boostorg / multiprecision

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understanding precision policies #551

Open ofloveandhate opened 1 year ago

ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

I'm still working on understanding the policies implemented for mixed precision arithmetic. i'm at boost 1.81 as installed from homebrew on a mac M1.

I have the following code that I think doesn't produce expected results. Namely, I make two variables x and y at precision 50 and 60 respectively. Then I make a variable z at precision 70, and default precision is 70. Then I compute x*y with the various policies. For all of them, z=x*y leaves z with the precision it started with. Specifically, I think that for all policies except preserve_target_precision the precision of z should be 60 after. But in all cases the precision of z is the current default precision; the precision of the target does not depend on the precision of the operands.

Is this the expected behaviour? am I not correctly setting the policy? I used the doc page on variable precision as my guide, and I think what i have is correct.

test code:


    mpfr_float x("0.01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789");
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x.precision(), 50);

    mpfr_float y("0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789");
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);

    // make a variable at precision 70
    mpfr_float z1("0"), z2("0"), z3("0"), z4("0"), z5("0");

    // then try to write into this existing variable with various policies

    // All expressions are evaluated at the precision of the highest precision variable within the expression, and then rounded to the precision of the target variable upon assignment. The precision of other types (including related or component types - see preserve_component_precision/preserve_related_precision) contained within the expression are ignored. This option has the unfortunate side effect, that moves may become full deep copies. 

    z1 = x*y;

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x.precision(), 50);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(z1.precision(), 70);

    // All expressions are evaluated at the precision of the highest precision variable within the expression, and that precision is preserved upon assignment. The precision of other types (including related or component types - see preserve_component_precision/preserve_related_precision) contained within the expression are ignored. Moves, are true moves not copies. 

    z2 = x*y;

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x.precision(), 50);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(z2.precision(), 60);

    //All expressions are evaluated at the precision of the highest precision variable within the expression, and that precision is preserved upon assignment. If the expression contains component types then these are also considered when calculating the precision of the expression. Component types are the types which make up the two components of the number when dealing with interval or complex numbers. They are the same type as Num::value_type. Moves, are true moves not copies. 

    z3 = x*y;

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x.precision(), 50);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(z3.precision(), 60);

    // All expressions are evaluated at the precision of the highest precision variable within the expression, and that precision is preserved upon assignment. If the expression contains component types then these are also considered when calculating the precision of the expression. In addition to component types, all related types are considered when evaluating the precision of the expression. Related types are considered to be instantiations of the same template, but with different parameters. So for example mpfr_float_100 would be a related type to mpfr_float, and all expressions containing an mpfr_float_100 variable would have at least 100 decimal digits of precision when evaluated as an mpfr_float expression. Moves, are true moves not copies. 

    z4 = x*y;

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x.precision(), 50);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(z4.precision(), 60);

    // All expressions are evaluated at the precision of the highest precision variable within the expression, and that precision is preserved upon assignment. In addition to component and related types, all types are considered when evaluating the precision of the expression. For example, if the expression contains an mpz_int, then the precision of the expression will be sufficient to store all of the digits in the integer unchanged. This option should generally be used with extreme caution, as it can easily cause unintentional precision inflation. Moves, are true moves not copies. 

    z5 = x*y;

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(x.precision(), 50);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(z5.precision(), 60);
ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

the tests for z2, z3, z4, and z5 all fail in the above code.

ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

This is a continuation of #308 , and in turn #75

ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

more testing reveals that if the default precision is less than the max of that of the two operands, we'll get the max precision of the two operands back.

i think uniform precision environments are probably my goal, as anything else seems difficult to control. i'll wait for someone to reply before posting more.

thanks for your attention!!! 🚀

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

OK there is a bug, but not the one you think.

How this should work is that preserve_target_precision preserves the precision of the LHS of the = sign and all the others preserve the precision of the RHS. For example all the asserts in the following example pass for me:

   using namespace boost::multiprecision;
   mpfr_float a{ 2 }, b{ 3 }, z;

   z = a * b;
   std::cout << z.precision() << std::endl;
   assert(z.precision() == 20);
   z = a * b;
   assert(z.precision() == 50);


   z = a * b;
   assert(z.precision() == 60);
   z = a * b;
   assert(z.precision() == 50);

Note the call to thread_default_variable_precision_options. Unfortunately here's the bug: default_variable_precision_options forgets to set the options for the current thread!! So your calls are basically having no effect at all. I'll fix this shortly.

ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

While I wait for a fix (and for it to get distributed), should I rely on the thread* functions?

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

Yes the thread_* functions are actually working!

But of course, uniform precision is the easiest model, it just requires a fair bit of discipline.

ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

I have a related question. When making a new variable and the default precision is not equal to that of any operand, what should be the precision of a new variable? Specifically, for the following code

mpfr_float x("0.01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789");

mpfr_float y("0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(y.precision(), 60);

mpfr_float z = x*y;   // what should be the precision of `z`, and for which policies?  

what should the precision of z be? Does it depend on the precision options?

I think APPoT is meaningless in this scenario because the target doesn't exist, in which case the precision should be one of:

jzmaddock commented 1 year ago

The only thing the current default precision is used for for the precision of a new variable.

In the case of an expression, the expression is always evaluated at the precision of it's largest component (albeit which components are selected is determined by the policies when they're not all floats), the policies then determine what happens next - preservation of that precision via for example preserve_source_precision or rounding to the precision of the target variable via preserve_target_precision. In this case the target variable is assumed to have current default precision: I don't see there should be any difference between:

mpfr_float z = a*b;


mpfr_float z;
z = a*b;
ofloveandhate commented 1 year ago

Ok, thank you. Your explanation was very helpful.