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Sparse Array for Group By #324

Open ricejasonf opened 7 years ago

ricejasonf commented 7 years ago

This is just a thought, but we should consider making a sparse array similar to hana::detail::hash_table for the purpose of making a fast "group by" algorithm. One problem would be that it would have to use fold_left to construct the lookup which I recall was an expensive up front cost.

The result could even be a hana::map as it appears that everything except make_map is agnostic to the use of hana::hash.

I kind of got a start on something. The following is ripped from hana::detail::hash:

namespace sparse_array
  template <typename Key, int ...i>
  struct group { };

  template <typename ...Groups>
  struct lookup_table
    : Groups...
  { };

  // find indices
  template <typename Key, std::size_t ...i>
  std::index_sequence<i...> find_indices_impl(group<Key, i...> const&);

  template <typename Key>
  std::index_sequence<> find_indices_impl(...);

  template <typename Lookup, typename Key>
  struct find_indices {
    using type = decltype(find_indices_impl<Key>(Lookup{}));

  // update_group
  template <typename Group, typename Key, std::size_t Index>
  struct update_group {
    using type = Group;

  template <std::size_t ...i, typename Key, std::size_t Index>
  struct update_group<group<Key, i...>, Key, Index> {
    using type = group<Key, i..., Index>;

  // group_insert
  template <typename Lookup, typename Node, std::size_t Index, bool =
    (find_indices<Lookup, typename Node::key>::type::size() > 0)
  struct group_insert;

  template <typename ...Groups, typename Node, std::size_t Index>
  struct group_insert<lookup_table<Groups...>, Node, Index, true> {
    // There is a group for that Key; append the new index to it.
    using type = lookup_table<
      typename update_group<Groups, typename Node::key, Index>::type...

  template <typename ...Groups, typename Node, std::size_t Index>
  struct group_insert<lookup_table<Groups...>, Node, Index, false> {
    // There is no group for that Key; insert a new group.
    using type = lookup_table<Groups..., group<typename Node::key, Index>>;

  template <typename Xs>
  struct make {
    using type = typename decltype(

See the following for background information:

badair commented 7 years ago

This would be super useful for turning an edge list...

    hana::pair<A, B>,
    hana::pair<A, C>,
    hana::pair<A, D>,
    hana::pair<B, C>,
    hana::pair<B, D>>

...into an adjacency list for a compile-time graph:

    hana::pair<A, hana::tuple<B, C, D>>,
    hana::pair<B, hana::tuple<C, D>>>

(assuming I understand the intent of @ricejasonf's post)