boostorg / multiprecision

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cpp_dec_float fmod function strange behavior #604

Closed ser90368141 closed 4 months ago

ser90368141 commented 4 months ago

Hi guys! I used cpp_dec_float type in my project and found some strange behavior of fmod function using namespace boost::multiprecision; const auto val1 = cpp_dec_float_50{ "6" }; const auto val2 = cpp_dec_float_50{ "3" }; std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<cpp_dec_float_50>::max_digits10); std::cout << "Val1: " << val1 << std::endl; std::cout << "Val2: " << val2 << std::endl; std::cout << "fmod(Val1, Val2): " << boost::multiprecision::fmod(val1, val2) << std::endl; Result: Val1: 6 Val2: 3 fmod(Val1, Val2): 3

Is this expected behavior? How do I get 0 in this case? Thanks!

jzmaddock commented 4 months ago

Confirmed as a bug - it's ultimately down to cpp_dec_float not doing correct rounding, but it's still a bug, working on a fix now...

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

it's ultimately down to cpp_dec_float not doing correct rounding, but it's still a bug, working on a fix now

Thank you John. Thanks for looking into this. I was actually kind of lost on how to address this issue.

Hi @ser90368141 it is unfortunate, but known, that cpp_dec_float does not round. This has led to several reports of unexpected behavior, such as this detailed issue.

This has been particularly troublesome when using pure integer arguments. As it turns out, the not rounding part of cpp_dec_float often leads to result such as $x.99999999999{\ldots}$ or similar, which just aren't quite integral. Then they get internally truncated, or rounded down.

So far, I/we have not yet been able to implement efficient, correct base-10 rounding. But it is on the very long-term list of things to do.

The other backends do round, such as cpp_bin_float.

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

See also #368

ser90368141 commented 4 months ago

Hi @ckormanyos, @jzmaddock! Thanks for the quick response! It's a pity that rounding errors occur with this type. I use this library instead of the standard double to avoid accumulation of rounding errors due to the binary representation of the number. I noticed that the problem is most often observed when dividing by 3 without remainder. For example, 6 / 3 gives the result 1.999999999999... This also causes problems with the trunc function from the result of division. For example, trunc(6 / 3) gives the result 1 (instead of the expected 2) Thanks!

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the quick response! It's a pity that rounding errors occur with this type. I use this library instead of the standard double to avoid accumulation of rounding errors due to the binary representation of the number. I noticed that the problem is most often observed when dividing by 3 without remainder. For example, 6 / 3 gives the result $1.999999999999{\ldots}$


I did, however, also try the example on the develop branch using the cpp_bin_float type. And it seems to behave as expected. The code is below.

If you don't require base-10 (some clients do, some don't), then you could simply use cpp_bin_float.

#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::multiprecision;

auto main() -> int
  const auto val1 = cpp_bin_float_50{ "6" };
  const auto val2 = cpp_bin_float_50{ "3" };
  std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<cpp_bin_float_50>::max_digits10);
  std::cout << "Val1: " << val1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Val2: " << val2 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "fmod(Val1, Val2): " << boost::multiprecision::fmod(val1, val2) << std::endl;
mborland commented 4 months ago

Hi @ckormanyos, @jzmaddock! Thanks for the quick response! It's a pity that rounding errors occur with this type. I use this library instead of the standard double to avoid accumulation of rounding errors due to the binary representation of the number. I noticed that the problem is most often observed when dividing by 3 without remainder. For example, 6 / 3 gives the result 1.999999999999... This also causes problems with the trunc function from the result of division. For example, trunc(6 / 3) gives the result 1 (instead of the expected 2) Thanks!

If you need a decimal floating point type, and only need the precision of a double @ckormanyos and I are working on: It provides the fixed width decimal types specified in IEEE 754.

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

Hi @ser90368141

I've tried John's fix on the develop branch and the results are now as expected.

Thanks @jzmaddock

I wrote new sample code just for the record. I like using et_off when debuggung. And since I wanted to step through John's new fix in the debugger, I did that in the revised sample code. See below.

#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

auto main() -> int
  using local_mp_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float<50>, boost::multiprecision::et_off>;

  const auto val1    = local_mp_type{ "6" };
  const auto val2    = local_mp_type{ "3" };
  const auto val_mod = fmod(val1, val2);

  const auto flg = std::cout.flags();

  std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<local_mp_type>::max_digits10);

  std::cout << "Val1: "             << val1    << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Val2: "             << val2    << std::endl;
  std::cout << "fmod(Val1, Val2): " << val_mod << std::endl;

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

It's a pity that rounding errors occur with this type.

working on: It provides the fixed width decimal types specified in IEEE 754.

Thanks @mborland indeed, I hope that one day, Decimal might nicely fill the niche where cpp_dec_float does not properly round, but clients require a formally correct, low-precision (under $128$-bits), base-10 type with rounding. This is the purpose of Decimal in the link (under construction).

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

And finally, hi @jzmaddock. Thanks again for taking this on and solving it.

As you know I've struggled with the not rounding of cpp_dec_float for a while now.

Do you thing this kind of post-fix might work on floor() and/or ceil()? Then we could at least provide a workaround for clients who have known, small-valued integral arguments in problems like #368.

jzmaddock commented 4 months ago

Do you thing this kind of post-fix might work on floor() and/or ceil()? Then we could at least provide a workaround for clients who have known, small-valued integral arguments in problems like

I don't think so - because we don't know where the number has been - if it's a fraction under an integer, then it might be that integer, or it might really be lower than it. Obviously rounded values can exhibit strange behaviour too, but I think the danger is greater here. fmod was a special case because we can tell via the functions post-conditions, when the division has gone bad.

ckormanyos commented 4 months ago

I don't think so - because we don't know where the number has been - if it's a fraction under an integer, then it might be that integer, or it might really be lower than it. Obviously rounded values can exhibit strange behaviour too, but I think the danger is greater here. fmod was a special case because we can tell via the functions post-conditions, when the division has gone bad.

Thanks for your insight John. Got it.

Cool fix here on fmod().