boostorg / multiprecision

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multiprecision crash, can't bisect #584

Closed gerharfa closed 3 months ago

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to upgrade boost in a large project derived from impala. The upgrade I'm attempting is from boost 1.72.0 to boost 1.83.0. One of my tests crashes deterministically at this frame

boostorg/boost#1  0x00007f0050088eb0 in void boost::multiprecision::backends::divide_unsigned_helper<boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> >(boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>*, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> const&, unsigned long long, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>&) ()
boostorg/boost#2  0x00007f0050089cc6 in void boost::multiprecision::backends::divide_unsigned_helper<boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> >(boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>*, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> const&, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> const&, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>&) ()

maybe that's because of invalid inputs. I'm not sure if crashes are expected behaviour for any input here. Anyway I'm trying to figure out what exact commit caused this problem of mine. My plan was to git bisect all commits between the broken one and 1.72.0.

I've followed this page However the commands

git checkout boost-1.72.0
git submodule update --recursive 
./ --without-libraries=python --prefix="some_prefix" cxxflags="-mno-avx2 -fPIC -m64"
./b2 visibility=global link=static runtime-link=static -sNO_BZIP2=1 --toolset=gcc-9.3.0 cxxflags="-mno-avx2 -static-libstdc++ -fPIC -m64" linkflags="-mno-avx2 -static-libstdc++ -fPIC -m64" --prefix="some_prefix" -j100 install --clean

fail like this:

Building Boost.Build engine with toolset gcc... tools/build/src/engine/b2
Unicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/icu4c/73.2
Backing up existing Boost.Build configuration in project-config.jam.25
Generating Boost.Build configuration in project-config.jam for gcc...

Bootstrapping is done. To build, run:


To generate header files, run:

    ./b2 headers

To adjust configuration, edit 'project-config.jam'.
Further information:

   - Command line help:
     ./b2 --help

   - Getting started guide:

   - Boost.Build documentation:

/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:820: in class@project-attributes.set from module object(project-attributes)@7059
error: Invalid project attribute 'common-requirements' specified for project at 'libs/url/build'
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:1151: in project from module project-rules
libs/url/build/Jamfile:29: in modules.load from module Jamfile</local/home/gerharfa/boost/libs/url/build>
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:372: in load-jamfile from module project
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:64: in load from module project
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:89: in load-used-projects from module project
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:75: in load from module project
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build/project.jam:142: in project.find from module project
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/build-system.jam:618: in load from module build-system
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/kernel/modules.jam:295: in import from module modules
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/tools/build/src/kernel/bootstrap.jam:139: in boost-build from module
/local/home/gerharfa/boost/boost-build.jam:17: in module scope from module

I've tried not building url with --without-url, but that didn't change anything deleting url lead to an error with cobalt, which i also deleted,

Performing configuration checks

    - default address-model    : 64-bit
    - default architecture     : x86
    - symlinks supported       : yes (cached)
error: Unable to find file or target named
error:     '/local/home/gerharfa/boost/libs/cobalt/build/../../config/checks//cxx20_hdr_concepts'
error: referred to from project at
error:     'libs/cobalt/build'

after which i got this error

Performing configuration checks

    - default address-model    : 64-bit
    - default architecture     : x86
    - symlinks supported       : yes (cached)
error: Cannot create link boost/property_map/parallel/vector_property_map.hpp to libs/property_map/include/boost/property_map/parallel/vector_property_map.hpp.
error: Link previously defined to another file, libs/property_map_parallel/include/boost/property_map/parallel/vector_property_map.hpp.

property_map seems like a core thing. It's weird to me that this doesn't build. Is checking out old commits and building them supported? Any help on bisecting boost or debugging this crash would be appreciated.

Best regards, Fabian

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

When checking out a commit you also have to make sure to delete all submodules that were not present at that commit.

git clean -ffd
git submodule foreach --recursive 'git clean -ffd && git restore .'

did it for me

ckormanyos commented 6 months ago

I do not know if this helps, but if you work independently from submodules, and just use releases, ...

Then Multiprecision was always header-only. And it still is header only.

A few releases ago we also went dependency-free, standalone on Multiprecision so if you get 1.84, you can include the Multiprecision headers without having anything whatsoever of Boost needed.

ckormanyos commented 6 months ago

If you need help tracking down the inputs or functions, we/you could step through the releases one-by-one. This kind of thing can be challenging.

If you are putting many, many big number in subroutines, also be wary of potential stack overflow, but I don't know your application. So you need to check that, it would be like hundreds or thousands of big 256-bit numbers to crash the stack.

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

Only updating the multiprecision library is a good idea that I didn't explore yet, as i feared confusing compatibility issues with other parts of boost.

Anyway i have a bisect now running. I'll post the first commit where the crash happens here once it's done. Hopefully I can shed some more light on this then.

ckormanyos commented 6 months ago

have a bisect now running. I'll post the first commit where the crash happens

Great thank you. Yes. That's the plan. Then we can isolate the cause of this phenomenon.

jzmaddock commented 6 months ago

It shouldn't crash with any input no.

In order to formulate a fix, it would be useful to have a self contained test case - so two questions: can you get a "brain dump" of the contents of the cpp_Ints's which are causing the issue? And what was the crash - stack overflow, memory access violation, or something else?

I have a hunch that the cpp_int's are in an invalid (corrupted) state when the function is called, either as something that happened earlier in our code or yours - the code in that function might do some strange things (like get stuck in infinite loops) if we have a bug in there, but there's not much that would cause an actual crash. Hope that makes sense!

Thanks for the report - we appreciate that these issues are hard to track down especially when dealing with large numbers!

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

My bisect run finished, it took a little longer as i had to manually remove some untracked+ignored files once. The result: # first bad commit: [c8a0330d7805272f4a164ede04953418fafe8412] Update throw_exception from master which i don't understand at this time.

It shouldn't crash with any input no.

thanks, that helps

In order to formulate a fix, it would be useful to have a self contained test case - so two questions: can you get a "brain dump" of the contents of the cpp_Ints's which are causing the issue? And what was the crash - stack overflow, memory access violation, or something else?

tomorrow i want to hook up gdb with the failing test again. hopefully i can get you the info you need. i don't know if i can give you a repro of the failure, everything i work with is proprietary. ideally i'll figure out the root cause of this and build you a synthetic repro.

The crash is a SIGABRT

Cannot access memory at address 0xb00021117000d Cannot access memory at address 0xb000211170005 Unsupported JIT protocol version 2 in descriptor (expected 1) Core was generated by `/home/gerharfa/impala/be/build/latest/service/impalad --mem_limit=105872265489 -l'. Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

In another run it was a SIGSEGV

Thread 125 "impalad" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7eff8850d700 (LWP 1904)]
0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#1  0x00007f0050088eb0 in void boost::multiprecision::backends::divide_unsigned_helper<boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> >(boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>*, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> const&, unsigned long long, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>&) ()
#2  0x00007f0050089cc6 in void boost::multiprecision::backends::divide_unsigned_helper<boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> >(boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>*, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> const&, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void> const&, boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend<256ul, 256ul, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_integer_type)1, (boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_check_type)0, void>&) ()
#3  0x00007f005008ed03 in impala::DecimalOperators::Divide_DecimalVal_DecimalValWrapperABIWrapper ()
#4  0x00000000034af986 in impala::ScalarFnCall::GetDecimalVal (this=0x1dafc000, context=0x1b00d860, row=0x1e080000)
jzmaddock commented 6 months ago

So the memory is corrupted then, would suggest that something is trampling over the cpp_int's internals?

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

Yes, it's possible that impala's generated code is corrupting cpp_int's internals. As I progress with this issue I'm getting the feeling that this might not be a boost issue.

Please feel especially free to not invest any more time into helping me with this until I have more concrete information on what exactly is going wrong here.

For now I know that this problem is triggered by this commit in the boost super-project.

diff --git a/libs/throw_exception b/libs/throw_exception
index 43a57d518c..ac72b396f5 160000
--- a/libs/throw_exception
+++ b/libs/throw_exception
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 43a57d518cf99fc693eebedefcbaa91074674f54
+Subproject commit ac72b396f51bd603377ebc0088fe75d6eb43ba0e

So one of these commits

git rev-list 43a57d518cf99fc693eebedefcbaa91074674f54..ac72b396f51bd603377ebc0088fe75d6eb43ba0e

in the throw_exception library

jzmaddock commented 6 months ago

That does coincide with some big changes to Boost's common exception handling support, is there any part of the application which hasn't been recompiled with the new Boost version? The ABI of the exception handling code changes radically in that range of commits.

ckormanyos commented 6 months ago

is there any part of the application which hasn't been recompiled with the new Boost version?


Also I'm not sure if your application can use address sanitizers (we call them more ASAN). But over the years we have found lots of bugs in which memory regions are overlapped, overrunn, etc. simply using GCC's address sanitizers. Sometimes these give you insight into the exact line(s) where things might be going haywire...

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the help! It's appreciated.

I ran the crashing test with an ASAN build. No ASAN output.

The crash happens in this line

the asm looks like this

  movabs $0x0,%r11                     │
  mov    %rdi,0x1a8(%rsp)              │
  mov    %r9,%rdi                      │
  mov    %si,0x1a6(%rsp)               │
  mov    %rax,%rsi                     │
  mov    %rdx,0x198(%rsp)              │
  mov    %r10,%rdx                     │
  mov    %r8,0x190(%rsp)               │
  call   *%r11                         │

So a hardcoded call of 0x0. I found this same pattern for different pieces of code in my codebase unrelated to multiprecision. So it's probably unrelated to this project.

That does coincide with some big changes to Boost's common exception handling support, is there any part of the application which hasn't been recompiled with the new Boost version? The ABI of the exception handling code changes radically in that range of commits.

No, even gcc is compiled from scratch for the build.

jzmaddock commented 6 months ago

So the call to memcpy is calling an invalid address? zero? That usually indicates that the standard library entry points haven't been correctly fixed up during program loading - which might be a GCC issue - what happens if you use the system supplied GCC? Or do you need a bleeding edge version?

gerharfa commented 6 months ago

So the call to memcpy is calling an invalid address? zero?


what happens if you use the system supplied GCC? Or do you need a bleeding edge version?

im using 9.3.0 at the moment.

my system supplied gcc is ~7 it doesn't support some of the features we use. I could try upgrading gcc, but that will probably come with its own set of issues.

I might still try that though. But I'm hoping to understand why that asm was generated in the meantime.

gerharfa commented 3 months ago

Closing this for now. I'll reopen if i have something you can actually reproduce. Sorry for wasting your time.