boostorg / multiprecision

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Representable float16 number throws exception #576

Closed michail-boulasikis closed 8 months ago

michail-boulasikis commented 9 months ago

Hello, I am trying to emulate float16 using this library and I have run into a problem. The problem is that I cannot print numbers which are in the range of what float16 can handle, such as 0.05, without getting an exception (I am unsure whether the rest of the functionality is intact). The exception that I get is the following:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<std::range_error>'
  what():  No bits were set in the operand.
Aborted (core dumped)

I am perplexed as to why, since bfloat16 seems to work just fine. Could it be the small exponent? Here is a minimal example to reproduce this behavior.

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>

using namespace boost::multiprecision;
typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<11, backends::digit_base_2, void, std::int16_t, -14, 15>, et_off> float16_t;
typedef number<backends::cpp_bin_float<8, backends::digit_base_2, void, std::int16_t, -126, 127>, et_off> bfloat16_t;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    bfloat16_t nice_number{0.05};
    float16_t problematic_number{0.05};
    std::cout << nice_number << "\n"; // ok
    std::cout << problematic_number << "\n"; // throws
    return 0;

My boost version (as obtained by running dkpg -l | grep boost) is 1.74.0. I am in Ubuntu 22.04 and the code was compiled using g++ version 11.4.0. Thank you for your help.

jzmaddock commented 9 months ago

Reproduced, there's an error in the logic for our IO formatting code somewhere, will investigate.

michail-boulasikis commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Not sure how helpful this is, but the exception occurs in the operator<< overload. More specifically, control goes to line 588 in io.hpp (function restricted_multiply) and then to line 25 (function msb) which eventually throws the exception, because the condition eval_get_sign(a) == 0 is true.

Reading library code is quite difficult for me still. But I will see if I can find anything else. :-)

jzmaddock commented 9 months ago

I have this narrowed down and a possible fix, but I need to write more tests: as having MaxExponent < numeric_limits<int>::bits causes all sorts of problems in our internal logic.