boostorg / multiprecision

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Problem with expression template #541

Closed afabri closed 1 year ago

afabri commented 1 year ago


The code below does not compile with clang (but with VC2022) and boost 1_80_0. The arithmetic expression 2 * r becomes an expression<..> and that does not convert to the rational type.

Is that normal behavior, or a bug.

#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>

typedef boost::multiprecision::cpp_rational Rat;

struct E {
  Rat rat;
  E(const Rat& rat)
    : rat(rat)

int main()
  Rat r(1,3);
  E e = 2 * r;
  // E e(2*r);           //compiles
 //  E e = Rat(2*r); // compiles 
  return 0;

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

I believe this is expected behaviour - the issue being that there are two user-defined conversions required to construct an E from an expression template - one the conversion to Rat, and one in E's constructor. This is certainly unfortunate, but I don't see an easy fix at our end right now.

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

@mborland : this is unrelated to the changes in rational_adaptor, I can reproduce with mpfr_float as well, it's intrinsic to the use of expression templates.

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

I might have a fix.

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

This is somewhat fixed in develop: the fix requires C++17 or later, prior to that the fix causes all sorts of issues with gcc and clang that I've been unable to fix.

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

This fix has been reverted as causing too many issues.

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

I'm going to close this as unfixable, consider:

#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
#include <cmath>

template <class Num>
struct wrapper
   wrapper(const Num&);

using N = boost::multiprecision::cpp_int;
using W = wrapper<N>;

bool foo(const N&);
bool foo(const W&);

int main(int argc)

   N n;
   W w(n);

   foo(n * n);

   return 0;

If we allow expression templates to convert to all the types that class number converts to, then this example will necessarily fail, as the call to foo will be ambiguous: there are two paths the compiler could take, each involving one user-defined conversion.

My suggestion then, is that any class that is constructible from a number, should also be constructible from an expression template. But since expression templates are complex undocumented types, the best way to achieve that is a template constructor which is enable_If'ed on is_number_expression:

template <class Arg, class = typename std::enable_if<boost::multiprecision::is_number_expression<Arg>::value>::type>
myclass(const Arg&);

Hope that all makes sense!