boostorg / histogram

Fast multi-dimensional generalized histogram with convenient interface for C++14
Boost Software License 1.0
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Add fraction accumulator (for calculating efficiencies, etc) #361

Closed gohil-jay closed 1 year ago

gohil-jay commented 1 year ago

Added standard efficiency accumulator with value(), variance() and confidence_interval()

Working here.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Hi @gohil-jay , great progress! I added new comments. I think the next step for you is to write some unit tests. The tests are located in the folder tests. We do the testing with the lightweight tests in Boost Core. Basic documentation is here:

Have a look how testing is done for other accumulators and try to make a minimal test for your efficiency accumulator. You could also start simpler and test your detail::waldInterval (that you should rename to detail::wald_interval`.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Most of the tests are failing, because I made a mistake, I am fixing that now.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Please merge the develop branch into this one to get the fix that I just commited. In the terminal, do git merge develop when the currently active checkout is your branch.

gohil-jay commented 1 year ago

This is what I see...


Are we trying to merge the developV1 branch into develop branch?

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Edit: This has been fixed (temporarily?) by fixing the types of the helper functions to double, so can be regarded as resolved.

I didn't find a nice way of fixing the warning, so you have to use the ugly way. Something along these lines will silence the warning:

#include <array>
#include <boost/config/workaround.hpp>

int main() {

#pragma warning(disable : 4305)
#pragma warning(disable : 4838)
  std::array<float, 2> x = {1.5, 2.1};
#pragma warning(default : 4305)
#pragma warning(default : 4838)

  return 0;
HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Can you please do git checkout develop & git pull & git merge develop again? This will fix the issue you had with the DEBUG macro on Windows.

gohil-jay commented 1 year ago


HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Hi Jay, looks like all tests pass now, but you still need to fix the warning in detail_probit_test with the code in my earlier comment.

I have been thinking about the interface of this class, and we need to iterate it some more. Here are the requirements.

I will play around with a few ideas on Godbolt. Once I have something, I will present it here. You should then let me know when you are done with your current changes so that I can integrate this part without us creating conflicts for each other by making changes simultaneously.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

@gohil-jay After looking at the Clopper-Pearson interval, I think we cannot avoid to use Boost Math at least for this interval. I don't want to re-implement the regularised incomplete beta function in our detail namespace. But we can probably make it so that the user only has to have Boost Math available if they really want the Clopper-Pearson interval. I will investigate this. Furthermore, the beta distribution is need for the calculation of the Jeffreys interval.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

@gohil-jay We need do some more work on this branch, but the "changes requested" warning is annoying me, so I accepted the changes you made so far.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

I added two new classes which allow us to define the interval via confidence level or via a multiple of the standard deviation. In physics, this is common can now be easily supported.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

I committed another large patch. The efficiency accumulator is now called fraction, since this is a more general name.

The fraction accumulator only offers the default interval, which is the Wilson score interval. Users can compute other intervals with the interval functors in the utility namespace which are publically exposed. I implemented the wilson_interval as an example for you, @gohil-jay , could you please implement the others? You will need special functions from Boost Math for clopper_pearson_interval and jeffreys_interval.

But first, please add some more tests to accumulators_fraction_test.cpp.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

The new intervals start to look good but you started to make changes that broke things that were previously correct. I am talking especially about the changes to fraction and odr_test.cpp

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

@gohil-jay Can you work on fixing the failing tests? appveyor is complaining about possible loss of data

C:\projects\boost\boost/histogram/accumulators/fraction.hpp(35): error C2220: the following warning is treated as an error
test\accumulators_fraction_test.cpp(43): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'boost::histogram::accumulators::fraction<T>::fraction<double>(const boost::histogram::accumulators::fraction<double> &) noexcept' being compiled
test\accumulators_fraction_test.cpp(43): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'boost::histogram::accumulators::fraction<T>::fraction<double>(const boost::histogram::accumulators::fraction<double> &) noexcept' being compiled
test\accumulators_fraction_test.cpp(77): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void run_tests<int>(void)' being compiled
C:\projects\boost\boost/histogram/accumulators/fraction.hpp(35): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'const int', possible loss of data
C:\projects\boost\boost/histogram/accumulators/fraction.hpp(35): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'const int', possible loss of data
HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Hi Jay, the comments that you added look ok. I am concerned about the test that you changed, and that we do not have an explanation for the large deviations of the jeffreys and clopper pearson intervals from the reference numbers. It is ok to have deviations of about 1e-7, but not 0.1.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

The error in Slow/gcc10 is not caused by us, but in boostorg/math. I send a PR with a fix to boostorg/math.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

@gohil-jay I fixed the jefferys_interval, you don't need to change this anymore. While reading up on it, I found a minor enhancement for this interval, which I implemented. It is all documented in the class.

While fixing the jeffreys_interval, I noticed why you were getting wrong results. You treated CL as alpha, but alpha = 1 - CL. This is also the reason why your implementation of the clopper_pearson interval gives wrong results. We can and should precompute alpha_half in the constructor of the interval class, because alpha_half is constant during the life-time of the interval maker. This is why we use a class, to be able to put computations that only need to be done once into the constructor. Please have a look how I did it in the jeffreys_interval class, and copy that for the clopper_pearson_interval.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

I now also fixed the clopper-pearson interval. You don't need to change anything there anymore. Since the beta distribution from boost::math cannot handle the case where the successes or failures are zero, I use an explicit formula for that special case, which is described in the wikipedia.

gohil-jay commented 1 year ago

I will take a look at all the changes including one to boost::math to see how you overcame beta_distribution limit (maybe conditional implementation for those inputs or something I missed from docs) and rest of others.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

I will take a look at all the changes including one to boost::math to see how you overcame beta_distribution limit (maybe conditional implementation for those inputs or something I missed from docs) and rest of others.

Yes, I special-cased this. For successes = 0 (or failures = 0), one can compute the interval boundaries analytically as described in the Wikipedia.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

@henryiii Can you please look over the interface of accumulators/fraction.hpp and let us know if you see any issues? The interface to compute confidence_interval is intentionally not flexible, since people should use the wilson interval unless they really know what they are doing. We provide more ways to compute intervals with the interval computers in boost/histogram/utility.

henryiii commented 1 year ago

Is there an integration test somewhere (maybe I’m just missing it)? I see unit tests for pieces, but is there a test were a histogram with the new accumulator is tested? I wanted to see the bool sample being used, I’m thinking this is the first storage where a bool sample is expected. That's the most important usage from boost-histogram's perspective.

No docs yet?

To be sure the interface works in boost-histogram, we can always make a branch of boost-histogram building on this branch. But I don’t see anything that would be likely to be a problem.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

@henryiii Thank you for the comments.

Is there an integration test somewhere (maybe I’m just missing it)? I see unit tests for pieces, but is there a test were a histogram with the new accumulator is tested? I wanted to see the bool sample being used, I’m thinking this is the first storage where a bool sample is expected. That's the most important usage from boost-histogram's perspective.

Good catch, I think we tested this in the beginning interactively on godbolt, but we don't have this integration test. Needs to be added.

No docs yet?

Do you mean the user guide? All new classes/functions are documented with doxygen strings. I also checked the generated docs, they look ok. But it is still missing from the guide, that's true.

To be sure the interface works in boost-histogram, we can always make a branch of boost-histogram building on this branch. But I don’t see anything that would be likely to be a problem.

Yes and until the next boost release, we can also make breaking changes.

henryiii commented 1 year ago

Do you mean the user guide?

Yes. Not at all a blocker, can be added later, just should be on a todo list somewhere.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

There is indeed a problem with std::vector<bool>. Because of the specialization of vector, one cannot pass std::vector<bool> to histogram::fill since it is not compatible with std::span (or boost::span). It is possible with any contiguous containers of boolean values that does not use the vector specialization. Supporting std::vector<bool> in fill is difficult, I would have to create a special path just for that. What works is to use std::vector<char> instead of std::vector<bool>.

In boost-histogram, you want to pass a numpy array of bool, which in memory looks like std::vector<char>. Conversion to std::vector<bool> would actually invoke a costly copy. So supporting std::vector<bool> does not make much sense. This should be documented, of course.

henryiii commented 1 year ago

Looks great. Boost-histogram doesn't actually use std::vector (except for strings), so I think we'll be fine there.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Docs were improved, integration test added, and some convenience to allow the interval computers to accept a fraction accumulator directly. I will merge as soon as this passes all tests. Thanks @gohil-jay @henryiii