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boost::move::out_ptr to interact with boost::move::unique_ptr #22

Closed ThePhD closed 5 years ago

ThePhD commented 5 years ago

My name is JeanHeyd Meneide and I was proposing a utility class to both boost and the standard library called out_ptr. Originally, I had put out an interest post on the boost mailing list for it to be its own library, but I recently learned of boost::move. A few boost folks at the C++ San Diego Standards Meeting during a Boost outing (Glen F., Zach L. and others) gave me some advice: because of the need to customize out_ptr/inout_ptr for unique_ptr (including a std::unique_ptr and boost::move::unique_ptr) as a friended type, it might be better to simply have this utility under the boost::move library so the specialization and friending can just be done in-library.

The short of it is that the library enables you to treat a regular smart pointer like something you can pass to a typical T** function commonly seem in COM and C APIs. E.g., some fictional C api called ficapi, the usage would look like so if it was within boost::move:

boost::move::unique_ptr<int, ficapi_int_deleter> p;
// signature: void ficapi_create_int(int** p_handle);
// RAII initializes a stored int*, takes address, 
// hands it to function
// then uses destructor to call .reset()
ficapi_opaque_handle rawp = p.get();
assert(rawp != nullptr);
assert(ficapi_handle_get_data(rawp) == ficapi_get_dynamic_data());

The proposal has motivating examples, design decisions, benchmarks and similar, but if something seems unclear do let me know and I will do my best to explain it.

It has gone through 2 rounds of design review by the Standards Committee and is going to be seen in the C++ Standards Kona meeting to see if it passes in forwarding to the Wording Group, and I have had other companies use it and have used it myself. I only propose it now because only recently have I found out that this type is seeing quite a lot of use outside of just my use cases and that people are constantly re-inventing it.

Is this a utility that you think can go into boost::move? If so, I'd like to make a pull request to the library adding the utility and getting a review on it from the boost::move maintainers.

Flamefire commented 5 years ago

As it is gonna be in a future C++ standard (if not accepted for C++20 I expect it to be reworked and added to a future one) I'd definitely like to see it in Boost. I'm not a maintainer though.

ThePhD commented 5 years ago

As a side note, another candidate library for this might be the Smart Pointer (Boost.Smartptr). It will still require coordination with the Boost.Move lib's unique_ptr for the speed customization, however.

igaztanaga commented 5 years ago

Looks like Boost.Smartptr would be a better choice. I guess friendship avoids the UB, but it would be better to specify which operation is needed in unique_ptr and maybe make it public to allow interoperability with other smart pointers.

ThePhD commented 5 years ago

I will move to putting this in Boost.Smartptr. Thanks for the feedback!

As a side note, if it does make it into Boost.Smartptr, I will also need to swing back around here to get the speed optimization for using this. In particular, we would need a .get_ref() function which returns a reference to the internal ::pointer type.

However, that's horrible design, so adding boost::out_ptr_t and boost::inout_ptr_t as friends would probably be a much better design that does not leak internals to the world!

You don't have to do anything: I will make a pull request with such functionality and let you approve it should this make it into Boost.Smartptr. Thanks for your advice!