boostorg / histogram

Fast multi-dimensional generalized histogram with convenient interface for C++14
Boost Software License 1.0
315 stars 71 forks source link

How to bin integral vs floating point correctly (precision issue and general question) #336

Open emmenlau opened 3 years ago

emmenlau commented 3 years ago

Dear @HDembinski and other authors, thanks for this awesome library. We have just started using it and the speed and versatility are impressive! We have a problem that manifests as a precision problem, but also shows a more general question.

The problem: We use the floating precision histogram to bin any kind of data. When we bin data (gray value camera images) of integer precision, we set lower and upper bound based on the data range to [min, max+1] and the number of bins to upper bound - lower bound. However there are sometimes cases where the numeric precision then leads to an empty last bin. This is due to rounding error, the values fall into max-1 instead of max. We checked and the bin index is then computed as (max-1).999... which finally resolves to max-1. Is there a good solution to this? It leads to confusion that the last bin is empty, and its also a bit problematic in writing tests.

The underlying question: We are not completely certain what is a "recommended" way to set histogram bounds for integral data space. Are there common guidelines? In floating point precision it is more understandable what data range is covered by each bin. But in integral space, it seems the value 0 could be best represented by bin [-0.5, 0.5) rather than the more obvious [0, 1). And help, links or pointers to documentation would be highly appreciated!

HDembinski commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the kind praise!

This is a recurring question and the standard answer is to use an integer axis for images. The regular axis is intended for real-valued input values from a continuous distribution, not for integer values.

So would using boost::histogram::axis::integer work for you? The integer axis uses exact integer arithmetic, and it is a bit faster than the regular axis, too.

If for some reason your input values are really floating point, you could add half the bin width to avoid the rounding errors. This is not an elegant solution, but it works.

This is also not an elegant solution, but you can even make your own axis class that does this step automatically. See for examples.

Basically, you would override theindex method of the regular axis, just like in the first example and add half the bin width to the input.

HDembinski commented 3 years ago

Come to think of it, you could also override the index method with something that rounds to the nearest integer.

HDembinski commented 3 years ago

The correct solution for this is for us to support boost::rational as the value type of the regular axis, see, which would enable exact rational arithmetic. This does not work currently, but I can look into it.

emmenlau commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot @HDembinski for the help!

What you say makes sense. We just looked at the integer axis, and it most likely would help. But I understand it can not be used with arbitrary bin counts, correct? This is not a huge impediment but it would be a bit sad.

Also the suggestion to add half a bin width would seem feasible and possibly a good idea! But then I guess we could not use the range-based fill() anymore which gives a very noticeable speedup?

Support for boost::rational sounds awesome, but would it introduce a significant slow-down?

emmenlau commented 3 years ago

Can I also ask a related question, in case you know: from a completely different point of view, is it sensible (or common) to shift the bin bounds by half a bin width down? We where considering this idea that for example bin 0 would have bounds [-0.5, 0.5) (for the example bins of size one). We see some potential benefits that (a) the integer or floating value falls in the center of the bin rather than the border, and (b) it compensates for aforementioned rounding issues. But we do not feel confident about this route if it is a very uncommon thing to do...

HDembinski commented 3 years ago

What you say makes sense. We just looked at the integer axis, and it most likely would help. But I understand it can not be used with arbitrary bin counts, correct? This is not a huge impediment but it would be a bit sad.

That is correct, axis::integer assumes that the "bin width" is 1. Perhaps we need another axis which allows integral multiples? What exactly do you need?

Also the suggestion to add half a bin width would seem feasible and possibly a good idea! But then I guess we could not use the range-based fill() anymore which gives a very noticeable speedup?

If you make your own axis which implements this hack, it will work with range-based fill().

Support for boost::rational sounds awesome, but would it introduce a significant slow-down?

I don't know, but I don't think the speed penalty would be terrible. It is not hard to implement, I think, so we should really support this and then I can check the benchmarks.

Yet another option that I forgot is to use the axis::variable, which you can construct in such a way that the bin edges are exactly where you want them to be. axis::variable is considerably slower than axis::regular, though.

emmenlau commented 3 years ago

Thanks a million for this fast and very helpful reply. I need to digest this new input a bit. Support for boost::rational sounds awesome, but your input has triggered new thoughts that require a bit more discussion on our side...

HDembinski commented 3 years ago

Once again thinking more about it and reading your original message again, is it correct that you only have an issue with the very last bin edge? Because then your need may be resolved if we implement #319

Boost.Histogram by default gives you under and overflow bins for each axis, and then the interval you specify is semi-open [a, b). This makes sense if your input is real-valued and drawn from a continuous distribution. In your case, you probably want a closed interval [a, b]. I plan for a while to support this if the user creates a regular axis with the overflow bin turned off.

emmenlau commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay in feedback. We've just tested #344 and it does solve a corner case for us, thanks for this. However the original problem still remains because we commonly do use overflow bins.

... is it correct that you only have an issue with the very last bin edge?

We have not observed the problem with other bins yet. But I am under the impression that this is just by chance. The problem should happen with any bin, when just by chance the raw index position falls by a margin below the lower bound of the "correct" bin.

We've discussed this internally and can't make up our minds between the multiple possible workarounds. What I see so far:

emmenlau commented 3 years ago

After a longer discussion we are considering a third option, that I wanted to get your feedback on. The best of all worlds for us seems to be an axis that supports both integer and floating point and can automatically switch between the two. It should behave like the integer axis, as long as the bounds and the scale are (precisely) integral values. In this case, it correctly bins integer and floating point values by using the precise (and faster) integer arithmetics. Only when any of the relevant parameters (bounds or scale) is set to floating point, it automatically switches to floating point arithmetics.

This seems to bring a set of nice benefits, and we could not see any downsides (yet). Benefits:

Did we overlook some obstacles here? What do you think?

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Hi @HDembinski , sorry to bother you with this question again, but it would be great to get your feedback on the above implementation idea. We've implemented such an axis as a test (an axis that supports both integer and floating point precision, and automatically switches between the two, depending on the user parameters). Does that seem reasonable to you? And would that be something that boost::histogram could support native (rather that our test implementation)?

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

Sorry for not responding earlier. I think as a practical fix, it is fine to just shift the bins by half a bin width if you are still considering this.

The axis that you mention, which uses exact integer arithmetic when everything is integral: this is already how floating point numbers with integral values work to my knowledge. Could you perhaps produce a small code example to show the wrong behavior and the expected?

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

In any case, if you can make a prototype for such an axis with these properties, I am happy to review and build a PR to include it.

That being said, I still think that the clean solution is to support boost::rational in the regular axis. I don't think that the performance hit is terrible, but we have to benchmark it.

Thanks for your endurance in trying to work out a solution.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

Prototype of an axis that works with boost::rational:

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Awesome! I'll take a look at it in the evening, thanks a lot already!

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

@emmenlau Could you please post a minimal example that shows the bug you experiencing? What I said earlier, that integer arithmetic with doubles is exact to my knowledge, is only true when no fractions are computed in intermediate results. I would like to understand your issue better. Consider these two mathematically identical calculations of an index from a value:

index1 = ((x - a) * n) / (b - a)
index2 = (x - a) / ((b - a) / n)

These two calculations, when calculated with floating point types, are not giving the exact same result even when x, a, b, n are integer values. In my understanding, however, at least the first index1 should give a result identical to a calculation with integer types. I need to test this, though.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

axis::regular currently uses yet another version of this calculation:

index3 = n * ((x - a) / (b - a))

This calculation also uses non-integer values as intermediate results, so it is not expected to give the exact same result as an integer calculation even when x, a, b, n are integer values.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

For reference, numpy.histogram uses a rather expensive algorithm to handle values which end up exactly on bin edges:

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

Here is a little numerical test. It looks like the calculation that axis::regular uses is the worst of the aforementioned alternatives. Surprisingly, index2, index4, and index5 work the best. index5 is the best version, because it avoids the division in the hot calculation, which is slower than multiplication.

import numpy as np

rng = np.random.default_rng(1)

for i in range(10):
    info = np.iinfo(np.int32)
    # for large ranges we also get round-off errors in index2
    a = rng.integers(info.min // 2, info.max // 2, size=1000000)
    b = rng.integers(info.min // 2, info.max // 2, size=1000000)

    m = a < b
    a = a[m]
    b = b[m]
    n = b - a  # bin width is 1

    # cast to integer rounds toward 0, not down, so the formulas below
    # are only correct for x >= a
    x = rng.integers(a, b + 1, size=len(a))

    # reference, uses integer calculation
    index0 = (x - a) * n // (b - a)

    x = x.astype(float)
    a = a.astype(float)
    b = b.astype(float)
    index1 = (((x - a) * n) / (b - a)).astype(np.int64)
    index2 = ((x - a) / ((b - a) / n)).astype(np.int64)
    index3 = (((x - a) / ((b - a))) * n).astype(np.int64)
    index4 = ((x - a) * (1.0 / ((b - a) / n))).astype(np.int64)
    index5 = ((x - a) * (n / (b - a))).astype(np.int64)

    m = [
        index0 != index1,
        index0 != index2,
        index0 != index3,
        index0 != index4,
        index0 != index5,

    for j, mj in enumerate(m):
        if np.any(mj):
            print(f"index{j+1}", x[mj][0], a[mj][0], b[mj][0])

this returns

index1 70540990.0 20392249.0 765891453.0
index3 148926560.0 -101619068.0 490728093.0
index1 592366157.0 224185664.0 1025950092.0
index3 568757840.0 554782207.0 911259799.0
index1 567985439.0 -372272012.0 1043697140.0
index3 342054863.0 -716197359.0 632989928.0
index1 -24123696.0 -356486757.0 540167239.0
index3 391566084.0 -241532021.0 991591579.0
index1 -605887583.0 -710964237.0 -468796994.0
index3 517667650.0 -498733954.0 1049781459.0
index1 18204388.0 -410639210.0 49916775.0
index3 -660202220.0 -891467850.0 879697083.0
index1 -534798388.0 -780387129.0 -465835569.0
index3 83679015.0 -339367697.0 405706973.0
index1 652100293.0 463874896.0 694011684.0
index3 -72010471.0 -126660641.0 -23248043.0
index1 314307906.0 -636650940.0 660664605.0
index3 186928578.0 -555640498.0 810504453.0
index1 144217769.0 -329635903.0 346199237.0
index3 144217769.0 -329635903.0 346199237.0
HDembinski commented 2 years ago

That index2, index4 and index5 give the same answers is not a surprise, since by construction (b-a) / n == 1.0.

vakokako commented 2 years ago

@HDembinski thanks for all your input, here is an example of the problem we are experiencing: godbolt.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

@HDembinski your input and discussion is very enlightening, thanks! As @vakokako shows, the problem for us typically arises when using the axis with larger integral bounds, that cause small rounding errors. If a bin in the middle of the histogram is affected (as in @vakokako's example) the problem is not so visible. But in other, more common cases, the last bin can be affected, and it will remain completely empty. This causes typically some confusion with our users. Is this a suitable motivation for the issue?

When further looking into this, @vakokako found that we can use the more precise integral arithmetic when:

vakokako commented 2 years ago

Here is our solution axis to this: godbolt.

This is achieved by adding a bool flag mIsIntegral and changing the computation of index if we now that the axis is integral, otherwise forward to regular axis computation.

Example of axes where mIsIntegral == true:

Example of axes where isIntegral() == false:

The additional members for lower/upper bounds are not neccessary, they are there only cause we wanted to keep the dependency on axis::regular and it stores those as private members.

Dominic-Stafford commented 2 years ago

Hi, I was sent here from this issue by @henryiii from the above issue, and just wanted to ask if you anticipate being able to implement one of the fixes discussed here at some time soon? My issue just comes from integer values in the middle of the distribution falling on the wrong side of integer bin edges, so I think either the solution with boost::rational or a change in the calculation as you discussed should fix this.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Hi @Dominic-Stafford ! We have an implementation based on what you find in the godbolt-link above and it works quite well for us, all problems with precision are obsolete. However @HDembinski is much more knowledgeable about the possible pro's and con's with respect to i.e. the solution with boost::rational. What I can say is that we observe a tiny slowdown in benchmarks with our solution compared to the upstream code, which is surprising since we use integer math in the relevant case. I assume that boost::rational would be even slower, but again @HDembinski may know this much better.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

~Hi all, I am still confused why you cannot use an integer axis, because that should be faster than a regular axis and provides exact integer arithmetic.~

Ok, I think I get it. To fix this, we would indeed have to copy numpy's slow but exact algorithm to sort values into the right bins.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

What I can say is that we observe a tiny slowdown in benchmarks with our solution compared to the upstream code, which is surprising since we use integer math in the relevant case. I assume that boost::rational would be even slower, but again @HDembinski may know this much better.

I also think that boost::rational would be slower, because one needs to spend more CPU cycles to do the same work. Your solution should be pretty fast since mIsIntegral is constant after construction and the branch predictors will take the right branch each time. That being said, predicting the performance of modern CPUs is very difficult even for experts. @emmenlau, why do you override value_type value(real_index_type aIndex) const noexcept in your nice solution on Godbolt? Wouldn't the normal implementation work, too?

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the thumbs up! I should say that all the nice work was done by @vakokako .

why do you override value_type value(real_index_type aIndex) const noexcept in your nice solution on Godbolt? Wouldn't the normal implementation work, too?

From a brief look at the code I agree that may not be required. Possibly it's just an artifact from a previous test. I'll check with @vakokako and get back to you today!

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

I did the check, it turns out that the implementation of value() also needs to be modified. The version that I use ensures that the upper edge of the last bin is equal to the upper edge that the user supplied, while the calculation that @vakokako uses only guarantees that for bin widths that are integral values, but for that case it gives correct bin edges, while my version does not.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot @HDembinski for the quick check, now I recall the same from our discussions!

Let me kindly ask, do you think something like this (our custom axis with implicit integral support) could be included into the official library? We would be more than happy to provide a reasonable PR. Or if you can do something based on our work, please feel free to copy and/or use the code at godbolt to your liking. Consider it to be public domain, or any license that suits your needs.

The axis is nice because at little extra code, and virtually no runtime overhead, it transparently supports the integral (precise) case but also the floating cases. No conscious action from the user required.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

Yes, I plan to finally fix this and I will use your research. I am very grateful for the offer of a PR but I think I need to use this opportunity to also refactor regular which became quite complex with all the optional functionality. Good design is an iterative process which I can do more quickly on my own.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your consideration and help! I'm more than happy about this approach!

Dominic-Stafford commented 2 years ago

Thanks @HDembinski and @emmenlau! It would be really nice to have a solution in the official library since we're using this via the python bindings, but I agree it's worth taking the time to settle on a good solution.

emmenlau commented 1 year ago

Dear @HDembinski, I just wanted to kindly promote this issue and your nice suggestion to implement this in a future version of the library. We would be delighted to have a more "official" support for this feature, which we use a lot.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Thanks for pinging me on this. I want to fix this, but I am not sure what is the best way.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

The use case you have is covered by axis::integer<double>, I think, which should be faster than a regular axis with a special case for bins of integer width. It works when the bin width is exactly 1. It does not support bin widths of larger integer sizes, 2, 3, 4, though.

I cannot just copy your implementation for the issue that you supplied via godbolt, because using an if evaluated at runtime in the regular axis for such a thing is going against the rationale. The proper solution in my opinion is to add an option to the regular axis which makes it precise, using the algorithm that Numpy uses, which corrects numerical errors. This is costly compared to the current implementation, however, so this should be a compile-time option.

I started working on that feature a while ago but got distracted by other projects.

ryanelandt commented 1 year ago

I think the precision problems discussed in this issue may be addressed by PR draft #386. I added a unit test based on @vakokako's example that demonstrates exact index and value calculations for:

This method is cheap, as it does not correct for numerical errors. Could this address some of the precision problems raised in this issue?

Note: this method is only exact when numbers take few floating point bits to represent. For example, it will be exact for a bin width of 1/2 = 0.5, but not for 1/3 = 0.333333333333333...