boostorg / locale

Boost Software License 1.0
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libboost_locale 1.82.0 will not build on MacOS Sonoma Intel #210

Closed olekrisek closed 7 months ago

olekrisek commented 8 months ago

Hi, I am trying to build the boost libraries. Everything goes fine, except for the libboost_locale that that does not got built. The build goes fine for 1.79.0, but my project uses features in 1.82, so I cannot switch.

I am using this setup to build:


rm -rf arm64 x86_64 universal stage bin.v2
rm -f b2 project-config*
./ cxxflags="-arch x86_64 -arch arm64" cflags="-arch x86_64 -arch arm64" linkflags="-arch x86_64 -arch arm64"
./b2 toolset=clang-darwin target-os=darwin architecture=arm abi=aapcs cxxflags="-arch arm64" cflags="-arch arm64" linkflags="-arch arm64" -a
mkdir -p arm64a && cp stage/lib/*.a arm64a
mkdir -p arm64 && cp stage/lib/*.dylib arm64
./b2 toolset=clang-darwin target-os=darwin architecture=x86 cxxflags="-arch x86_64" cflags="-arch x86_64" linkflags="-arch x86_64" abi=sysv binary-format=mach-o -a
mkdir x86_64 && cp stage/lib/*.dylib x86_64
cp stage/lib/*.a x86_64
mkdir universal
for dylib in arm64/*; do 
  lipo -create -arch arm64 $dylib -arch x86_64 x86_64/$(basename $dylib) -output universal/$(basename $dylib); 

mkdir universal_a
for dylib in arm64a/*; do 
  lipo -create -arch arm64 $dylib -arch x86_64 x86_64/$(basename $dylib) -output universal_a/$(basename $dylib); 

for dylib in universal/*; do
  lipo $dylib -info;

for dylib in universal_a/*; do
  lipo $dylib -info;

the config.log file looks like this: config.log

The output (terminal) looks like this: boost.1.8.2 build.txt

Flamefire commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the output which shows the issue: It seems to be the same as in that your compiler doesn't support C++11 by default or Boost.Config fails to detect it.

libs/config/checks/test_case.cpp:986:7: error: "Defect macro BOOST_NO_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT is defined."

You can try passing e.g. cxxstd=11 to b2

olekrisek commented 8 months ago

I did, and it seems to work: Architectures in the fat file: universal_a/libboost_locale.a are: x86_64 arm64

However, when I try to use it, this snippet crashes the application:

// Initialize boost::locale
    boost::locale::generator gen;
    std::locale loc = gen("");
    const boost::locale::collator<char>& coll = std::use_facet<boost::locale::collator<char>>(loc);

    auto result =, str1, str2);
    if (result < 0) return -1;
    if (result > 0) return 1;
    return 0;

In the file: collator.hpp - see the screenshots from Xcode debugger. Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  10 56 40 Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  10 57 32 Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  10 57 20 Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  10 57 01

Flamefire commented 8 months ago

Glad the build worked for you.

As for the error: This doesn't show up in the test suite. Where exactly does this happen? do_compare is a virtual function.

Especially the use of different MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGETs and other b2 flags make me suspect an ODR violation at some point.

olekrisek commented 8 months ago

Maybe I have to build with debug mode to follow into do_compare - I can put a breakpoint on it, and the crash does not occur before I try to enter into it. The only thing I see, is the call stack in Xcode: Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  12 52 59

The differences in deployment target for intel and arm is a project requirement, as arm first become available with 12.3, bu t many users still use earlier OS on intel platform. As those are separately built, I did not knew this could be a problem. When I compile the main project in debug mode, only the intel part is linked.

The l/r data and size, it seems this is OK: Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  13 26 45

Flamefire commented 8 months ago

It looks like the virtual function dispatch gets messed up in your use case as indicated by __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info in the call stack which doesn't look right. This could have multiple causes:

Maybe it is also a visibility related issue. Can you (additonally) try chainging to class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE collator : public std::collate<CharType> {

This might help the linker getting the vtable right.

olekrisek commented 8 months ago

Hi, Now I have done this:

Here is the updated boost compile script:

rm -rf arm64 x86_64 universal stage bin.v2
rm -f b2 project-config*
./ cxxflags="-arch x86_64 -arch arm64" cflags="-arch x86_64 -arch arm64" linkflags="-arch x86_64 -arch arm64"
#./b2 variant=debug toolset=clang-darwin target-os=darwin architecture=arm abi=aapcs cxxstd=11 cxxflags="-arch arm64" cflags="-arch arm64" linkflags="-arch arm64" -a
#mkdir -p arm64a && cp stage/lib/*.a arm64a
#mkdir -p arm64 && cp stage/lib/*.dylib arm64
./b2 toolset=clang-darwin target-os=darwin architecture=x86 cxxstd=11 cxxflags="-arch x86_64" cflags="-arch x86_64" linkflags="-arch x86_64" abi=sysv binary-format=mach-o -a
mkdir x86_64 && cp stage/lib/*.dylib x86_64
cp stage/lib/*.a x86_64
#mkdir universal
#for dylib in arm64/*; do 
#  lipo -create -arch arm64 $dylib -arch x86_64 x86_64/$(basename $dylib) -output universal/$(basename $dylib); 

#mkdir universal_a
#for dylib in arm64a/*; do 
#  lipo -create -arch arm64 $dylib -arch x86_64 x86_64/$(basename $dylib) -output universal_a/$(basename $dylib); 

#for dylib in universal/*; do
#  lipo $dylib -info;

#for dylib in universal_a/*; do
#  lipo $dylib -info;

The Info for the lib now says:

file libboost_locale.a 
libboost_locale.a: current ar archive
ole@Oles-Mac-mini Xcode % lipo libboost_locale.a -info
Non-fat file: libboost_locale.a is architecture: x86_64
ole@Oles-Mac-mini Xcode % 

UPDATE I also see there there is some errors in the config.log - around locale build:

clang-darwin.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_iconv.o bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_iconv
ld: Undefined symbols:
  _iconv_open, referenced from:
      _main in has_iconv.o
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    "clang++" -arch x86_64  -o "bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_iconv" "bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_iconv.o"        -fPIC -m64 -std=c++11 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden --target=x86_64-apple-darwin

...failed bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_iconv...
...failed updating 1 target...
...updated 8 targets...
...found 2 targets...
...updating 2 targets...
clang-darwin.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_external_iconv_obj.o bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_external_iconv
...updated 2 targets...
...found 4 targets...
...updating 2 targets...
clang-darwin.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_icu_test.o
/Users/ole/Prosjekter/Boost/boost_1_82_0/libs/locale/build/has_icu_test.cpp:6:10: fatal error: 'unicode/coll.h' file not found
#include <unicode/coll.h>
1 error generated.

    "clang++" -x c++ -std=c++11 -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fPIC -m64 -O3 -Wall -fvisibility=hidden -Wno-inline --target=x86_64-apple-darwin -arch x86_64 -arch x86_64 -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DNDEBUG -I"."  -c -o "bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_icu_test.o" "/Users/ole/Prosjekter/Boost/boost_1_82_0/libs/locale/build/has_icu_test.cpp"

...failed clang-darwin.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/has_icu_test.o...
...skipped <pbin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden>has_icu for lack of <pbin.v2/libs/locale/build/clang-darwin-15/release/cxxstd-11-iso/threading-multi/visibility-hidden>has_icu_test.o...
...failed updating 1 target...
...skipped 1 target...
...found 1 target...
...updating 1 target...

can this ld: Undefined symbols: _iconv_open, referenced from: _main in has_iconv.o have something to do with this article I found:

Flamefire commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the tests!

After excluding all impossible things what remains must be the truth: There is a bug in Boost.Locale which has been there since forever.

But slow: The config.log message about Iconv is fine. The failure you see is basically a configure check and corresponds to this:

    - iconv (libc)             : no [2]
    - iconv (separate)         : yes [2]

However The other one is not! It checks for ICU and fails to find it: - icu : no [2]

Not sure if your debugger allows this but check the actual type of boost::locale::collator<char>, i.e. of *this inside the compare call. It is likely one from boost::locale::impl_std or boost::locale::impl_posix. And those only derive from std::collate but not from boost::locale::collate which means they do not implement that do_compare function taking a level argument. And seemingly std::use_facet does not check the actual type but only the id.
In particular only the WinAPI and the ICU backends implement that facet and you don't even have either build which explains this.

So in a semi-correct version your use of std::use_facet<boost::locale::collator<char>> should throw a std::bad_cast. At least until the Posix and Std backends implement that facet which I don't think is possible.

For you this means that you need to build Boost.Locale with ICU to get this working.

olekrisek commented 8 months ago

Here is the breakdown of *this

Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  19 53 14

I know there is some libicucore.tbd in standard macOS. Would it be possible to use that? Like to avoid embedding a huge library into this plugin ( that is at least as the size of the plugin itself only to be able to compare UTF8 strings in a sorting algorithm. Skjermbilde 2024-01-04 kl  19 58 28

Flamefire commented 8 months ago

Hm, it doesn't seem to read the actual type data.

I know there is some libicucore.tbd in standard macOS. Would it be possible to use that? Like to avoid embedding a huge library into this plugin ( that is at least as the size of the plugin itself only to be able to compare UTF8 strings in a sorting algorithm.

I don't know as I'm not familiar with how macOS frameworks work exactly and if/how b2 supports them. Check if you can find <x>/include/unicode/coll.h somewhere and use that -s ICU_PATH=x you might also need to set ICU_ICUUC_NAME, ICU_ICUDT_NAME and ICU_ICUIN_NAME via -s, potentially to libicucore.tbd or so. But that's only random guessing.

You could get a bit further without that by using std::collate<wchar_t> which is implemented for the posix backend and converting your input to that first via boost::locale::to_utf<wchar_t> or boost::locale::utf_to_utf<wchar_t> if you know your input is UTF-8. However that doesn't let you specify a collation level. For your use case you might want to apply case folding first.

Further checking: It looks like you could also use the std backend which implements a std::collate<char> facet that does the UTF-8 to wide comparison by default. Again you might need to apply case folding first before feeding your strings to collate.

Those 2 approaches get you close but not to the same level as what ICU provides as secondary collation rules include not only case folding but also punctuations/accents and such.

olekrisek commented 8 months ago

Thank you for feedback and tips around this.

You are right, I have built the ICU libs for intel/arm now, and seems to get it detected. The did the trick. Just had to adjust the build for the deployment targets.

I have put those lines into the build script:

export ICU_PATH=/Users/ole/Prosjekter/icu/icu4c-iosx/product

and then -sICU_PATH=$ICU_PATH on the b2 lines.

It seems like boost_regex also uses ICU, so this can probably solve som issues with regex and UTF8 chars.

I will let you know how it goes.

Flamefire commented 7 months ago

Closing this as the initial issue has been solved by passing cxxstd=11 to b2.

Tracking the type confusion regarding boost::locale::collator in #215

Feel free to open a new issue if there are other problems.