted structs for bitfields.

In the proposed idea, and as in BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT we don't take reference or address to the fields, then it works for bitfields too.

The principle ( i.e. generating accessors instead of taking field address ) with which I implemented the example could be generalized to HANA_ADAPT_STRUCT as well I imagine and would work for bitfields.

From what I know from my work by Fusion, you might be able to adapt it for HANA you can build on top of something like this :

#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp> 

#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/begin.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/end.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/front.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/iterator/equal_to.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/iterator/next.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/iterator/deref.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/iterator/distance.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/support/category_of.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/tag_of.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>

  template <typename First, typename Last, typename F, typename Sequence>
  inline void
  for_each_member_linear(First const first, 
      Last const last, 
      F const& f,
      boost::mpl::true_) {}

  template <typename First, typename Last, typename F, typename Sequence,
  typename std::enable_if< 
      typename boost::fusion::traits::tag_of<Sequence>::type,
  >::type* = nullptr>
  inline void
  for_each_member_linear(First first, 
      Last const last,
      F const& f,
      Sequence& seq,
      boost::mpl::false_) {

                    typename std::remove_cv< typename First::seq_type>::type , First::index::value

          boost::fusion::result_of::equal_to< typename boost::fusion::result_of::next<First>::type, Last>()

 template <typename First, typename Last, typename F, typename Sequence,
  typename std::enable_if< 
      typename boost::fusion::traits::tag_of<Sequence>::type,
  >::type* = nullptr>
  inline void
  for_each_member_linear(First first, 
      Last const last,
      F const& f,
      Sequence& seq,
      boost::mpl::false_) {

      auto index = boost::fusion::result_of::distance<
                     typename boost::fusion::result_of::begin<Sequence>::type, 
      std::string name =  typeid(decltype(*first)).name();

                 (name + std::string("_") + std::to_string(index)).data()

          boost::fusion::result_of::equal_to< typename boost::fusion::result_of::next<First>::type, Last>()

  template <typename Sequence, typename F>
  inline void
  for_each_member(Sequence& seq, F const& f) {

        typename boost::fusion::result_of::begin<Sequence>::type, 
        typename boost::fusion::result_of::end<Sequence>::type>()


  template <typename Sequence, typename F>
  inline void
  for_each_member(Sequence& seq, F f) {
    detail::for_each_member(seq, f);


 struct Bits {
    uint32_t opCode : 5;
    uint32_t header : 3;
    uint32_t source : 5;
    uint32_t destination : 5;
    uint32_t offset : 13;

 BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Bits, opCode, header, source, destination, offset);

 int main(int argc, char** argv) {

   Bits b;
   for_each_member(b, [](const char* name) { std::cout << "name : " << name << std::endl; } );

   return 0;

Will print :

daminetreg@daminetreg-precision5510:~/workspace/experiments$ g++-7 -std=c++17 fusionbitfields.cpp -o fusionbitfields
daminetreg@daminetreg-precision5510:~/workspace/experiments$ ./fusionbitfields 
name : opCode
name : header
name : source
name : destination
name : offset
014972304505347 commented 6 years ago

Hi @daminetreg. Thanks for the detailed response. My goal is to be able to get things like:

  1. All member names as std::string list ex. "opCode", "header", etc...
  2. The underlying typename as a std::string ex. "uint32_t"
  3. The number of bits for each field as a std::int list ex. 5,3,5,5,13

Your code helps me to achieve point 1.

I have decided to make a StackOverflow post for this as I think there will be a broader audience there. I cite this thread in that post.

Thanks again!