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boost::python::call and PyErr_Print in C++ destructors throw unexpected exceptions and cause running `async` python functions to incorrectly return `None` #374

Open zbentley opened 3 years ago

zbentley commented 3 years ago


While inside a Python async function, if a C++ object's destructor calls any Python function via boost::python::call or call_method, an exception is raised (and Python code is not successfully called) if destruction is performed after Python's return.

Even worse, calls to PyErr_Print in such destructors corrupt the Python interpreter, causing the current async function to return None regardless of its expected behavior.

The outcome is that certain boost::python calls in C++ destructors fail unexpectedly, and cause arbitrary async python functions to return None when they cannot logically do so.

This is very surprising and bad.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Save the native code at the bottom of this issue as native.cpp.
  2. Save the Python file as
  3. Build the native library. I used this build script in Python:
    ffrom distutils.core import setup
    from distutils.extension import Extension
    native_ext = Extension('native', sources=['native.cpp'], libraries=['boost_python39-mt'])
    setup(name='repro', version='0', ext_modules=[native_ext])
  4. Run python
  5. Observe that the return value from ++++ Test 1: autodestruct is None, despite the fact that there is no way for that function to return None.
  6. Observe that the None return is preceeded by a stacktrace with a StopIteration exception raised from a call to doprint, despite the fact that there is no way for that function to raise StopIteration` as it contains no iterators.
  7. Observe that the return value from ++++ Test 4: autodestruct with print is similarly None, impossibly.
  8. Observe that the stacktrace emitted for test 4 is different from the trace in test 1 (and conceals the real interpreter invariant violation: SystemError: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault returned a result with an error set, despite the fact that the error still occurs).
  9. Observe that the code in the destructor-called function for test 4 is never called ("called from native code" is never printed).

Expected behavior

Specific issues

There are three specific sub-issues here, ordered from most to least severe:

  1. Calls to PyErr_Print in the wrong place can cause unrelated code to return incorrect values.
  2. Calls from C++ to Python in C++ destructors can incorrectly raise exceptions, potentially interrupting cleanup logic.
  3. The "real" Python error (SystemError: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault returned a result with an error set) is not emitted or otherwise observable from destructor-called Python functions in most cases, making diagnosis/error googling difficult.

Removing calls to PyErr_Print prevents return-value corruption but issues 2 and 3 remain so long as Python code is invoked from C++ in a destructor.

Code to reproduce issue:

Native code:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Container
    PyObject* _inner;
    Container(PyObject* inner) {
        _inner = inner;

    virtual ~Container() {
        std::cout << "Destroying native object" << std::endl;
        try {
        } catch (boost::python::error_already_set e) {
            std::cout << "Native destruction error: ";

    using namespace boost::python;
    class_< Container >("Container", init<PyObject*>());


import asyncio
import native

class Container:
    def __init__(self, inner):
        self._inner = inner

    def __del__(self):

def empty():

def doprint():
    print("Called from native code")

async def test_autodestruct_control_group(num):
    obj = Container(empty)
    print("Returning", num)
    return num

async def test_autodestruct(num):
    obj = native.Container(empty)
    print("Returning", num)
    return num

async def test_autodestruct_print(num):
    obj = native.Container(doprint)
    print("Returning", num)
    return num

async def test_manual_destruct(num):
    obj = native.Container(empty)
    del obj
    print("Returning", num)
    return num

async def test_manual_destruct_finally(num):
    obj = native.Container(empty)
        print("Returning", num)
        return num
        del obj

async def main():
    print("++++ Starting tests")
    print("++++ Test 0: control group (pure python)", await test_autodestruct_control_group(0))
    print("++++ Test 1: autodestruct",await test_autodestruct(1))
    print("++++ Test 2: manual destruct", await test_manual_destruct(2))
    print("++++ Test 3: manual destruct in finally", await test_manual_destruct_finally(3))
    print("++++ Test 4: autodestruct with print", await test_autodestruct_print(4))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example (issue exhibiting) output:

∴ python
++++ Starting tests
Returning 0
++++ Test 0: control group (pure python) 0
Returning 1
Destroying native object
Native destruction errors: StopIteration: 1

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

SystemError: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault returned a result with an error set
++++ Test 1: autodestruct None
Destroying native object
Returning 2
++++ Test 2: manual destruct 2
Returning 3
Destroying native object
++++ Test 3: manual destruct in finally 3
Returning 4
Destroying native object
Native destruction errors: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/", line 18, in doprint
    print("Called from native code")
StopIteration: 4
++++ Test 4: autodestruct with print

Testing environment:

OS: MacOS 11.5.2 Architecture: x86_64 Python interpreter: Python 3.9.6 via Homebrew Boost version: 1.76.0 via Homebrew Boost-python version: 1.76.0 via Homebrew (boost-python3) Compiler:

clang++ --version
Apple clang version 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin