boostorg / property_tree property_tree module
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Ability to suppress xml version/encoding processing instruction #46

Closed leppardb closed 10 months ago

leppardb commented 4 years ago

My use case is to inject xml snippets into comment blocks as templates for users to modify and un-comment as desired. Because the comment marker tag only accepts a comment string (subnodes not supported), I generate the xml snippets separately and write them to a stringstream then inject the string into the xml comment tag. Each time a snippet xml is generated the \<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> processing instruction is automatically inserted.

I want to be able to suppress emitting this instruction. I suggest that if the encoding attribute in xml_writer_settings is explicitly set to an "empty" string then automatic insertion of the version/encoding instruction be skipped.

TomFD commented 2 years ago

looking at the implementation, you can skip the instruction and only use the internal function xml_write_element. Here is a full example:

#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
typedef typename boost::property_tree::ptree::key_type Str;

    boost::property_tree::ptree tree;
    tree.put("test", "somevalue");

        std::cout, Str(),tree, -1,boost::property_tree::xml_writer_settings<std::string>(' ', 4));

to get the output
