boostorg / histogram

Fast multi-dimensional generalized histogram with convenient interface for C++14
Boost Software License 1.0
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Do not use the names 'large' and 'small' in sum.hpp #341

Closed emmenlau closed 2 years ago

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Sadly, we have a problem building against histogram on MSVC with the Visual Studio v2019 compiler and also with the ClangCl 12.0.1 frontend compiler. The problem comes from Microsoft header C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\shared\rpcndr.h that defines the name small:

C:\Debug\include\boost/histogram/accumulators/sum.hpp(49,46): error: cannot combine with previous 'type-name' declaration specifier
  sum(const_reference large, const_reference small) noexcept

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\shared\rpcndr.h(190,15): note: expanded from macro 'small'
#define small char

Basically the build breaks when including windows.h in addition to the boost histogram algorithms. We tried the various defines that make windows.h lean and mean, but none of this helped.

This PR just renames small and large in sum.hpp to small_part and large_part, which I hope are also good names? Of course the real culprit here is the MSVC header, but it would be great to just get this resolved in boost histogram instead of other workarounds that fight the Microsoft defines...

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the patch, but I cannot accept it as is, it breaks the API. Let me consider some other options. Note that the problem is really the windows header which violates the C++ standard on how to use the preprocessor.

henryiii commented 2 years ago

Could you #undef small, perhaps? I've had to fight this with min and max. One trick is writing (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)(), for example..

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

@henryiii Right, that is what I meant by "Let me consider some other options."

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Could you #undef small, perhaps? I've had to fight this with min and max. One trick is writing (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)(), for example..

We have tried to work around this by undefining small, but this piles up to large amounts of nasty hacks. Ideally for windows users one would need to re-define small later again, etc...

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

@henryiii Right, that is what I meant by "Let me consider some other options."

Yes, I very much see your point here! Sorry that I did not consider API stability. Alternatives are very much welcome.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

As Henry pointed out, you can fix it locally in your local code.

henryiii commented 2 years ago

because where does it end

windows.h is a very common header, and is a mess, but should be quite stable, so I'm naively guessing this list won't grow. Though up until now I didn't realize (remember? seems familiar, actually) that small was taken. min and max have always been a headache. (They can never add another #def like those!) What about adding windows.h to the tests? Just add a conditional include for it in one of the tests? (I don't do that in other packages, so maybe there's a reason for that?)

piles up to large amounts of nasty hacks

You are talking about Windows...

For now, unless something can be done at a library level, is there anything wrong with:

#undef small
#include <boost/histogram...>
#define small char

(or option 1 @HDembinski mentioned above - this is more-or-less option 2) This is not that large or ugly. Well, #define small char is ugly, but not large.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

windows.h is a very common header, and is a mess, but should be quite stable

That's why I said I am going to consider it and I have. Unfortunately, I cannot use the trick that we use for min and max and I could not find a way to temporarily un-define small in our header and then re-define it later in general. I can do it only if I assume that small is defined to char.

I won't add windows.h to the tests. If we find a fix then I am going to tests this with the line #define small char.

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

@emmenlau I explored different options how we can implement a workaround for windows.h, but the error is with them, and it is an easy fix for them, too, they just need to replace #define small char with typedef char small;. I suggested that you post an issue on a Microsoft bug tracker.

If there was a specific change that we could apply in this library to workaround this issue in the mean-time, I would implement it, but it is not possible to (temporarily) rename a preprocessor macro.

Therefore I am closing this now.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Hi @HDembinski , I understand and it is fine for us! I do not think that Microsoft will change the headers, otherwise they probably could have worked around the min/max issue years ago. But we can work around this in our code.

Also I think the issue will come up again in the future, so its good to have this discussion here to track the findings!

Happy coding and all the best!

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

Hi @HDembinski , I understand and it is fine for us! I do not think that Microsoft will change the headers, otherwise they probably could have worked around the min/max issue years ago. But we can work around this in our code.

@emmenlau It would still be great if you could reported this to Microsoft, because if no one complains, then nothing is going to change.

Also I think the issue will come up again in the future, so its good to have this discussion here to track the findings!

I agree and I opened #342 for further discussion.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Hi @HDembinski , I understand and it is fine for us! I do not think that Microsoft will change the headers, otherwise they probably could have worked around the min/max issue years ago. But we can work around this in our code.

@emmenlau It would still be great if you could reported this to Microsoft, because if no one complains, then nothing is going to change.

Yes, I fully agree! I'll report it upstream and will post the link here and in #342.

henryiii commented 2 years ago

it is an easy fix for them

It is absolutely not an easy fix. Changing this would break every library that has an unprotected #undef small in it. Windows very specialty is that is is insanely backward compatible; unlike Apple, Microsoft does not break compatibly with abandoned software from 20 years ago. So min, max, and small are going to be #def's forever. Not that adding to the list of complainers isn't bad, go ahead, but it's not going to do anything. By Hyrum's law, windows.h is untouchable.

I'm surprised that #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN or something simliar didn't work; having a pre-define would be a good way to fix this in a backwards compatible way. #define NOMINMAX was added for min/max. A #define NOSMALL might be a good outcome!

HDembinski commented 2 years ago

It is absolutely not an easy fix.

For the libs under their control, they can protect the #undef small. For third-party libs, they can provide a compatibility header. There are standard ways to handle this. You should not make excuses for them and defend bad design decisions and unwillingness to improve. Not here, anyway.

henryiii commented 2 years ago

I'd hope libs under their control use char instead of small. :) The problem is that compiling proprietary libraries can't break, to the best of my knowledge, this is a core design choice of Windows. The following code must always work:

#include <windows.h>
#undef small

That might be, no, will be in old, proprietary software written in the 90's by a company that is defunct, and it still works. They can't break that. They can add a define that undoes bad decisions (something like WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN, that seems to just exclude some headers) or one for each mistake (a new one, NOSMALL?). Windows does not have a depreciation period, or any reasonable way to "undo" mistakes. That's still a very helpful outcome of raising an issue about this!

Not defending this decision, or making excuses for it, but assuming Windows will drop something that will break code isn't going to set the right expectations. Personally, I'd be fine to change it to a typedef, or even just drop the thing altogether; small is one character longer than char, and I doubt even on a 16 bit system that it was shorter than a char (:wink:), and there aren't any of those left anyway (though, admittedly, you can still do 16-bit software in Windows, with a tiny bit of effort). Removing small, min, and max as macros would be amazing! That's something macOS probably would do (they have a deprecation period), but not Windows.

henryiii commented 2 years ago

(Very curious to see the outcome of the issue, though!)

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

So I tried to provide this feedback to Microsoft but its not really easily possible. The issue was already reported i.e. here:

However it seems it was rejected because the relevant header belongs to a Windows SDK, not to Visual Studio. I've tried to use the "Windows Feedback Hub" that was claimed to be the right channel for this kind of feedback. But for unknown reasons, I can not type any text in the textbox of Feedback Hub. Furthermore I'm not certain that the Feedback Hub is indeed a channel that is connected to the Windows SDK development. But I can not find a more suitable forum, since is closed.

henryiii commented 2 years ago is not closed.

henryiii commented 2 years ago

This looks familiar:

Specifically: near, far, small, min, and max.