boostorg / process

Boost Process
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process_group for v2 #259

Open klemens-morgenstern opened 2 years ago

klemens-morgenstern commented 2 years ago

See klemens-morgenstern/boost-process#216

klemens-morgenstern commented 2 years ago

@kannon92 @emmenlau

I think the correct solution here is a process-group. I haven't added that to v2 yet, because it's not trivial to do the async_wait, but it might solve your issues. I'll use the issue to spec out a potential process_group interface, and we'll see if it matches your requirements.

The process group would have a lead process (which doesn't mean as much on windows, but it's the source of the ::gid on linux), so you could use it like this:

Note that the process_group would be a console process group & job object on windows. so it can be SIGINT-ed.

This is what I envision:

asio::io_context ctx;
v2::process_group proc_grp{ctx, "my_proc", {}};

Now this should address klemens-morgenstern/boost-process#216 already, since all sub process of my_proc would be in the same process-group, thus reaped when the process group is done.

However, if one wanted to add more processes it could be done like so:

pid_type pid = proc_grp.insert("other-proc", {});
pid_type pid2 = proc_grp.insert("other-proc", {});

proc_grp.interrupt();//send SIGINT to all subprocesses.

// wait for one process to exit - also should have async_wait_one()
auto [pid_exited, int] = proc_grp.wait_one();
// wait for all processes to exit
emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Dear @klemens-morgenstern , this sounds very promising! Do I understand correctly that as a default, all processes would start in the same process group? Or is that something that the user has to explicitly do? It may be helpful if all processes default to the same process group, so that unsuspecting users do not encounter problems of un-reaped processes on application end.

I think this is perfectly in line with the behavior we need, and all the better if the process group can be extended with other processes later!

egorpugin commented 2 years ago


Process group is also used for killing children when current process dies. Grep job here

Like when I spawn some build jobs, they all die on control-c with main process. So the interface could be also like

asio::io_context ctx;
v2::process_group proc_grp{ctx}; // new proc group
auto p1 = process{ctx, "some_proc", {}, proc_grp};
auto p2 = process{ctx, "some_proc", {}, proc_grp};

auto p3 = process{ctx, "some_proc", {}, v2::default_proc_grp}; // static var, this process' group/job

Upd.: As for waiting all job's processes to terminate, possible solution can be found here

klemens-morgenstern commented 2 years ago

Oh ok, you think defaulting to a default group is a good idea? Shouldn't that be controlled by the parent process ? I.e. the grandparent of the started process?

Egor what you proposed is similar to what v1 does with groups, but it doesn't work without some weird constructs, due to waitpid reaping the child process. I.e. if I already waited for a given process through the group it'll be removed from the porocess list and I get a no child process error e.g.:

asio::io_context ctx;
v2::process_group proc_grp{ctx}; // new proc group
auto p1 = process{ctx, "some_proc", {}, proc_grp};

p1.wait(); // throws no such process.

Which is why I like the idea of emplacing the process into the group more. I would support a detach function (i.e. steal a process from a group) but I don't think the winapi supports that.

egorpugin commented 2 years ago

Oh ok, you think defaulting to a default group is a good idea?

I mean how to add new process to the current job with your proposed interface?

Example (windows terms):

Current process does not belong to any job. I.e. parent (grandparent for our children) did not create any jobs etc.
To kill all our children when we die, we need 1) create job, 2) add children handles to it.

How will this look like?

Oh ok, you think defaulting to a default group is a good idea? Shouldn't that be controlled by the parent process ? I.e. the grandparent of the started process?

On windows each process may be a part of several jobs. So, when grandparent dies, current process dies, so all children die. Looks ok. But I'm not sure how this works on posix.

klemens-morgenstern commented 2 years ago

Interesting question , I know on linux you are by default in the same GID - is that not the case on windows?

I thought you need to setJOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_BREAKAWAY_OK explicitly to move to a different job, thus it would be same default? Am I misunderstanding something?

egorpugin commented 2 years ago

Probably since we have access to native handles, user can setup needed behavior on windows himself.

emmenlau commented 2 years ago

Probably since we have access to native handles, user can setup needed behavior on windows himself.

It would be great if the "usually expected" behavior would be set up as simple as possible.

For me, a good default would be that all processes end when the parent (that started them) ends. I think this would be a useful default for many users. Any other behavior seem it could be quite unexpected, and possibly hurtful to users.

egorpugin commented 2 years ago

For me, a good default would be that all processes end when the parent (that started them) ends.

libuv uses that.

klemens-morgenstern commented 2 years ago

But then you'd detached from the current process everytime. So if you process gets put in a group by it's caller, and then puts it's child processed in a different group, you'd get weird behaviour for other users. That's why I usually stick to the OS defaults.

Have you guys only used groups to avoid zombies & terminating? Of what utility are group.wait functions?

klemens-morgenstern commented 2 years ago

I've been working trying to figure out how to make job-object on windows work, with little success. I think I'll tall it, and just provide pgid initializers for posix. The posix API is easy enough to use alone, and the windows job object api is to messy to be useful I fear.

is anyone using the the windows stuff?

kannon92 commented 2 years ago

I've been working trying to figure out how to make job-object on windows work, with little success. I think I'll tall it, and just provide pgid initializers for posix. The posix API is easy enough to use alone, and the windows job object api is to messy to be useful I fear.

is anyone using the the windows stuff?

Sorry for not responding. I no longer work for the employer that was using this. We were primarily interested in boost process because of windows and Linux support. We were aiming to support this in both OS and did test it in both actually.

So windows was used ;) our initial rollout of the project was completely focused on windows