boostorg / polygon polygon module
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Infinite loop #49

Open lshamis opened 4 years ago

lshamis commented 4 years ago

A call to construct_voronoi blocks forever in the following code:

int main() {
  using poly_segment = boost::polygon::segment_data<double>;
  std::vector<poly_segment> segments;

  std::ifstream file("bad_voronoi.segments.txt");
  while (! {
    double x1, y1, x2, y2;
    file >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2;
    segments.push_back({{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}});

  // // Doesn't help:
  // std::vector<poly_segment> split_segments;
  // boost::polygon::intersect_segments(split_segments, segments.begin(), segments.end());
  // segments = std::move(split_segments);

  boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<double> vd;
  boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(segments.begin(), segments.end(), &vd);


I've tracked the issue down to the _build() method in voronoi_diagram.hpp, specifically in the loop that remove degenerate vertices:

          do {
            e = e->rot_next();
          } while (e != v->incident_edge());

An odd property: removing any segment from bad_voronoi.segments.txt will unbreak the infinite loop. You need all 1912 segments to trigger the fault.


eadf commented 3 years ago

Not only does you data contain floats, it also contains 6 intersections (data interpreted as int and/or float)

intersection @(-2950.0, -16950.0) lines:[(-3000.0, -16950.0, 13000.0, -16950.0), (-2950.0, -17000.0, -2950.0, -3495.21643474)]
intersection @(-2611.955764954004, 4000.0) lines:[(-2612.64822957, 4107.12305833, -2610.38580768, 3757.13037063), (-2650.0, 4000.0, -311.90771173, 4000.0)]
intersection @(788.1152702477493, 4000.0) lines:[(-311.90771173, 4000.0, 2320.0, 4000.0), (787.927142963, 4029.10296017, 789.219955469, 3829.10713862)]
intersection @(-994.242279910348, 9000.0) lines:[(-994.356608226, 9017.68638938, -994.033405099, 8967.687434), (-1994.26317262, 9000.0, -794.238101369, 9000.0)]
intersection @(1055.8005501413174, 9000.0) lines:[(-794.238101369, 9000.0, 1105.80159477, 9000.0), (1055.60056262, 9030.93771758, 1055.92376575, 8980.93876219)]
intersection @(1855.4940544237638, 9050.0) lines:[(1805.49300979, 9050.0, 3105.52017031, 9050.0), (1855.26064568, 9086.10792299, 1855.5838488, 9036.1089676)]