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Can't retrieve member of model of Struct by reference #384

Open seertaak opened 6 years ago

seertaak commented 6 years ago

For following reflectable Struct

struct triangles {
        (vec<op::triangle_vertex>,  vertices),
        (vec<op::triangle_index>,   indices)

I would like to obtain references to vertices and indices, but am unable to do using hana::members or hana::accessors. I am, on the other hand, able to obtain copies of said elements. Here's an example of the code that attempts to extract a const reference to the indices:

auto maybe_indices_ix = hana::index_if(
    [] (auto field) {
        auto t = hana::type_c<
            typename remove_pointer<
                typename decay<
        return render::traits::is_vector_of_indices(t);
constexpr auto indices_ix = hana::value(*maybe_indices_ix);
constexpr auto accessors = hana::accessors<cpu_pass_t>();
constexpr auto indices_accessor = accessors[hana::int_c<indices_ix>];
constexpr auto indices_of = hana::second(indices_accessor);
const auto& indices = indices_of(triangles);

If I replace the last line with auto indices = ... then it works. The same result is obtained if I use hana::members as per manual.

Am I doing something wrong? Assuming I'm not, I hope there's a workaround, because copying vectors of vertices and indices would incur an unacceptable performance penalty in such a tight rendering loop.

Thanks for the awesome library by the way!

seertaak commented 6 years ago

I have another question regarding the code above. If I elide the declaration of maybe_indices_ix and substitute the RHS of the declaration into its use in RHS of the declarator of indices_ix, I get an error. Do you know why this could be?

ricejasonf commented 6 years ago

It would be easier to help if you provide a minimal example that reproduces the error you are getting. It looks like you are using triangles as both a type name and the name of a value.

What is the intent that justifies the above complexity?

Why not just do triangles.indices?

For your second comment, it sounds like you are not unwrapping the optional or the integral_constant. That's just a guess.

seertaak commented 6 years ago

Here's an example:

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <boost/hana.hpp>

using namespace std;
namespace hana = boost::hana;
using namespace hana::literals;
using point = array<float, 2>;

struct triangles {
        (vector<int>, indices),
        (vector<point>, vertices)

auto example_data = triangles{
    {0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3},
        {{-0.5f, -0.5f}},
        {{ 0.5f, -0.5f}},
        {{ 0.0f,  0.5f}},

void render(const triangles& data) {
    // in reality, we will find the constant integral
    // index below by asking: which field is a sequence
    // of int-like objects (but could be, say, uint8_t,
    // and maybe it's more appropriately called "elements"
    // to mirror OpenGL naming).
    constexpr size_t vertices_ix = 1;
    const auto& vs = hana::members(data)[hana::int_c<vertices_ix>];
    assert(vs.size() == 3);
    const auto& is = hana::members(data)[0_c];
    assert(is.size() == 6);

    // Render using vs and is. Don't want to copy.

int main() {
    return 0;

The error message is:

prog.exe: void render(const triangles &): Assertion `vs.size() == 3' failed.

I ran on using boost 1.66.0 and selected clang 5.0.0 and C++14, which corresponds roughly to my real use. (I'm using Xcode, latest v9.2 [9C40b].) I tried with several combinations of clang and C++ versions, including clang head and C++2a -- all give the same error. On the other hand, compiling with gcc >= 6.3.0 and C++>=14 succeeded. Weird.

The online documentation says:

Reflection can be added to user-defined types very easily. This allows iterating over the members of a user-defined type, querying members with a programmatic interface and much more, without any runtime overhead.

My usage boils down to access of struct fields by index, similar to what e.g. magic-get allows. So I feel like it's not unreasonable to allow const-reference access to data via indirect means.

ricejasonf commented 6 years ago

The problem is with hana::members. The value in the pair is a copy so you are getting a dangling reference exhibiting undefined behaviour.

Use instead hana::accessors. See this:

As for accessing references by index, I don't see why Struct can't refine the concept Iterable.

This was also recently discussed as it was apparently a feature in Boost.Fusion. Here:

@ldionne Would you consider a PR that adds Iterable to Struct?

seertaak commented 6 years ago

Use instead hana::accessors.

I tried that, and if you look at the original code snippet above, you'll see that it uses hana::accessors rather than hana::members. Unfortunately that didn't work either. I'll see if I can reproduce in wandbox later today.