boostorg / multiprecision

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std::is_integral_v vs std::numeric_limits::is_integer #230

Open Silicomancer opened 4 years ago

Silicomancer commented 4 years ago

std::is_integral_v<myuint256> returns 0 while std::numeric_limits<myuint256>::is_integer returns 1. (using myuint256 = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<256, 256, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, staticSelect<gDebug> boost::multiprecision::checked, boost::multiprecision::unchecked), void>>;)

It is usually assumed that both calls are equivalent. Is this desired behavior or can it be considered a bug or missing feature?

jzmaddock commented 4 years ago

This is intended and correct behaviour: is_integral returns information about the nature of the type and is true only for "native" integer types, it should never be true for class types. Which is to say is_integer and is_class are mutually exclusive.

numeric_limits on the other hand returns information on the behaviour of a type - whether it models a particular concept if you will - and so should be specialized for UDT's. Note that specializing is_integer for UDT's would break code, since is_integer implies that a lot of other things are also true like trivial move/copy/init etc.

Silicomancer commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the explanation. Could you maybe give me a link where I can read more about the topic?

pabristow commented 4 years ago

Should this useful info be added to the multiprecision documentation? This is a significant difference between fundamental integer types and multiprecision types and the naming is confusing.

ckormanyos commented 3 years ago

Should this useful info be added to the multiprecision documentation?

Yes. I believe it is worth documenting this. Admittedly, I overlooked this post for quite some time.

I will be happy to update the docs accordingly (i.e., clarify behavior of std::is_integral vs. std::numeric_limits<>::is_integer). However, I'd prefer to get this into 1.77, as I think we need to concentrate on perfecting 1.76 at the moment.

ckormanyos commented 3 years ago

Restarting the discussion on this post.

My understanding is that the types in multiprecision such as cpp_int and cpp_bin_float do not return true from the library's type traits such as std::is_integral, std::is_floating_point, and of course not std::is_fundamental (and similar). But these should return truefor is_class, and false for is_union and maybe a few more worth mentioning.

The open issue is to document this behavior for 1.77.

Where to document? There is a chapter on numeric_limits. Perhaps a new, similar chapter on <type_traits> would be good.

Alternativley (my preference), we extend the chapter on numeric_limits to also incoude information on <type_traits> and reflect this in the title of this chapter as well.


jzmaddock commented 3 years ago

I was tempted to say that this is too trivial to be that bothered by, but if we're going for it, then I would suggest a new section in the tutorial (maybe right after the numeric_limits stuff) entitled "Traits Class Support", that mentions the std type triats, and also explains our own traits:

template <class T>
struct component_type;
template <class T>
struct number_category;
template <class T>
struct is_number;
template <class T>
struct is_number_expression;

which are documented in the reference, but might not be noticed there.