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boost::icl::interval_map::operator+= : entry doesn't get added if value is zero. #22

Open afluriach opened 5 years ago

afluriach commented 5 years ago

When inserting an entry into a boost::icl::interval_map<float, int>, the entry is not inserted if the value is 0. I am guessing this is a bug that happens when the value evaluates to a boolean false. note: using VS2017, C++14. Issue is present in 1.59 - 1.69 (including C++17 for 1.69)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/icl/interval_map.hpp>

using namespace std;
typedef pair<float, float> float_pair;

boost::icl::interval_map<float, int> makeIntervalMap(const vector<float_pair>& intervals)
    boost::icl::interval_map<float, int> result;
    int intervalCount = 0;

    for (float_pair entry : intervals) {
        result += make_pair(
            boost::icl::interval<float>::right_open(entry.first, entry.second),

    return result;

const vector<float_pair> intervals = {

int main()
    boost::icl::interval_map<float, int> m = makeIntervalMap(intervals);

    for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) {
        cout << it->first.lower() << ", " << it->first.upper() << endl;

In the same code, the interval_map has one fewer element than it should, with the interval corresponding to value 0 missing, Changing it to use a ones-based index works as a workaround. And if I remove the post-increment and try to assign every interval the value zero, none of them get added.

jbelloncastro commented 4 years ago

That is not a bug. See

  • A identity absorber never stores value pairs (k,0) that carry identity elements.
  • A identity enricher stores value pairs (k,0).

Maps created with partial_absorber (default) or total_absorber trait will not store neutral/identity/default values. If you want your map to include 0 value, then you should create your map with:

boost::icl::interval_map<float, int, partial_enricher> m;