boostorg / qvm

Boost Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices library
Boost Software License 1.0
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Deducing quat/vec/mat type from deduce_scalar not longer sufficient #33

Closed federkamm closed 2 years ago

federkamm commented 2 years ago

On the QVM version in Boost 1.71, one could overload deduce_scalar in order to use the QVM types with custom scalar types. In current master, I have to overload deduce_scalar_detail::deduce_scalar_impl instead. This is, because e.g. deduce_vec2 in deduce_vec.hpp defaults the S template parameter to deduce_scalar_detail::deduce_scalar_impl instead of deduce_scalar. Is this on purpose to prevent custom deduce_scalar rules for deduce_vec2, etc.?

federkamm commented 2 years ago

This program compiles in Boost 1.71 (on Debian 10 with GCC 8.3.0)

#include <boost/qvm.hpp>
using namespace boost::qvm;

template <typename T> struct Wrap { T t; };
template <typename S, typename T> Wrap<T> operator * (S s, Wrap<T> w) { return Wrap<T>{s * w.t}; }
template <typename T> Wrap<T> operator + (Wrap<T> a, Wrap<T> b) { return Wrap<T>{a.t + b.t}; }

namespace boost::qvm {
template <typename S, typename T> struct deduce_scalar<S, Wrap<T>> { using type = Wrap<typename deduce_scalar<S, T>::type>; };
//template <typename S, typename T, int R, int C> struct deduce_vec2<mat<S, R, C>, vec<Wrap<T>, C>, R> { using type = vec<Wrap<typename deduce_scalar<S, T>::type>, R>; };

int main() {
  mat<double, 2, 2> m{};
  vec<Wrap<double>, 2> v{};
  m * v;
  return 0;

but not on current master. It compiles on current master, when I uncomment the deduce_vec2 line but then there are still some issues with other types than vec<T, N> like vref or similar.

It also compiles with the deduce_scalar line replaced by

namespace deduce_scalar_detail {
template <typename S, typename T> struct deduce_scalar_impl<S, Wrap<T>> { using type = Wrap<typename deduce_scalar<S, T>::type>; };

but for this I have to mess in a _detail namespace which I probably shouldn't do.

In my case, Wrap<T> is a ceres::Jet<double, N> and S simply a double.

zajo commented 2 years ago

Please confirm that latest develop works for you.

federkamm commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks, it does work for me again.

I have one other issue which I did consider to be a "bug" in Google Ceres, but I now found also a solution in QVM that might be worth to consider in general and would like to ask you about your oppinion about it.

In Google Ceres, I can multiply a Jet by a double but for some reason not by an int. So I added a function

template <typename T, int N>
Jet<T,N> operator * (int x, Jet<T,N> j) { return T(x) * j; }

where T is always double in my case. I need this, because the QVM operation quat * vec for rotating a vector by a quaternion fails otherwise in the line

vec_traits<R>::template write_element<0>(r) = 2*((t8+t10)*bx + (t6-t4)*by + (t3+t7)*bz) + bx;

because of the multiplication with the integer 2. Changing this to 2.0 would solve my current problem but obviously cause problems in other situations. However, when I change the line to

typedef typename vec_traits<R>::scalar_type T;
vec_traits<R>::template write_element<0>(r) = scalar_traits<T>::value(2)*((t8+t10)*bx + (t6-t4)*by + (t3+t7)*bz) + bx;

and the following two lines accordantly, it solves the problem for me and looks sane to me in general.

I do not really consider the current state wrong in QVM as I would expect from any sane scalar type to support arithmetic operations with ints, so in this case, I would consider Google Ceres broken. However, this could add an extra layer of robustness to QVM to work around 3rd-party library bugs.

Do you think it would be in general a good idea to wrap all plain ints in the calculations provided by QVM into the appropriate scalar_traits<T>::value functions?

zajo commented 2 years ago

When you have:

T x = a * b;

This is not equivalent to:

T x = T(a) * b;

What if the expression on the right needs high precision or greater range to compute the value, but the value itself fits nicely into a T? I'm openminded about suggestions to fix the issue you're reporting but I'm not sure the solution you're proposing is appropriate.

federkamm commented 2 years ago

I tried to think a little bit about it and I agree, it's kind of complex. From the code of quat * vec and deduce_scalar it looks a little bit like so far you mainly considered elementary scalar types (like char, int, or float) but no compound ones like std::complex or user defined types for e.g. hypercomplex numbers (where the dual numbers belong to that Google Ceres Jet<T,N> type implements). For the elementary types, there are a lot of implicit conversion rules to consider where as with the user-defined types one has to expect to probably deal with some expression-objects instead of values for some operations and has to think about which one to finalize to a value and which to keep around for possible optimizations.

I think, it would be best, to collect some cases, in which one or another way works better/worse/not at all and then decide what to do on a sufficiently large scope of cases.

Btw. QVM has a very good mechanism to allow compatibility with other libraries. However, there are no compatibility layers to any other library available (as far as I see). E.g. to work with Google Ceres I use this "glue" code:

using namespace ceres;
using namespace boost::qvm;
namespace boost::qvm {
template <typename T, int N>
struct is_scalar<Jet<T, N>> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template <typename S, typename T, int N>
struct deduce_scalar<S, Jet<T, N>> { using type = Jet<typename deduce_scalar<S, T>::type, N>; };
template <typename S, typename T, int N>
struct deduce_scalar<Jet<S, N>, T> { using type = Jet<typename deduce_scalar<S, T>::type, N>; };
template <typename S, typename T, int N>
struct deduce_scalar<Jet<S, N>, Jet<T, N>> { using type = Jet<typename deduce_scalar<S, T>::type, N>; };
template <typename T, int N>
Jet<T, N> operator * (int x, Jet<T, N> j) { return T(x) * j; }

where the last two lines work around the issue that double * Jet<double, N> works but int * Jet<double, N> doesn't. Is there a place where I can find (or put) code like this, when I want to use QVM with other libraries (e.g. Eigen)?

Another thing, for Google Ceres I used e.g. qref and ptr_qref but I couldn't find ptr_qref in the official documentation and I had to include quat_traits_array.hpp manually to do so. Is the header not included by all.hpp on purpose and does ptr_qref not belong to the public interface of QVM? Also, I noted I had to often use something like vref(ptr_vref<3>(p)) and would have prefered to simply write ptr_vref<3>(p) instead. Is this on pupose that ptr_vref does just return a (plain) array and not already a view proxy?

zajo commented 2 years ago

I'll accept this integration in a pull request. Maybe put it in boost/qvm/interop/google_ceres.hpp? I have similar glue code for other libs, I can probably add that too.

Why don't you create an issue for the pointer thing. And in general, please open issues for such... issues. :)