boostorg / hana

Your standard library for metaprogramming
Boost Software License 1.0
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Hana failed to build with error C2065, error C2977, error C2913... on MSVC #512

Open fangzhouxia opened 1 year ago

fangzhouxia commented 1 year ago

Describe Hi all, Hana failed to build with error C2065, error C2977, error C2913... on MSVC on windows. Could you please help look at this issue or provide some workarounds? Thanks in advance.

Steps to reproduce

  1. open VS2019 x64 tools command
  2. git clone F:\gitP\boostorg\hana
  3. cd F:\gitP\boostorg\hana & mkdir build_amd64 & cd F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64
  4. cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.18362.0 -DBOOST_ROOT=F:\tools\boost_1_70_0\x64\boost -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=F:\tools\boost_1_70_0\x64 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/EHsc /Zc:ternary /bigobj" -DBOOST_HANA_ENABLE_STRING_UDL=false ..
  5. msbuild /m /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release Boost.Hana.sln /t:Rebuild

log: build (4).log F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\example\adapt_adt.cpp(38,1): error C2065: 'name': undeclared identifier [F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64\example\example.adapt_adt.vcxproj] F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\example\adapt_adt.cpp(38,1): error C2977: 'boost::hana::accessors_impl': too many template arguments [F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64\example\example.adapt_adt.vcxproj] F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\example\adapt_adt.cpp(41,1): error C2913: explicit specialization; 'boost::hana::accessors_impl' is not a specialization of a class template [F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64\example\example.adapt_adt.vcxproj] F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\include\boost/hana/concept/struct.hpp(26,25): error C3203: 'accessors_impl': unspecialized class template can't be used as a template argument for template parameter 'Method', expected a real type [F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64\example\example.adapt_adt.vcxproj] F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\include\boost/hana/accessors.hpp(33,20): error C2825: 'Accessors': must be a class or namespace when followed by '::' [F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64\example\example.adapt_adt.vcxproj] 40>F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\include\boost/hana/accessors.hpp(33,31): error C2510: 'Accessors': left of '::' must be a class/struct/union [F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\build_amd64\example\example.adapt_adt.vcxproj] 40>F:\gitP\boostorg\hana\include\boost/hana/accessors.hpp(33,1): error C3889: call to object of class type 'boost::hana::apply_t': no matching call operator found

Versions and configuration VS version: VS2019(16.11.20) Operating system: windows server 2019 The commit is 944f717

wilhelm-now commented 1 year ago

With Visual Studio 17 2022 17.4.4 I've made boost-hana from boost 1.81 dependent projects build with adding compile options /Zc:__cplusplus and /Zc:preprocessor. This got rid of the accessors_impl related warnings.

I still have some trouble building all of the git repo.

ldionne commented 1 year ago

Can you try again now? I think that is likely fixed by

I don't have access to a Windows machine handy.