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Alignment problem with boost/interprocess/segment_manager on SPARC 32Bit / Boost 1.84 #215

Open TomSmartBishop opened 5 months ago

TomSmartBishop commented 5 months ago

As requested by @igaztanaga on I'm opening an issue here.

I'm creating a shared memory:

TEST(SharedMemoryManagerTest, PlainTest) {
    struct TestData {
        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>  c1{};
        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>  c2{};
        uint32_t data;
    auto unnamedRegion = std::make_unique<boost::interprocess::mapped_region>(
    auto anonymousShm = std::make_unique<boost::interprocess::managed_external_buffer>(
            boost::interprocess::create_only, unnamedRegion->get_address(), unnamedRegion->get_size());

    auto result = anonymousShm->find_or_construct<TestData>("test"); //kaboom
    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, result.operator()());

That is the output:

[----------] 1 test from SharedMemoryManagerTest
[ RUN      ] SharedMemoryManagerTest.PlainTest
Start  foo: SharedMemoryManagerTest.PlainTest
Test  #foo: SharedMemoryManagerTest.PlainTest
.............................................................................Bus error***Exception:   1.28 sec

Tested on other platforms x86, 32&64Bit (Win/Linux) without any issues.

I thought it might be due to segment_manager.hpp priv_generic_named_construct(...) there is an allocate performed and not allocate_aligned despite having the info in block_info.m_value_alignment available.

TomSmartBishop commented 5 months ago

I changed the test a bit that clearly shows that the allocated memory is 4 byte aligned(address 0xfe93005c) even though int64 would need 8 byte alignment:

TEST(SharedMemoryManagerTest, TestInt64) {
    struct Int64Data {
        uint64_t data;
        Int64Data() {};
    auto unnamedRegion =
            std::make_unique<patchboost::interprocess::mapped_region>(patchboost::interprocess::anonymous_shared_memory(512 * 1024));
    auto anonymousShm = std::make_unique<patchboost::interprocess::managed_external_buffer>(
            patchboost::interprocess::create_only, unnamedRegion->get_address(), unnamedRegion->get_size());
    std::cout << "Find or construct int 64 data... Alignment " << alignof(Int64Data) << " (size " << sizeof(Int64Data) << ")" <<  std::endl;
    auto* int64data = anonymousShm->find_or_construct<Int64Data>("int64_data")();
    std::cout << "Access int64 data..." << int64data <<
        ((reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(int64data)%alignof(Int64Data)==0) ? " Aligned" : " NOT Aligned") << std::endl;
    if(int64data) {
        std::cout << "Write int64 data..." << std::endl;
        int64data->data = 64;
    std::cout << "Done." << std::endl; //never reached due to bu error when writing to int64
[----------] 1 test from SharedMemoryManagerTest
[ RUN      ] TestInt64
Find or construct int 64 data... Alignment 8 (size 8)
Access int64 data...0xfe93005c NOT Aligned
Write int64 data...
................................................Bus error***Exception:   1.26 sec
TomSmartBishop commented 5 months ago

I investigated that a bit further and found that in priv_generic_named_construct the intrusive_hdr is still created on an aligned address, my example 0xfe930048. When calling intrusive_hdr->get_block_header() for creating the block_header_t, I however get the the address 0xfe930054 (maybe because size_type has only 4 bytes?). From there it adds another 8 bytes and I land on 0xfe93005c (just like in the test).

TomSmartBishop commented 5 months ago

@igaztanaga I did one more experiment and just changed intrusive_value_type_impl::BlockHdrAlignment in segment_manager_helper.hpp from enum { BlockHdrAlignment = ::patchboost::container::dtl::alignment_of<block_header<size_type> >::value }; to enum { BlockHdrAlignment = 8}; (ignoring any possible side effects/implications) and it worked. The int64 is indeed aligned. I guess, since the header comes before the data, we have to make sure, that the alignment fits after the header, right?

pgroke-dt commented 5 months ago

I want to add that this is not only an issue on SPARC 32 bit, it's an issue on other 32 bit platforms as well. Only on most other platforms you don't get the nice bus error that tells you something's wrong. E.g. I ran the test on x86 32 bit, Visual Studio 2022, and I also get bad alignment there. The test doesn't crash, but the address for the uint64_t is not is not divisible by 8.

And this can become a problem when using atomics. On x86 (and I assume most/all other CPUs), normal memory accesses are only guaranteed to be atomic if the memory location is properly aligned. x86 won't give you a bus error. But if the access happens to span a cache line boundary, it will simply not be atomic. AFAIK this is not a problem for lock cmpxchg, lock cmpxchg8b etc. - those are guaranteed to always be atomic wrt. other interlocked instructions. But it is a problem for normal loads and stores - which are typically used for atomic "load acquire" and "store release" operations on x86.

I'm assuming that it's quite popular to use atomic variables in shared memory objects. And if this bug breaks something, it will be extremely hard to track down the root cause - at least on platforms that silently allow unaligned accesses. As such, I consider this a serious issue.

pgroke-dt commented 5 months ago

Wrt. what goes wrong and how it could be fixed...

The objects that are constructed into the allocated memory regions are (in layout order):

Again with x86, 32 bit, Visual Studio 2022: The memory allocation itself works properly, the returned address is aligned to "max align". intrusive_value_type_impl has 12 bytes. block_header has 8 bytes and an alignment requirement of 4. T has 8 bytes and an alignment requirement of 8.

The offset for intrusive_value_type_impl is trivially correct because it's zero.

The offset for block_header is computed by rounding 12 (size of intrusive_value_type_impl) up to the next multiple of 4 (align of block_header). The result is 12. In itself, this is OK. block_header needs an alignment of 4, so 12 is fine.

Then the offset for the T is computed. The problem is that this offset computation is done relative to the beginning of the block_header - and doesn't take into account that the block_header itself might not be suitable aligned for arbitrary types. I.e. the offset of the T relative to the address of the block_header is computed by rounding 8 (size of block_header) up to the next multiple of 8 (align of T), which gives 8.

So the offset for T from the beginning of the allocation is 12 + 8 = 20. Which is not divisible by 8. Kaboom.

I see two ways to fix this.

The simple one would be to use "max align" for BlockHdrAlignment. This requires few code changes, but it wastes some memory in some cases. Like if we take the example above, only with a 4 byte T, then placing the block_header at offset 12 and the T at offset 20 would be fine. But using "max align" for BlockHdrAlignment would insert 4 bytes of unnecessary padding.

The more complicated one would be to change the offset calculation for the T, so that it accounts for the actual offset of the block_header from the beginning of the allocation. This requires a lot more changes, will be harder to get correct and will also make the code even harder to read. (It might also add a very small runtime overhead, but I don't expect that to matter much.)