boostorg / histogram

Fast multi-dimensional generalized histogram with convenient interface for C++14
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Piecewise #386

Open ryanelandt opened 1 year ago

ryanelandt commented 1 year ago

[EDITED: to better distinguish between bin space Y and bin indices, especially in the artwork.]

This PR hopes to eventually close #47, adding a piecewise axis. The structure of this piecewise axis implementation is different from the others. I'm hoping to get feedback on it. Changes to this PR, and supporting PRs will likely be needed before this PR can be merged in.

Solution overview:

This 1D piecewise axis implementation has two layers. The first layer has to do with creating immutable pieces that transform from input space X to bin space Y. The second layer converts from bin space Y to bin indices to create an axis. If axis growth is allowed, this second layer is mutable. I explain how this works on a high level.

Layer 1: Pieces

Suppose we want to divide the input space X into 4 bins of unit spacing starting at x=3. Values between y= [0, 1) are associated with bin 0.

   y=0             y=4
   x=3             x=7

This piece is described by three pieces of information

There are five supported piece types:

  1. unit (bin spacing is 1)
  2. uniform (bin spacing is constant)
  3. multiply (bin spacing is multiplied by a constant)
  4. add (bin spacing is added to by a constant)
  5. variable (bin bounds are user supplied points)

Note: Pieces are similar to the existing transformation functionality in the sqrt and log transformations of regular axis. The difference is that pieces apply offsets and scaling.

Combining pieces

Suppose we wanted to combine the following two pieces.

     y=0             y=4          y=4                 y=9
      |---|---|---|---|            |-|--|---|----|-----|
     x=3             x=7          x=9                x=15
         Unit spacing                   Add spacing

Typically one wouldn't want to combine two pieces with a gap between them, but this possibility is supported by the implementation. A piecewise transformation stores each of these unmodified pieces internally. The external behavior is that of piecewise transformation from y=0 to y=9 with a gap where y=nan.

     y=0             y=4 y=nan y=4                 y=9
      |---|---|---|---|         |-|--|---|----|-----|
     x=3             x=7       x=9                x=15

Layer 2: Axis behavior

Bin shifting:

Suppose we wanted to use the piecewise transformation above in a growable axis. This axis starts off with 9 bins (i.e., y=0 through y=9). Adding bins means shifting the input to the transformation. It also means expanding its size. Shifting is needed with underflow or overflow bins are added. Underflow bins are added below x=3. Overflow bins are added above x=15. Adding bins between x=7 and x=9 is not supported. The mutable piece x_bin_shift accumulates:

Using this information, x_bin_shift augments the behavior of the contained piecewise transformation as follows. The size (i.e., number of bins) of the piece is increased by the number of underflow and overflow bins. The output space (i.e., Y axis) is shifted by the number of underflow bins in the forward and inverse calculations.

Linear axis:

Wrapping the, possibly shifted, piece in an int_resolver_linear makes the piece an axis. This linear int resolver implements an index method which converts from bin space Y to bin indices. Values in output space Y are converted to bin indices according to the existing machinery. For example, nan Y values are placed in the overflow bin.

Circular axis:

Suppose we wanted to make the above described piecewise transformation circular with a relevant period x=3 to x=23. This piece is copied below for convenience.

     y=0             y=4 y=nan y=4                 y=9
      |---|---|---|---|         |-|--|---|----|-----|
     x=3             x=7       x=9                x=15

To do this, we wrap the piece in an int_resolver_circular with the bounds x=3 and x=23. This circular resolver augments the behavior of the contained piece. The input (i.e., the X axis) is wrapped to the domain x=3 to x=23 before being given to the contained piece This circular int resolver makes the transformation an axis by converting from bin space Y to bin indices.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Another interesting patch. I had a quick first glance and some first comments.

The gaps between axes should be handled like a single overflow bin to remain compatible with the existing machinery. This generic overflow bin which contains everything that falls outside of any of the defined axes. If there are no gaps between subaxis objects, we could support an underflow and overflow bin with the standard meaning.

ryanelandt commented 1 year ago

Integrating int_resolver functionality into regular axis seems like a good idea for a first step. To do this, I added PR #387. This PR eliminates some of the precision issues with regular axis. It includes a before and after indexing benchmark.

My initial post for this PR (#386) did not clearly communicate that gaps between axes are handled with a single overflow bin. I’ve edited it to correct this.