boostorg / hana

Your standard library for metaprogramming
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Accessing the types of members of a struct #383

Open ldionne opened 6 years ago

ldionne commented 6 years ago

I got this question by email, I'm posting it here for exposure (edited at will by myself):

I'm currently applying your library to the problem of generating the appropriate OpenGL infrastructure (creating vertex and fragment shaders, uniforms, per-vertex attributes, etc.) from a minimal specification. This is done using BOOST_HANA_DEFINE_STRUCT macro and the associated functionality. For example, following is a data type which represents a glyph rendered using signed-distance fields:

struct stroke_glyph {
        (zui::rect,     rect),
        (zui::rect,     tex_coords),
        (zui::color,    color)
}; // many more of these, each corresponds to an OpenGL shader.

What is the correct way to extract -- given only a type satisfying the Struct concept, rather than an instance -- the type (not the value) of a given field? There appear to be three ways of reflecting on a Struct, namely using accessors, keys, and methods. IIUC accessors is lower-level because you don't need to provide an instance, only a type. Since this corresponds to my scenario, I have opted to use this. I then go through the following gymnastics to access the type of the j-th member:

auto field = hana::at_c<j>(hana::accessors<OpType>());
auto type = hana::type_c<decltype(hana::second(field)(std::declval<OpType>()))>;

Is there another (better) way of doing this?

You could also do this:

auto field_type = decltype(hana::at_c<j>(hana::members(std::declval<OpType>()))){};

But this suffers from limitations if you have reference or array types -- it will decay them, and it's still not as short and sweet as it could be. I could add this:

auto types = hana::member_types<SomeStruct>(); // a sequence of hana::types
auto field_type = hana::at_c<j>(types);

But I'm worried this would require changing the MCD of Struct to do it properly, and that's a breaking change.

seertaak commented 6 years ago

Hi; I asked the question. What does MCD mean?

In any case, such a construct would be nice. In general, I must admit that I am struggling to intuit the correct way of using the library in many cases. I pin this as my own fault; I had problems like this when starting to use range-v3, for example, and now I'm loving the library. So probably I need to slog through the hard part!

ricejasonf commented 6 years ago

MCD means "Minimal Complete Definition".

To be a hana::Struct a type must have an implementation of hana::accessors which does not have an interface to let you get the raw type of the member.

seertaak commented 6 years ago

Ok, thanks for the information. I'm a beginner with this stuff, so I can't speak to the wisdom of expanding the MCD to allow this. Perhaps adding an example or a subheading to the docs would suffice, although personally I prefer the ergonomics of @ldionne's suggestion. Also: if everyone is using the macros to generate the underlying machinery anyway, then my naive thought is what's the problem (with breaking) :)