boostorg / histogram

Fast multi-dimensional generalized histogram with convenient interface for C++14
Boost Software License 1.0
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Allow to iterate over the indexed range from an arbitrary location #277

Closed chiarazampolli closed 3 years ago

chiarazampolli commented 4 years ago

(Following the conversation in This issue concerns 2D histograms, in particular the use case of calculating integrals (--> sum of the bin entries) for specific ranges over x and y. For now, there are 2 ways:

  1. reduce the histogram and then use the std::accumulate --> not to be used, too slow, due to the reduction step

  2. use the indexed iterator, skipping the bins if not in the interesting range --> faster approach, but not 100% efficient yet, as one cannot e.g. jump directly to the item from which to start the sum, or skip uninteresting bins (e.g. if "x = indexed(histo)", x += something does not work).

In other words, suppose that we have:

auto histo = boost::histogram::make_histogram(boost::histogram::axis::regular<>(20, -10, 10, "axis0"), boost::histogram::axis::integer<>(0, 30, "axis1"));

and we need the sum on axis0 in [0, 10] and on axis1 in [20, 22], it would be good to have a way to do it efficiently.



HDembinski commented 4 years ago

Thank for reporting this. I think you revealed a missing feature in the interface here. In Boost we always strife for zero-overhead, whatever you want to do, the library should do it at least as efficiently as some hand-written code. Doing an integration over a rectangular region in a histogram should work by finding the iterators to the begin and end of that region and use either std::accumulate or a for-loop over an indexed_range.

chiarazampolli commented 4 years ago

Hello Hans,

Thanks for your feedback. For the sake of clarity, it would be good that the "user" has the possibility to iterate on a restricted range of the indexed_range, jumping by a known amount also. The general use case is to iterate over a specific sub-range of the indexed_range. I am pointing this out to be sure that the implementation following my request will allow to iterate in a defined region, not just for example providing an "integral" method (which is not the my only use case).



HDembinski commented 4 years ago

Thanks for clarifying, I understand you.

After thinking more about this, I remembered why this request is not super trivial, one needs a special kind of iterator to iterate only over the bins in an inner rectangular region. Good news is we have that functionality already in the iterators provided by indexed_range, since we need the same functionality to skip the *flow bins.

HDembinski commented 4 years ago

The workaround for now is to use something like this for a 2D histogram

for (unsigned j = axis_1_begin; j != axis_1_end; ++j) {
  for (unsigned i = axis_0_begin; i != axis_0_end; ++i) {
    const auto& v =, j);
    // do something with v
chiarazampolli commented 4 years ago

Dear @HDembinski ,

Thanks! Indeed, I did not try this, which looks quite simple. I will try it, and let you know.


chiarazampolli commented 4 years ago

I tried the workaround, and indeed it is extremely fast. The implementation I had till now was:

  int counts = -1;
  for (auto&& x : indexed(mHisto[sector])) {  // mHisto[sector] is the 2D boost histo
    if (counts < startCount) continue; // startcount is the index of the first element of interest in the iterator
    if (x.bin(0).lower() > xmax && ymin == ymax) { // all others also will be > but only if ymin = ymax; in the other cases, we should jump to the next row,which for now we cannot do in boost
    if (x.index(1) > ymax) { // we passed the needed ybin
    if ( (x.bin(0).upper() > xmin) && (x.bin(0).lower() <= xmax) && (x.index(1) >= ymin)) { // I have to keep the condition "&& (x.bin(0).lower() <= xmax)" because I can break only if ymin == ymax
      res1 += x.get(); \\ res1 is my integral

I replaced it with the loop you suggested. Do you plan to provide an example with the indexed_range iterator too?

Thanks a lot!


HDembinski commented 4 years ago

I still have to implement the change so that this can be done with the indexed_range, when that is ready, I will add an example and a note in the user guide.

chiarazampolli commented 4 years ago

Hello, Many thanks! For now, the implementation that you suggested works very well. When ready, I will try the one with indexed_range. Chiara